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To: Rheinland [Recipents listed] - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland [Recipents listed] - An'shur - 10-23-2014

***Incomming message***
***From: Erich von Schlafenberg***
***Source: RNC-Herschel, planet Hamburg low orbit***
***To: Rheinland Government, RS| and the RM HC***
***Subject: Construction of an "Elbe" class carrier***
***Type: Video***

*Man is sitting in his captain armchair in front of a camera, he appears to be around sixty yearst old, quite corpulent looking in his dark green, greyish jumper. He would look bulky even in usual Rheinland captain uniform. He takes a sip of coffee, stands up, and starts his speech, he is not even trying to take controll of his deep german accent*

Guten Tag Respected Damen und Herren. Ich bin Erich von Schlafenberg, current Kapitän of the Kreuzer RNC-Herschel.

*He sighs shortly*

As we all know, we still need to rebuild large portion of the Militär fleet. My idea ist construction of ein "Elbe" class carrier with neu technological procedures, supposed to be less costly und less time-consuming. Reason why I am sending the transmission to Republican Shipping ist because the suggested construction location ist the Alster shipyard in Hamburg. I would like to ask for the permission to use your shipyard as a construction site for "Elbe" class carrier. Of course I need the Government agreement for this. I am beknown with materials required for such project, but I am afraid I haven't reasonable ammount of funds for this project. So I would like to ask the Government for some. It ist desperate need and I think..

*Few seconds of silence, Erich seems to be unsure what to say next*

I think it is necessary evil, vital for the construction of the Kriegsshiff mein Honourable Damen und Herren. This would be alles in the communique. Kapitän Schlafenberg out. Auf Wiedersehen!

*As expected, he suddenly moves towards the camera. His hand falls down somewhere close to it. Resulting the screen to turn black*

***Transmission terminated***

RE: To: Rheinland [Recipents listed] - Morigan - 10-24-2014

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Erich von Schlafenberg
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Construction of an "Elbe" class carrier

Guten Tag ,

We make transport vessels on Alster Shipyard usually . But i think our engineers will be able to construct this ship if you provide us drawings and other documentation for construction . Of course , i will check that this documentation is received in the lawful way before work .

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: To: Rheinland [Recipents listed] - Havok - 10-25-2014

[Image: Bv0TR1e.png]

Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Target ID: Erich von Schlafenberg, RS| CC: DHC
Subject: RE: Construction of an "Elbe" class carrier

Herr von Schlafenberg,

I am pleased that you contact us on this matter. New vessels for the fronts are always needed and your new procedures could quicken the construction for many to come. Although, I cannot safely hand over prints to Republican Shipping. They are a shipping company, not the contractor for our constructions.

I am forwarding this message to Daumann Heavy Construction, whom will then be included and build this vessel with you.

Await their responses.

Daniela Winter
Admiral of the Rheinland Military

RE: To: Rheinland [Recipents listed] - Daumann Heavy Construction - 10-28-2014

=== Incoming Transmission ===

[Image: tk-interview_zpsa5788bcf.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

captain von Schlafenberg,

I assure you, new and less time- and materiel-consuming methods of construction are something our corporation constantly works on. It appears your flotilla is in need of another carrier, and while we naturally will help you, please note such construction, from obvious reasons, will take at least a year, in case you prefer the most basic variant of our model.

Moreover, there is issue of payment for the service.

Admiral Winters, should I understand headquarters of the Military take responsibility for that request? If so, we will petition Parliament to vote on that additional request.

Costs of construction will be added to federal goverment's debt to our corporation, according to standard procedure.

Best regards,

Hanna Richter DHC

=== Transmission Terminated ===

RE: To: Rheinland [Recipents listed] - An'shur - 11-16-2014

***Incomming message***
***From: Erich von Schlafenberg***
***Source: Planet Hamburg***
***To: Rheinland Government, RS|, DHC- and the RM HC***
***Subject: Project cancelled***
***Type: Text***

Guten Tag Damen und Herren. I am sorry to inform you, but I am forced to cancel the construction project for my own reasons. Herr President Smirnoff and Frau Admiral Winter, danke for your interrest in this issue. Daumann Heavy Construction, danke for your willingness to construct the carrier for me. Auf Wiedersehen.

***Transmission terminated***
***Response not possible***