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Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Printable Version

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Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Lythrilux - 10-20-2014

I, The Core, BHG and others really wouldn't mind seeing a slimmer, slightly smaller model replacing this one. Right now, because it's model is so needlessly huge, the Orca is one of (if not the) worst heavy gunboat in the game. It's Arcs are also pretty bad too, which comes with it's design. It's the worst shape with the worst arcs for the wrong job.

Soooo, a newer and more combat efficient model would be awesome to see! Even if there's some older concepts those would be nice to see too!
I did think of the idea to revert back to the older model, however after consulting a few people they said that with it's current stats and the old model the Orca would be a bit imbalanced. Welp. Plus we want a heavy gunboat anyway.

Seeing as The Core and BHG have access to a light Gunboat already, what the Orca should become is a heavy gunboat. The model needs to be akin to other heavy gunboat models (somewhat large i.e Corsair Gunboat, Bretonian Gunboat). Though, staying in with the traditional theme of the AP-Line, the ship needs to be 'fish-like' (See: Manta, Bottlenose, Thresher, Bullhead). To be honest a starting point could be that the model basically needs to be a miniature mako or something.

The turret placement on the ship needs to be intelligent, as right now the Orca has abysmal arcs. It needs to at least be able to direct all of it's guns forwards (or at least most of them). Placement for something like 7 (the amount of turrets it currently has) or 8 turrets would be ideal.

You also need to make room for the forward gun as well. That's the most important part.

I can whip up some credits if I see a good design!

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Mao - 10-20-2014

The shape of the current model follows the general shape of the AP line and that's a good thing. I personally love this model and I had good experiences with it (granted, probably against noobish opponents because I suck at PvPing). If anyone is going to make a model for this I think they should maintain the general shape or work on the BHG gunship. Adding wings and more engines to that ship, as well as a mount for the fwd cannon could work.

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - tothebonezone - 10-20-2014

Bring back the old speedboat, really.

Just retexture it.

That'd be nice.

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Tenacity - 10-20-2014

The appearance of the orca is fine, much better than it used to be, I agree however that it needs to be scaled down. One thing I really hate about the current model (and similar models that riddle discovery) is that the cockpit just shows a player character floating in a big open void. There's no floor, there's no consoles, no sense of interior to the cockpit design.

Flying through space and seeing your 'character' just floating there in a blank cockpit is the most immersion breaking thing ever.

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Mao - 10-21-2014

Kinetic fields are sustaining the pilot. Consoles are not needed. The mind controls the ship. Sensors are inside the helmet. Sci Fi immersion Tongue

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Lythrilux - 10-21-2014

(10-20-2014, 11:37 PM)Tenacity Wrote: The appearance of the orca is fine, much better than it used to be, I agree however that it needs to be scaled down.

Even scaling it down won't work. No matter how you look at it, it's huge. It just doesn't have the right profile to take on any sort of Gunboat role right now. It's substandard arcs that arise due to it's shape are also a problem.

A new model is needed for it to carry out it's intended role as a heavy gunboat. Tbh, turning it into a medium gunboat might be kind of cool though.

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Badperson - 10-21-2014

Turn the fat ass behind it into 2 large engines similar to the ones on the Hammerhead.

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Mímir - 10-21-2014

I think it's awesome, and that all other gunboats should be scaled up and have weak angles to match Orca. What bothers me the most about that ship is that there are transparent areas inside when you look through the cockpit glass. The FW gun is also pretty bad is I recall it, it could get buffed - but maybe that's just me.

We all get that Disco PVP balance generally favors smaller and more agile ships, no need to make it so painstakingly obvious by having ships within the same class that varies greatly in this department...

RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Lythrilux - 10-26-2014


RE: Ship Modelling Request: Orca BHG Gunboat - Hidamari - 11-25-2014
