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To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - Printable Version

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To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - HeadHunter - 10-28-2014

:::[Incoming Transmission]:::

[Image: MAGvkNX.jpg]

Identification: Cpt. Taurus
Encryption: High
Location: Lagos Base Sigma 13
Subject: Demolition

Senores Gas Mineros and Interspace gringos your organisations es la identificado by the grande imperio of corsario as un a obstacle to our further expansion to the Sigma systemas, un a bariera wich must be breached.

We will start your remowal from sigma sistemas by dismantling your recently constructed instalations Otemachi, Fuxuery Trade Hub and Shuri storage facility.

To avoid casualties and save your necks we strongly sugest you evacuate your self from the above mentioned instalations, or even better leave the Sigmas while you still can.

:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - dirmaster0 - 10-29-2014

...Incoming Transmission...
...Callsign: IC|Geneva...
...Location: Okinawa System;; Otemachi Trade Annexe...

[Image: k6Lx8PD.jpg]

To whomever you are

*He grumbles* Not quite sure how this came across my desk, but I suppose I shall address you accordingly. I would like to first note that Okinawa is in the Kusari Region of space, and not actually a part of the Sigma systems. Secondly, I would like to note that Otemachi, Fuxyueru, and Shuri installations in Okinawa have existed for years and years, and are not recently constructed as you've claimed.

Moving onward, as a businessman I prefer to handle matters in a professional manner, so one should ask if there is a more peaceful approach to dealing with you irritation toward free enterprise in my great House of Kusari? Perhaps some sort of number that may stick out in your mind, yes?

Whatever your decision, I do hope you properly introduce yourself in your next communication towards our organizations, it's only proper. *Nods in affirmation*


Mercana Mishi Shirou, CEO of Interspace Commerce

...Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - HeadHunter - 11-02-2014

:::[Incoming Transmission]:::

[Image: MAGvkNX.jpg]

Identification: Cpt. Taurus
Encryption: High
Location: Lagos Base Sigma 13
Subject: Demolition

Senor Shirou you have quite a talent for negotiations.

Perhaps we can make a deal afther all, We can guarantee your Otemachi's safety in exchange for constant suply of 30000 food rations per mounth to the planet Crete.
From there it will be distributed further thrue corsair empire by those who work for us.
How you gonna do it it's up to you senor but we whant that Food delivered.
If that is to dificult for your company than mounth payment of 50 milion credits to our bank * Cojones * would do the trick aswell.
Either way it is up to you Senor.

:::[Ending Transmission]:::

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - dirmaster0 - 11-03-2014

...Incoming Transmission...
...Callsign: IC|Geneva...
...Location: Okinawa System;; Otemachi Trade Annexe...

[Image: k6Lx8PD.jpg]

To Mr. Taurus

*He stares blankly at the screen, obviously frustrated by the demands*
I've spoken with our Logistics Department about your demands and we've come across some noticeable discrepancies in what you're asking of our organization.

*He pulls up a map of the Omicrons with a territorial overlay displaying the borders* I would like to note first that it would be physically impossible for any Interspace Commerce affiliated vessels to make the journey to Crete without being shot and destroyed by regular Corsair patrols, regardless of what cargo is being transported at that time, not to mention that the docking staff on the planet will surely not allow any vessel of ours to dock in order to off load this cargo anyway. I do not believe this particular demand is feasible in the least bit, and there for is off the bargaining table.

*He straightens up, putting the map away and staring crossly at the camera once more* I've also discussed your demand for 50 million Sirius Credits per month to keep our installation "safe" with our Accounting Department, and they have determined from a legal standpoint that the only rightful parties which could demand such a payment would be the true sovereign owners of the Okinawa system, the Gas Miners Guild. *He blinks, taking out a cigar and lighting it, taking a long drag from it*

Do you take me for a fool, "senor"? It is hard to negotiate terms of a compromise when your demands are physically impossible to meet. I will propose this... A single, one time payment of $120,000,000 Sirius Credits to your bank. With this payment, you will no longer threaten my organization, nor our home, Otemachi Trade Annexe. It would be wise to accept these terms, "senor", if you're truly being sincere about negotiating some sort of deal. I would be willing to discuss an adjusted one time payment, but we will see what your behavior is when you respond to this communique.

*He takes another drag, ashing his cigar and staring crossly at the camera again* One would hope you have the sense of dealing with this in a professional manner, but I have a feeling you will make this quite difficult and treat these negotiations in a hypocritical manner, which would ultimately lead to us being double crossed yet again.

*He takes one last stern look at the camera* Do take some time to think about this, sir. It would be in your best interests to do so.


Mercana Mishi Shirou, CEO of Interspace Commerce

...Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - HeadHunter - 11-03-2014

:::[Incoming Transmission]:::

[Image: MAGvkNX.jpg]

Identification: Cpt. Taurus
Encryption: High
Location: Lagos Base Sigma 13
Subject: Demolition

Amigo perhaps you are right about food delivering to Crete by your organisation as un a mision imposible, but we are sure our second proposal is something we can both agreed on.
We are also certain about the time and cost requiered for building such an instalation, so the price of 120 milion credits to preserve all what you acomplished there is nothing in compare what could you lose by failing in these negotiations.
Think about it Gringo.

And our Gas Mineros partners are ignoring our demands so perhaps this will wake them up a litle.

* Two armed guards entered the room with a tied half naked man betwen them *

Senor Shirou this infeliz hombre here * points a finger at the half naked man * is un a crew member of the gass mining cargo ship coughted by one of our patrols in the sigmas.
He refused to meet with our demands, he thought 3 milion credits are more valuable than his life.
Well now he will see how deeply wrong he was.

* Captain Taurus grabbs a knife from the desk and walk towards the prisoner ordering the guards to put him on the ground *

Senor Shirou we hope you understand the seriousnes of your situation we are not some cirkus pirates from Liberty or angry farmers from Rheinland.

* He struck the prisoner with a knife right in to his chest *

We are... * Turns his look toward the comms monitor * Murderers!

And now gringo... you whana avoid similar fate ?

* He wipes his hands from prisoners blood *

Than pay us 200 milion sirius credits in a single pay and your litle instalation can start celebrating it's second birthday !!!

* He strike the communication console with a hand breaking the established link *

Signal Lost................................

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - Asbestos - 11-03-2014

[Image: 0dge.png]
To: Cpt. Taurus
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa

Baseless curs, we shall see how you fare against real opponents. The kind that actually fights back.

Guild Master Taro Katsuo,

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - dirmaster0 - 11-06-2014

...Incoming Transmission...
...Callsign: IC|Geneva...
...Location: Okinawa System;; Otemachi Trade Annexe...

[Image: k6Lx8PD.jpg]

*He yawns loudly, obviously unmoved by the violence he just witnessed. Looking toward the monitor, he gazes into the camera with dead-like eyes*
Sir, I've witnessed the atrocities of war countless times during the Kusari-Bretonian conflict, your actions will not move a man of my stature. A poor soul, an innocent life you've ended, but countless more could be ended with the continuation of your brutish aggression. *He lights a cigar and takes a long, slow drag, releasing the smoke through his nostrils and taking a seat at his desk overlooking Planet Miura*
Now back to business, we will counter your offer of 200 million credits with a more reasonable 160 million credit pay off. *He looks to his assistant, who gives him a folder of documents*

Now to discuss the terms of this agreement, once a suitable payment is established and paid, you will discontinue your hostile actions against my organization and our installation. Furthermore, if you decide to double cross us, we will be forced to match the black mail price as a bounty on your head, across Sirius. *He takes another drag, ashing the cigar in a marble bowl* If you're a somewhat stable madman, you will consider our counter offer and respond in the appropriate manner.

Do not take me for a fool, "senor"; Do you know who you're dealing with? *He stares furiously, his eyes ablaze with anger* Use your brain to come up with a logical solution, *He nods* unless you rather it be splattered across your ship's cabin. Keep in mind, everyone has their price, even your own men *He grins faintly and cuts the video feed*

Mercana Mishi Shirou, CEO of Interspace Commerce

...Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: Guilds of the Gas Mineros and Interspace Shiping - HeadHunter - 11-07-2014

:::[Incoming Transmission]:::

[Image: MAGvkNX.jpg]

Identification: Cpt. Taurus
Encryption: High
Location: Lagos Base Sigma 13
Subject: Demolition

Senor Shirou... Gas Mineros.... Gringos of the Sigma sistemas... these negotiations are terminado !

You will feel the full power of Imperio de los Corsarios...

Prepare yourself litle gringos because judgment day is near !

:::[End Transmission]:::