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To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - Printable Version

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To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - WesternPeregrine - 10-10-2014

Establishing connection 40% ... 70% 100%
Link established, receiving feed.
Source: Planet Kyushu, Kyushu system.

[Image: 2GFgKr3.jpg?2]

Konnichiwa ladies and gentlemen, how are you today? I am the one known as The Fisherman, and today I come to discuss some things with you.

Recently we have noticed some changes in Kyushu. To be more specific, changes in the stuff coming in and out of that edge of the Crow Nebula.

There was some discussion as to what it could be, as it wasn't an increase of Blood Dragon activity, or outcast destroyers piercing the clouds.

We sent some people to go scouting (a dangerous affair as it can get), and after some damaged fighters, we found this little installation of yours.

While it wasn't making too much waves yet, I had to go there and check it by myself.

While I enjoyed it's discreet location, and and the access grants it gave me, it left me a slightly concerned.

Now, I'm not one who follows a "shoot first, care about it later" policy, so before I would eventually report this base for the many things that might be doing wrong, I opted to listen to your side first before taking any actions.

Since this isn't a publicly reported station, and hidden in the clouds, I guess your business aren't the type that can have the police watching all the time. Your dockmaster gave me some ideas of what you expect to do initially, but we wish to know more.

On behalf of the Hogosha Association, I ask you:

- Who are you working with, and for what purpose?

- What sort of trade or operations are you planning to support?

- What is your stance in relation to Junkers, the Outcasts, and the GC? Oh, and the Farmers, obviously.

- Is this open access intentional, or was it simply a preprogrammed permission for the Hogosha that would eventually show up?

We would like this answers as soon as possible. It is best that you don't take long, considering your position with the law.

May the Fortunes provide you with clarity of sight.
The Fisherman

RE: To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - WesternPeregrine - 10-10-2014

Establishing connection 40% ... 70% 100%
Link established, receiving feed.
Source: Planet Kyushu, Kyushu system.

[Image: 2GFgKr3.jpg?2]

Seems that Kempei that was in the area has made his move, and the authorities have been alerted.
You better act fast, if you still want to salvage anything from your precarious situation.

The Fisherman

RE: To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - Hermes - 10-10-2014

Transmission: Online
ID: Malakai Yakuza
To: The Fisherman
Signal: good

Hello Hogosha Fisherman,
Here is some answers to your questions,
1- I am working with no one , and i am a freelancer - The purpose of the installation is to act as a trade hub and a factory producing devices for those who are capable of buying.
2- I am supporting all kinds of operations except very few ones which can be discussed - the Hogosha is one of those who have access to the docks.
3- My Stance with all of them is slighly cautious , since they are customers and clients to my installation but im not responsible for their piracy acts outside the 10k zone of the installation
4- You are not the first Hogosha pilot to see the base, since 1 month ago, another hogosha saw the base and decided to report it to the authorities but i never heard from him again - And yes , the Hogosha are having docking access and so is many others and it depend on their response now , wether to lock it on them or keep it opened.

Transmission End
Signal Lost

RE: To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - WesternPeregrine - 10-18-2014

Establishing connection 40% ... 70% 100%
Link established, receiving feed.
Source: Planet Kyushu, Kyushu system.

[Image: 2GFgKr3.jpg?2]

Konbanwa Malakai-san, it is me again.

First, let me congratulate you on your successful resolution of this previous "problem" we talked about. So good to see another group which we can engage in profitable businesses.

It seems your base has picked up quite some traffic since it became legalized, and that is somewhat a good thing in our eyes. Increased traders in Kyushu will create more opportunities for the workers of the systems to strike deals and sell many of our finest quality products. We even had some of our ships heading to your establishment and checking out what it could need, and what are the good business opportunities that we can get there.

Now, we have once again confirmed that our ships have good access to the station, and we would like to keep it that way. Tell me, is there any formality required by your side for this effect?

As a last comment, I would recommend checking the market for Rum. As of now, your prices are quite high, when you consider that stores in Itabashi are selling for a fraction of that price, and even cheaper at other sources.
A friendly recommendation from a neighboring merchant.

Do hope for a mutually beneficial relationship in the future.

May the Fortunes bless you with wealth.
The Fisherman

RE: To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - WesternPeregrine - 10-21-2014

[Image: I0N54uN.jpg]

-=Resending Last Transmission=-

RE: To the staff of the Nebula Complex, From: The Fisherman - Hermes - 10-21-2014

[Image: m01oF2D.png]
To: The Fisherman
ID: Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO

Konnichiwa The Fisherman,
First of all, i would like send my deepest apology for the delayed response, since the communication towers of the Nebula Complex received some heavy attacks from a GC bomber lately which disabled our automated messenger and some data were lost. It took us some time to recover the main data bank of the base and here i come responding to this matter. Thank you very much for the congratulations card & we also looking forward to have some good buisness trades between the base and your organization. As for the Rum, You have opened our eyes to a good thing, and i appreciate the data you sent about the other station selling rum, so accordingly and because we seek the satisfaction of as many customers as we can, the Nebula Complex is reducing the price of Rum to 525$ per bottle and we cannot get any lower at the moment in price because we really get one of the best brands of rum in the entire Sirius sector. Thank you for contacting the Nebula Complex and until the next meeting. Have a good day Fisherman San.

Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO
Transmission Terminated