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T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - Printable Version

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T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - Tinker and Transport - 10-27-2014

[IMG float=left][/IMG]

Hi there, Tinkers.

Sturm Winger here, your CoL in charge of the big money contracts.
We will coordinate some contracts we get for bulk delivery here, and we will set the templates to register for these contracts and get the bonus pay connected with them for you and your crew here. So keep in touch, we are moving stuff.

Contract # : <insert contract here >
Ship name / Crew : <insert ship transponder here >
Bank account : <insert account to recieve bonus payment>

There will be a seperate information and template for each contract here.
Send your deliveries with 2 scans , each with a timestamp :
  • 1 scan with cargo outside the delivery port
  • 1 scan with empty hold after offloading the stuff th the port of call

You can write the report here as a complete debriefing or send it once per day as you wish, but we bid you send at least one ( 1 ) delivery report per week with longer contracts. Information about the trip, dangers, encounters and possible warnings are appreciated.

Why are you still staring ? I think there is cargo waiting, eh ?

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - Tinker and Transport - 10-27-2014

Contract # 1 :

We have recieved communications from our new friends at the gallic council.
( <<< comlink access >>> )

Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

  1. 20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels for 42.500.000 SC ( Kyushu / Planet Kyushu )
  2. 15.000 units of Optronics for 27.500.000 SC ( Honshu / Planet Honshu )
  3. 15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors for 20.000.000 SC ( Harrisburgh / Pensylvania )
  4. 10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters for 10.000.000 SC ( Cold bay / Hudson )

Suggested blokade run :Take the JH from Rishiri to Lyonnais ( B4 ),
then in Lyonnais jump the hole to Lorraine ( G1 ) .
Lorraine is an open crossing through gallic space, but in some distance of anything but patrols : Jump hole to Champagne is C6.
Be careful not to get caught by gallic forces and don´t fuzz with the local brigands, only Council is really friendly.
Be careful with bribes, you don´t want to ruin your rep.

Suggested trade back : same path, other goods.
Promethum is selling very well in Liberty for research at Hamilton in Ontario.
But be very careful not to be seen with the stuff in Kusari : Kusari and Gallia are still allies, and we are doing blokade running here, ok ?

I suggest taking the Rishiri <> Tottori JH ( C/D 6 ) , sneaking through Tottori to the Tau 44 JH ( B 2/3 ) and slipping through the Taus to Bretonia.
( E6 to Tau 23, beware of the Sulawesi Citadel, then F/G 5 to Tau 29 and either the Baffin Highway home or slip past Tau 23 (F/G 5) <> Tau 29 (B 4/5) <> Tau 31 (G 6) to Newcastle )
(alternative route : Rishiri ( F 5 ) <> Hokkaido ( C 6 ) <> Kyushu ( B4 ) <> Tau 29 )
(( EDIT : due to inRP error and ooC agreement we have been asked not to pass by Rousillon JH / location is secret )
Other sellpoints are Munic : Planet Nuernberg ( all the way through Kusari, be careful or take the Omega highway ) and Canterbury Station in New London.
Pick up some Heat sinks, HPA or bretonian tradeables on the way back ?
Remember ; even if you are not trading contraband , the stuff is restricted to Gallia as far as Gallia is concerned. So dont flaunt it in front of any Kusari pilots, ok ?

Another nice and short way back takes you to hop to Burgundy first.
JH in Champagne is at D/E 2 , bringing you to 8k from Macon base, selling Samarium for a dream price of 288c / unit.
You can jump directly back to Lorraine from there and leave again.
Sell right next door to home at Duluth in Minnesota for 3991 c / u. AND you can use the lanes all the way from Rishiri.
Just don´t let yourself be cuestiioned too much by KP.

Price offered at the destination are not fat, but don´t worry :
the trade route back will get cost´s cleared, and the Bonus is very good.

We get 100.000.000 creds for the total delivery , hauling 80.000 units cargo
( the hull pannels need more space ).
We will divert a 1.000 cred bonus per unit to the traders for delivering the stuff ( using up 80.000.000 cred. ( * )
( * Rob here : what a mixup. Jep, I checked myself, and I had some very bad maths here. I will see to it that the promised Bonus of 10.000 or at least a Bonus of 5.000 is still payed, from my own account. It´s not your fault after all. )
And will pack the rest of the bonus ( 20.000.000 cred ) to the T&T/Bank for use in escort or bounty board at T&T.

Bailey took the T&T/.Transport_1 for a scouting tour and brought back some Intel :

So sign up, Tinkers. And get your engines heated.

Template for delivery :
Council delivery contract #1 / Ship Transponder :
Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels <delivered so far : insert here>
15.000 units of Optronics <delivered so far: insert here>
15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors <delivered so far: insert here>
10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters <delivered so far: insert here>

Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < here >

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - FynnMcScrap - 10-27-2014

Lijay Bailey here, from the Tinkers.Pride

Signing in with my crew.
The Pride is still grounded with power core issues, so Im taking the T&T/.Transport_1 for these flights.
No worries, eh ?
Quote:Contract # : <1 / Council delivery >
Ship name / Crew : <Cpt. Bailey / Tinkers.Pride >
Bank account : <T&T/.Tinkers.Pride>

Cpt. 1st class Elijah Bailey
T&T Trade Fleet

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - FynnMcScrap - 10-27-2014

Template for delivery :
Council delivery contract #1 / Ship Transponder : T&T/.Transport_1 ( or T&T/.Tinkers.Pride )
Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels <delivered so far : 9750 >
15.000 units of Optronics <delivered so far: 500 >
15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors <delivered so far: 500 >
10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters <delivered so far: 500 >

Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < here >

I will add my own deliveries as edit to this post, including the gunpic shots.
That lets us trace the deliveries much simpler.
I suggest we all do, it´s much easier that always writing a new post.

// Greets : Rob

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - Kjolborn - 10-28-2014

[Image: 0.jpg]

Greetings, Samwell Ginger here, I will take over transports with the T&T/.Transport_2, or at least a from me assigned pilot.

Contract # : <1 / Council delivery >
Ship name / Crew : <T&T/.Transport_2/Ltnd. Samwell Ginger or assigned Pilot >
Bank account : <T&T/.Transport_2>

Council delivery contract #1 / Ship Transponder : T&T/.Transport_2

Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels <delivered so far by me: 3167 >
15.000 units of Optronics <delivered so far by me: 4270 >
15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors <delivered so far by me: 14500>
10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters <delivered so far by me: 9500 >

Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : Camera Footage

Trip 1 (3535 Xenobiotic Filters): Nothing, no pirate, no Police, it was pretty calm and the tradelanes where working perfectly.
Way back: Nothing aswell, made a nice profit at the Haven with the HPA.

Trip 2 (3535 Xenobiotic Filters): Nothing to report either, this is easier than stealing a childrens Lolly.
Ran into a Police control, but I gave them the story I got the HPA from a pirate transport I shot up.
I believe they bought it.

Trip 3: (2430 Xenobiotic Filters/\1105 Quantum Multiplexors)Nothing to report, all was calm, this IS too easy...
I have found another source for the Quantom Multiplexors, buying them from a base in Kusari.

Trip 4: (3535 Quantum Multiplexors) Nothing to report

Trip 5: (3535 Quantum Multiplexors) Nothing to report

Trip 6: (3535 Quantum Multiplexors) Nothing to report

Trip 7: (2790 Quantum Multiplexors) Nothing to report

Trip 8: (3535 Optronics) Used jumpholes rather than jumplanes to avoid the rather pirate busy New Tokyo.

Trip 9: (1400 Ships Hull Panels/\735 Optronics) One pirate who did not see me apparently, otherwise, everything smooth as always.

Trip 10: (1767 Ship Hull Panels) Evaded a Police Patrol by using the jumpholes in Hokkaido, otherwise nothing to report.

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - Gondoros - 10-28-2014

Greetings fellow tinkers, John Kurt here, Captain of the T&T/Black.Feet.

It is my pleasure to sign in for this contract. My ship is fully equipped and ready to go. Expect many delivery reports from my part "grins", cause I aim on making big money.

Contract # : < 1 / Council >
Ship name / Crew : < T&T/Black.Feet / Capt. John Kurt >
Bank account : < T&T/Black.Feet >

Safe travel boys,

John Kurt signing out.

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - Gondoros - 10-28-2014

Council delivery contract #1 / Ship Transponder : T&T/Black.Feet
Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels < delivered so far : 7120 >
15.000 units of Optronics < delivered so far: 10230 >
15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors < delivered so far: 0 >
10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters < delivered so far: 0 >

Deliveries :
- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II >
Everything went according to plan. No unexpected stops or problems. Apparently Kusari patrols are quite easy to fool, although one should not overestimate his luck. Didn't stop for any chats, got in and out , that's the way I like it. Here's to hoping that the rest of the deliveries will be as simple as this one.

- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II >
Nothing troublesome to report, met up with Captain Bailey of the T&T/.Transport_1, in Hokkaido. Nice to share the trip with a brother tinker. Another delivery of Optronics made, so , yeah, we're getting there.

- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II >
Had an unfortunate "meeting" with some aliens in New Tokyo. Tell you the truth I froze like a deer in headlights, when I saw them. Not a pleasant experience let me tell ya. The T&T/Black.Feet took some damage, but I managed to take care of most of it. Well not me per say, but a skilled mechanic on planet New Tokyo did most of the work. Managed to deliver the cargo after all. It couldn't all have gone smooth I guess, but at least I survived and so did my crew.

- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II >
Another successful delivery. No more aliens this time "big smile". My scanner did show a royal navy vessel when entering Rishiri, but lucky for me it vanished soon after. Well boys it's fair to say that if we keep this up, this contract will be fulfilled in no time.

- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II >
Getting closer to wrapping this contract, another delivery made, another step to completion. Had no problems on the way back, bought some supplies and unloaded them at the Haven. Two birds with one stone.

- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II, III, IV >
Two more loads delivered. No unusual encounters on the way to or back. All is pretty quiet, just the way I like it.

- Gunpic scans before and after delivery with timestamps added : < I, II >
This concludes the last of the Ship Hull Panels. No outstanding matters to report.

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - FynnMcScrap - 10-29-2014

Council delivery contract #1 : < DONE >
Port of Call is Châlons-en-Champagne Station in Champagne

20.000 units of Ship Hull Panels < delivered so far : 20.037 > DONE
15.000 units of Optronics < delivered so far: 15.000 > DONE
15.000 units of Quantum Multiplexors < delivered so far: 15.000 > DONE
10.000 units of Xenobiotic Filters < delivered so far: 10.000 > DONE

Proof of delivery attached in files : : T&T/.Transport_1 / Cpt. Bailey : T&T/.Transport_3 / Samwell Ginger : T&T/Black.Feet / John Kurt

All files passed on to contractor.

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - FynnMcScrap - 11-08-2014

Contract #1 closed , 100.000.000 sc have been transferred to T&T/Bank and account balance has been adjusted.

All Trade fleet crews who want to claim their bonus may address the Foreman for payment.

RE: T&T/ Trade Fleet contracts and deliveries - FynnMcScrap - 03-31-2015

Contract # 2 : Phase 1 , Project : Brunswyck Shrine Service Station

There is another Tinker & Transport trade contract coming,
this time for ourselves :

As detailed in our Project Files , we have sucsessfully rented about 2/3rds of Brunswyck Shrine´s available space and will now begin to rebuild and refit the site according to our own needs.

While we do have plenty of opportunities here, we also will be supplying the base and keep it from decay.

So here is the first contract for you :

Stage 1: outfitting 2 modular habitation modules for passenger / hospital facility purpose

  1. Hull segments : 30.000
  2. Reinforced Alloys : 35.000
  3. Robotic Hardware : 35.000

These supplies for heavy duty building are to be delivered directly to the Shrine.
Tinker & Transport has also rented a cargo bay and docking area at the Skyhook for use with storage of other supplies needed for construction :

  1. solar pannels : 5000
  2. High temperature alloy : 2750
  3. energy field equipment : 2500
  4. Xenobiotic filters 7500
  5. Nanotubes 3750
  6. Optical chips : 3250
  7. Plastics : 12.000
  8. Polymeres : 7500
  9. Robotics : 7500
  10. Shape memory Alloy : 3250

For this total of 55.000 units of cargo and the 100.000 units of building materials T&T/ will set a bonus contract for members and affiliated traders :
Contractors will get a 20.000.000 one time pay for expenses and then will be awarded with a bonus of 1000 c per unit hauled .


Contract : #2 / Phase 1
Ship name : < insert here >
Bank account for salary : < insert here >

    Hull segments : 30.000 : <  none jet delivered >
    Reinforced Alloys : 35.000 : <  none jet delivered >
    Robotic Hardware : 35.000 : <  none jet delivered >

    solar pannels : 5000  :  <  none jet delivered >
    High temperature alloy : 2750 <  none jet delivered >
    energy field equipment : 2500 <  none jet delivered >
    Xenobiotic filters 7500 <  none jet delivered >
    Nanotubes 3750 <  none jet delivered >
    Optical chips : 3250 <  none jet delivered >
    Plastics : 12.000 <  none jet delivered >
    Polymeres : 7500 <  none jet delivered >
    Robotics : 7500 <  none jet delivered >
    Shape memory Alloy : 3250 <  none jet delivered >

Please edit the commodities with <DONE > or < amount delivered >
and add 2 screenshots :
- full cargo bay and timestamp outside the base
- empty cargo bay and timestamp in base

First 20.000.000 credity will be transferred after signing up for the contract

Bonus for delivery will be transferred after finishing the contract

Escort pilots may sign up seperately in security board

Get mooving, Tinkers. Work to do
