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What do you think about that? - Edward Teach - 10-13-2014

Hello everyone. I've heared news about transports that can't jump anymore and barges. So i prefer to fully delete all barges from server... Really. I prefer just to add 10.000 transports that are evelable to every player and everyone can fly it. But it would cast alot. About 1 billion baybe, so people would work hard to het them. And noone will scream that that guy have barge and that one. Everyone will have their 10.000 cargohold ships to fly. And pirates wil be more agressive to catch them as they carry alot of goods. And Police officers will know that there is a big convoy that going in that direction and there may be some pirates that want to get it.

Won't say no, i like barges, i like to jump trade. Bring fun when someone comes to you, see that there are jump ship, barge and couple of trading ships with no escort and robbing everyone. But if everyone will play normal and will know that there is no bigger ship, and there is no ship that can jump your biggest ship, they will fly normal to sell point and make huge convoys with escorts as there cargo will bring alot of profits. What do you say?

RE: What do you think about that? - SnakThree - 10-13-2014

It's possible to have fun by moving convoy in even Freighters. What you describe as fun is straight out powertrading.

For example, Ageira~ uses CAU Bisons. We are not making top profit, but we are sure as hell having a good laugh when there is a challenger to our convoys. It's not that hard to gather people for small convoy or a bigger one if you find more pople who find convoys more fun than simple powertrading.

RE: What do you think about that? - Edward Teach - 10-13-2014

But still it's better to change Barge on 10k transports that are evalable to everyone.

RE: What do you think about that? - SnakThree - 10-13-2014

No, it is not. Barge was never intended as trade ship. The fact that it is going to be changed only proves that developers finally acknowledged it as abuse. You are just suggesting to substitute Barge with Mini-Barge.

RE: What do you think about that? - Shinju - 10-13-2014

I liked and I was thinking about SRPing Barge as factory and storage... Maybe the first one(except LH~) who would use Barge as it should be used

RE: What do you think about that? - Cælumaresh - 10-14-2014

(10-13-2014, 07:37 PM)Shinju Wrote: I liked and I was thinking about SRPing Barge as factory and storage... Maybe the first one(except LH~) who would use Barge as it should be used

*Points to the post above*

As you can see there certainly are people who would use the barge the way its intended. However there are to many people using it just for jumptrading and making money as fast as possible, avoiding interactions because their money is way to precious for them. I think its best that its gone.

To Shinju: You can always ask a modeller to make a giant ship for you wiht loads of cargo. It will cost you much, but it will be worth it Smile

RE: What do you think about that? - Aphil - 10-14-2014

It would honestly be cooler if the Barge actually was a mobile factory and able to use some of the player-base modules to construct things. No idea how that would be implemented or even if it's possible but it would be pretty cool.