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All Money and equipment removed from Char - Printable Version

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All Money and equipment removed from Char - SMendoza - 10-11-2014

Hi all,

I logged in tonight to the DiscoGC server, only to have that female voice tell me "can't launch without a radar". I switched to the equipment dealer screen and to my amazement all of my guns, shield, nanobots, shield batteries, etc. (except my engine and my ID) were gone. That's right, poof. Gone. I looked in my inventory and poof, my 6 million credits I keep on that character were gone as well. OK, I said to myself, this isn't good, but I have 20 million on my trader, I'll just take 10 million from my trader, re-equip my ship and haul some more Artifacts to make up for it. One "/drawcash" later, and I knew I was in serious trouble. Indeed, it said "insufficient funds available". I logged out and, lo and behold, all 5 of my characters had a balance of 0 credits and no equipment. At least 200 million credits down the drain.

What happened here? Am I suffering the wrath of the server gods for some unknown offense, or did some bug just delete all of my cash?


RE: All Money and equipment removed from Char - Lumik - 10-11-2014

That is typical sanction aftermath. After checking names of your characters in your profile, the explanation is here - Do not use F1 to escape during any interaction, it is against server rules.

RE: All Money and equipment removed from Char - SMendoza - 10-11-2014

Hmm. That was not the response I was looking for. Nevertheless, I at least know why it happened. I'll make sure not to do that again, for sure. And by the way, thanks for replying so fast.