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To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - Printable Version

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To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - ALG Classic - 10-14-2014

[Image: TURjVHo.png]

Greetings, Junkers. My name is Franz Pfannenstiel, deputy head of ALG's R&D department.

Maybe you've heard about the Spree, a special little project of ours that left Liberty space via what I would call a "Junker route" a few months ago.
She's a Pilgrim-class liner and a fine specimen indeed, however like many older vessels of this type she has a large variety of issues.

For the most part, we were able to deal with this ourselves since we're not exactly strangers to mechanical engineering, however R&D has at this point reached a dead end. Or two, rather.

Number one is an issue with the scanner system. It's been traced to a faulty capacitor array of a type which hasn't been in production for more than a century. At least we assume that's the only current issue, we can't really know for sure until we get one.
Normally we're pretty good at finding exotic replacement parts, but this being a very old, rather large and expensive part, we've had no luck.
Since Junkers are second to none when you need a specific second-hand part, we're hoping you can help us out here.

Number two is the weapons system. We're not entirely sure what the issue is here, honestly. All components that appeared faulty (and several that did not) have been replaced, but the system remains non-functional.
After we had completed all mechanical tests in our repertoire, the assumption was that it was a software problem. This has been demonstrated not to be the case with a 99.97% likelihood.

As the entire ship is very old and a type most shipyards aren't familiar with, R&D would like to request bringing it to Puerto Rico so that your finest engineers can have a look at it.
It may not be a Junker-designed vessel but you're certainly more familiar with it than anyone else.

Of course we'll pay more than fairly for this - financing is very generous to R&D, especially when it comes to the Spree. We'll just forward the receipt and the credits will flow, so hopefully you'll be as interested in this as we are!

- Regards, Franz Pfannenstiel

[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - Lythrilux - 10-14-2014

[Image: jchlOA2.png]


Very well then, we can arrange a time and a place to help you shift your vessel to Puerto Rico where our engineers can work on it.
I await your response on this date, so that we can take your vessel into Puerto Rico.

The Junker Marauders

[Image: qff6ZIp.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - Ponge - 10-14-2014

[Image: 1ied4w.png]

Greetings, Mr. Pfannenstiel.

I am Adam Wayland, from the Junker Congress. I am currently tasked with dealing with issues and requests of Rheinland origin. I am not very familiar with this "Spree" you are talking about. Maybe we could discuss it one day, if that is a possibility at all.

You are correct, we are quite familiar with the Pilgrim Liner. Despite its quite old design, we use it for many purposes, from transporting bulk goods to ferrying ship or station crew, and we have several interior designs fitting each purpose. Our station in Inverness, Invergodon Space Port, is even equipped with assembly lines capable of producing remanufactured parts for the ship, and we refurbish vessels there which were considered irrepairable.

Based on this, I would advise bringing your ships there for the necessary repairs. We could service them at Vieques shipyard, but with the parts readily available on Invergordon, this would take much less time. However, if you are willing to spend more time and money on this, your ships could be completely overhauled with freshly made parts and the most recent sofwares available for those ships.

I asked the Chief Shipwright on the station, but he cannot give you a time frame or a price for the repairs, until he inspects the ships himself. Also, if you cannot make the trip to Invergordon for any reason, we can arrange service for your ships at vieques in Puerto Rico.

I am awaiting your answer on this proposal then.

Kind regards,
.:j:. Adam Wayland

[Image: md15qa.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - ALG Classic - 10-16-2014

[Image: TURjVHo.png]

Hello again.
First of all, I'd like to thank you both for your quick and positive responses.

We appreciate the suggestion of heading to Invergordon, but as this was the Spree's previous home port, we assume the facilities there aren't adequate for the work that needs to be done.
To confirm, yes, we are absolutely willing to spend more time and money on this project to have everything done properly. I'm personally occupied with business elsewhere, but the crew of the Spree should have no issues bringing her to Vieques along with all the technical data we've compiled.

If it's no issue with you, I can contact them to leave immediately.

- Regards, Franz Pfannenstiel

[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - Ponge - 10-16-2014

[Image: 1ied4w.png]

Greetings, Mr. Pfannenstiel.

Vieques Shipyard is ready for your vessel's arrival. I also requested an engineering and shipwright crew specialized in the maintenance of the Pilgrim class vessels to travel from Invergordon to Vieques to speed up the diagnostics and repairs of your ship. Of course, if the Marauders have any specialized experts, they can send them, too, and we share the payment.

Based on what you said ("we are absolutely willing to spend more time and money on this project to have everything done properly"), I ordered the team to do a full overhaul on your ship. Price will be determined after the assessment of the ship's condition.

Kind regards,
.:j:. Adam Wayland

[Image: md15qa.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress & Marauders HC - Lythrilux - 10-16-2014

[Image: jchlOA2.png]


Perhaps later this evening we could bring your vessel to Puerto Rico? You can contact us about a time that is suitable for you. We can dispatch some vessels to escort you there, and then our engineers can work on your vessel.

I await your response.

The Junker Marauders

[Image: qff6ZIp.png]