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To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Printable Version

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To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Bretonian Turncoats - 10-08-2014 channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]

Greetings to all readers

I speak to you all not only as KTA leader, but also as a member of whole society in the Sirius Sector.

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I have been watching two distinct wars between Gallia and Liberty and Liberty versus Rheinland for a long, long time. Me and my comrades have seen and heard enough about death, war crimes commited (firing at vessels after their surrender), innocent bloodshed - all for nothing.

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We, after this prolonged and full of disappointment preface, present a proposal of a document that may change warfare and lessen casualities to minimal scale.

Quote:Sirius Sector Human Law Code
1. All signed must obey the rules written in this code. Disobeying this code will be followed by fines and sanctions.
2. The major factor during possible warfare is to minimalize civilian casualities and destruction on their place of living.
3. Warfare next to the planets or bases, which are not military targets, is forbidden within 5K.
4. Heavy assault onto planet to cause terror, demoralization of defender and planet bombardment (scorched earth tactics) as whole is forbidden.
5. Civilian vessels (even belonging to house considered hostile) should be escorted out of battle area if possible. Assault on such vessels is forbidden and is an act of terrorism.
6. Assault onto neutral medical entities whose goal is to gather survivors from battle area or to provide medical support is forbidden.
7. Assault on escape pods, by shooting them or ramming them, is strictly forbidden.
8. Mistreating of POW, brutal interrogation and tortures is strictly forbidden, as serious offence to this document.
9. Citizens and military staff of the house considered enemy by the other house are to be treated in humane way (vide point 8).
10. Officers and pilots who commit war crimes described in upper points are to be demounted from command and put before Warfare Abuse Court trial, despite their nationality and rank (see point 13).
11. Military or law enfoncers cannot abuse and threat invesigators or witnesses, mislead them, fake evidence or destroy it, if it is crucial for war crime case.
12. Breaking point 11 is a serious offence against Human Law Code, being as serious as war crimes described in points above.
13. Warfare Abuse Court should contain at least two members from each house that signed this document.
14. All sides who have not signed this document are not excluded from neutral help, but should be fined severly if their cause heavy civilian casualities on signers territory or direct assault on neutal medical vessels.

Moverover, all private companies interested to establish Inter-Sirius Medical Corps or to restructure similiar body are welcomed, as far as they do not break house laws or points in document.

As for the governments, please, reconsider this proposal and ask yourself if you all want to live like a civilised descendants from the Ancient Earth, or more like pitful savages, scobbling and yapping about resources.

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649] channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Venture - 10-08-2014

[Image: hleth6y.gif]

COMM ID: Razor
SUBJECT: Whatever this is

Okay seriously, what is this? Are you guys forgetting your position as a small trade association that has no influence over the government or the people across Sirius. Oh, and we cannot bring a whole Rheinland battleship into house space just like that, we simply destroy them and take their men prisoner.

We do not know what citizens you're talking about, civilians are advised to keep out of warzones at all times.

You're also trying to force rules and regulations of your own over governments, even after the war is none of your business. Because you're just a trade faction who barely loses anything from the war.

How about you sit tight in Kusari and stop whining about the wars while we're trying to end it. Or maybe try bargaining with Gallia, good luck with that.

Razor out.

[Image: 6tGewOB.gif]

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Fifty. - 10-08-2014

[Image: 2xDoxdS.png]

A man can be seen on screen, raising his eyebrow. He then replays some passages of the transmission.

(10-08-2014, 02:50 PM)Kusari Trade Association Wrote: Me and my comrades have seen and heard enough about death, war crimes commited (firing at vessels after their surrender), innocent blood shed for nothing.... I believe all of you agree that we must put an end on that. We are NOT damn animals! Have you ALL forgotten about that we are ALL human beings?!
Have not you got ENOUGH of this bloodshed?!

(10-08-2014, 02:50 PM)Kusari Trade Association Wrote: I would HANG every pilot who made even a single shot on defenseless vessel.

The man smiles at the rather amusing distraction from his boring daily activities. He then forwards the transmission around the precinct as the new Wednesday joke.

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Bretonian Turncoats - 10-08-2014 channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


We wanted to make a proposal on this one, not an actual law code. It is a proposal, unless you don't know how to read.

Acting like savages is disgraceful for mankind. That is all.

P.S. That "hang" part was burst of my anger. I'm sorry about that.

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649] channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Venture - 10-08-2014

[Image: hleth6y.gif]

COMM ID: Razor
SUBJECT: Whatever this is

This is a proposal? You have written it in a very civilized way. You're supposed to go get a legislator for this, and then win the vote in the Congress or Parliament depending on the government.

Still, we haven't started the war with Gallia, why don't you go shout in the faces of those responsible and make yourself useful.

Razor out.

[Image: 6tGewOB.gif]

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Bretonian Turncoats - 10-08-2014 channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


Destroying a vessel alongside with the crew who surrendered is more civilised then?

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649] channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Venture - 10-08-2014

[Image: hleth6y.gif]

COMM ID: Razor
SUBJECT: Whatever this is

Quote:Oh, and we cannot bring a whole Rheinland battleship into house space just like that, we simply destroy them and take their men prisoner.

I have already said the reason for that.

[Image: 6tGewOB.gif]

RE: To: House Governments, medical organizations, private companies - Bretonian Turncoats - 10-08-2014 channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


At least I believe you don't torture them... I hope so, at least...

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649] channel: CLOSED..........