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To: KTNA - Printable Version

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To: KTNA - Bretonian Turncoats - 10-25-2014 channel opened.....
..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
[Image: image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihir...pacity=100]


I am Jinpachi Saika, chairman of the Kusari Trade Association and looks like our NeuralNet message has been spammed by wrong people, because someone confused KTNA and KTA associations (perhaps bug in the NN itself, as KTNA and KTA could be confused by such non-inteligent programs or someone just mixed up those two). We have also received some questions concerning if KTA have changed their name recently, what brought even more chaos to our "mail box".

I was outside Kusari for a longer time due to mutual cooperation between Tinker & Transport and their subdivisions (having our termporal field HQ on Tinkers Haven, Texas, Liberty), so I am sorry for my lack of knowledge, but what does KTNA stands for? I have just arrived recently from Kusari.

We would need to add filter for KTNA messages to prevent further chaos. Please check if you have not received messages directed to the KTA, that is, our small Association. Smile

Best wishes and long live the Kusari.

Jinpachi Saika
on behalf of
[Image: ktaavatar1_zps7070313a.png?dateline=1410691649] channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: KTNA - Mao - 10-25-2014

[Neural-Net channel status ]
[Securing connection ]
[Signal strenght - 100% ]
[Sender ID verified ]

Konnichiwa, Jinpachi Saika. My name is Aina Shimata and I represent the Kusari Today - News Agency. You asked about who we are so I'm going to send you a brochure and hope that would do it. If you have any more questions after reading it, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.

I'm terribly sorry about the small confusion created by our agency but as you probably noticed, there's no real connection between the two organizations. KTA deals with trade and we deal with news. I hope situation will improve with that filter. However we would hate for you to not see our programs so I'm going to present our online version to you. Access snn.kt-na.ku on your neural-net browser and link your accounts. That way, our site will remain certified and you'll continue to get news from us, while keeping the spam filter on.

I would like to thank you for contacting us and also, is it possible to ask you for any of the messages you received and were supposed to reach us?

With respect, Aina Shimata, on behalf of

[Image: KT_NA.png]