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To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - Printable Version

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To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - Thyrzul - 10-27-2014


Intensité de signal: __ 080%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Sergent Henri Croix __________________ [C]
Destinataire(s): Sturm Winger _________________________ T&T

Sujet: _________ Business proposal

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur Winger,

I've been told you are junkers from the kind who does not like the Gallic Crown. I myself don't believe in fairy tales, nor expected my very own Général en Chef to say such, but if he believes so, then you must be either very convincing, or really the kind of "good" junkers you claim to be. Either way, I trust Mon Général and so I am ready to try our luck with you. So here is the deal:

There is this grocery list of items we currently in need of:

  • 20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels for 42.500.000 SC
  • 15.000 units of Optronics for 27.500.000 SC
  • 15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors for 20.000.000 SC
  • 10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters for 10.000.000 SC
The destination of the supplies is Châlons-en-Champagne Station en Champagne, visual evidence is required to identify which crates are which, timestamps included. Any questions?

Sergent Henri Croix Du Conseil
Chef de Division Commerce et Ravitaillement Du Conseil


RE: To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - Sturm347 - 10-27-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

[IMG float=left][/IMG]
Greetings, Sergeant Henri Croix Du Conseil.

We at T&T are very pleased to supply the materials that you need. I will keep this channel open and post updates on the current supplies along with the visual receipts and time stamps for your inspection. If there is anything out of order please let me know so we can correct it right away.

Sturm Winger
Chief of Logistics, T&T

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - FynnMcScrap - 10-27-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Lijay Bailey here, Sir.
Captain of the T&T/.Tinkers.Pride,
currently flying an auxiliary vessle: the T&T/.Transport_1.

After hearing about your trade offer from our CoL , Sturm Winger ,
I packed this sturdy little beast of burden with some of the stuff you ordered and went to do some trade reconnaisance.
Just sending the first crates to you for inspection to be sure your cargo identification fits with our list of commodities.
Would be a shame if we sent you 80.000 cargo units worth of stuff just to learn we switched something, eh ?

<<< cargo manifest and proof of delivery >>>

Also I thought you´d like to sample the quality at first choice.
Mind me, I´d appreciate if you also tell your patrols that we are coming,
as I guess the most of us will want to do the run completely and fly back through the Tau´s,
on our way back to Bretonia.
We are looking forward to the next deliveries, as we like to work with professionals, Sir.

I always have about 10 to 20 units space in the crew compartement for private stuff,
and if you would like to have something special like some fine Gin,
libertonian Ale of Rheinland Beer just pass the message.
I´d like to swap it against some crates of that excellent wine from your home area.

Till next visite at beautiful Champagne

Elias Bailey
Cpt. 1st class, T&T trade fleet

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - Thyrzul - 10-28-2014


Intensité de signal: __ 080%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Sergent Henri Croix __________________ [C]
Destinataire(s): Elias Bailey _________________________ T&T
________________ Tinker & Transport ___________________ T&T

Sujet: _________ Re: -

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur Bailey,

Splendide, the commodities are the correct ones, and of fine quality. Keep up the good work and you'll get paid well in the end.

And about said specialities, I tried Gin and didn't like it, I tried the Ale and hated it, I didn't even dare to try the Rheinbier, so I think I'll stay with our perfect Gallic Wine, superior of all drinks. Though in case some of mes amis happen to have a taste different than mine, I'll let you know.

Sergent Henri Croix Du Conseil
Chef de Division Commerce et Ravitaillement Du Conseil


RE: To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - FynnMcScrap - 11-04-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Greetings, this is Captain Bailey again.

Sorry for the delay, the last deliveries have been completed a few days ago,
but there was a communication error with some data loss we had to correct before sending you the final manifests.

We bid you transfer the contract payment to this account :

If there is anythig else you need, feel free to contract us. Several of our Skippers ~ including me myself and my crew ~ have expressed interest in returning to Champagne in future to pick up some interesting tradeables like Samarium or Promethenum.
As we have our home base next to one of the best sellpoints for Nanocapacitors and we noticed that these sell well at Châlons-en-Champagne we will probably transport these to your station as long as you do not order anything else.

Oh, and I am still interested in a crate or two of that excellent wine.

Yours sincerely
Lijay Bailey

Files affixed :

Council delivery contract #1 : < DONE >
Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels < delivered so far : 20.037 > DONE
15.000 units of Optronics < delivered so far: 15.000 > DONE
15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors < delivered so far: 15.000 > DONE
10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters < delivered so far: 10.000 > DONE

Proof of delivery attached in files : T&T/.Transport_1 / Cpt. Bailey : T&T/.Transport_3 / Samwell Ginger : T&T/Black.Feet / John Kurt

All files passed on to contractor.

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To: Sturm Winger of the T&T - Thyrzul - 11-04-2014


Intensité de signal: __ 080%
Encodage: __________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ Sergent Henri Croix __________________ [C]
Destinataire(s): Elias Bailey _________________________ T&T
________________ Tinker & Transport ___________________ T&T

Sujet: _________ Re: -

Transmission entrée...

Monsieur Bailey,

Trés excellent, Monsieur, trés excellent. I never thought I'd say that to a Junker, but I am satisfied with your work here. Payment is vired to the account you specified, visual evidence is attached to this transmission.

Nanocapacitor shipments are welcome and most appreciated, would as well be shipments of Sirian Scrap Metal, should you bring some to our new smelter on Reims Station, just a lane away from Marne. I would gladly offer 1.000 Sirian Credits for each piece landing on that station. Make sure to land some visual evidence on this channel about it too, that's to maintain proper payment for it.

Samarium are being smuggled from Nevers, thus only available on the closest Council station to it, Macon Base. While it lies in the Saint-Remy Nebula of Burgundy, it's not hard to find, just a few clicks into the cloud cruising from the Champagne JumpGate towards Blanzy Border Station. Promethium however can be purchased on Marne. And I believe we will also be able to strike a deal in regards of our delicious wine, all I need to know are your needs and your offer.

Sergent Henri Croix Du Conseil
Chef de Division Commerce et Ravitaillement Du Conseil

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