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TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Printable Version

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TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Kusari Uchugun - 10-29-2014

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Base Administrator,

We have recently discovered that you have begun to manufacture cloaking devices on your base. As you should be aware that is not in accordance to the Legal Codex of Kusari as cloaking devices are considered illegal.
This means that any client that purchases these devices is a criminal and you would be guilty of dealing with and supporting those criminals.

We hereby demand that you stop production of cloaking devices on Nebula Complex or we may be forced to remove the legal status of your base.

Office of Admirality,
Kusari Naval Forces.

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RE: TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Hermes - 10-30-2014

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To: Kusari Naval Focres
ID: Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO

It's proven a bad idea all over the history to threaten a Yakuza because the first thing you hear after the threat is the sound of a Yakuza sword flying your way. I will be patient and i will understand that you didn't mean to talk in this threatening way. As for the Cloaks, whats the problem? why the cloaks are problem? I can't see any problem in producing the cloaking devices specially because the Nebula Complex is a Freelancer base serving many different factions. I also want to ask you one question before you proceed and answer this transmission.... What did the Kusari Naval Forces gave me from options so it start to dictate what the Nebula Complex should produce and what it shouldn't? Since the Nebula Complex been created and it faced tens of attacks from many criminal organizations, so where were the Kusari Naval Forces? Why didn't you come to help defending this installation since its a legalized installation? What exactly is the difference between your presence and your absence? i don't see any difference so far, since my base get attacked and you never show up to help, and my suppliers get pirated inside the home systems of Kusari space including the Capital system and none stop the pirates because the Naval Forces and the Police were never here! - I need to see some change first then i can listen to what you say.... You can't enforce this Nebula Complex to stop producing cloaking devices while you don't even show up in space at all. So first, lemme see that you are capable of maintaining law and rules in kusari space since it's a chaos and pirates are roaming the systems taxing everyone freely as if the Naval Forces and the Police are intentionally leaving them be ! - so after you prove your existance first and add the Nebula Complex area to the police and naval forces patrols routes, and provide the Nebula Complex some safety, THEN we can listen to your rules.... Rules must have power to defend it and protect it and you sir cannot even defend the legal installations in your home space! - Think twice before any aggressive actions towards the Nebula Complex and if any aggressive move happened, then you will leave me no chance but to lock the Naval forces off this base and start communicating with those pirates and revolutionary groups in your space to be the cutting blade for your short hands! - *Unstable radio spikes* , Have a nice day san.

Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO
Transmission Terminated

RE: TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Kusari Police - 10-30-2014

ID: [KP] Kusari Police
LOCATION: Planet New Tokyo
SENDER: Sonoda Makimata
TARGET: Administrators of Nebula Complex
SUBJECT: Patrols

[Image: 2ebe2rr.jpg]

Konnichiwa Yakuza-san

You already know me and i'm here to set a point to what you call "absence".

May i remind you that there have been already several neutralisations on criminals surrounding your base. Another reminder as well is that our patrol forces have the authorisation of docking at your facility. They use that ability, i'll even say more. Scince that our patrols were able to dock at your facility we even moved some patrols to the crow nebula. Those were even launched from your base.

Just to say that the Kusarian authorities do patrol and try to secure the area. And if you do not comply with the demands of the Republic, the Kusari Police will do their part as well to remove your installation.

When the electric light went out, I suddenly saw the stars.


Sonoda Makimata
Leader of the Kusari Police

RE: TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Hermes - 10-30-2014

[Image: m01oF2D.png]
To: Kusari Police
ID: Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO

Konnichiwa Sonoda Makimata,
I understand where you coming from but i am terribly sorry to inform you that your organization is absent and my suppliers get attacked everyday and all the time by criminals even 10k away from the capital of kusari, New Tokyo planet. I understand that you cannot say it clearly that your organization is not having enough activity to secure the entire space of kusari because i understand the size of consequences that you are avoiding to face by admitting this fact. Anyway, i stated to the Kusari Naval Forces that aggressive attacks or act against the Nebula Complex will not be a good path and it will complicate matters more... I received today a report from one of my suppliers pilots mentioning that the kusari police forced that supplier not to move a shipment he was carrying to the Nebula Complex. I think this is not a good way to fix situations and it saddens me to inform you that this installation no long accept your ships to dock. Your docking rights is revoked and further hostility actions toward the Nebula Complex will end up in more complications which will not be a good way for negotiating matters. Good day!

Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO
Transmission Terminated

RE: TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Kusari Uchugun - 10-30-2014

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Malakai Yakuza,

It is not wise to begin your reply with a direct threat to the Naval Forces of Kusari. Especially when your base only exists through the generosity of the republic.

Let's not forget that you constructed your base illegally and decided to hide it from the authorities on purpose. We have been kind enough to not destroy your installation back then.
And then you repay this kindness by producing equipment that is considered illegal in Kusari. Not only that. You also threaten to use violence against us when we gave you the chance to stop before it is too late.
You lack both understanding of the law and respect towards the authorities.
If you do not agree with the laws of Kusari then you should have built your base somewhere else.
That you revoked the docking rights of the Kusari Police just confirms that you are not inclined to follow the laws.

It seems clear now that we should have destroyed your base immediately and never should have allowed an exception from the rule.
Therefore we have decided to remove your installation at once. We advise you to evacuate the base immediately.

Of course from now on it won't be allowed for any ships to supply this base. Additionally this installation will be removed from the base registry along with all its suppliers.

Office of Admirality,
Kusari Naval Forces.

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RE: TO: The administrator of Nebula Complex - Hermes - 10-30-2014

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To: Kusari Police and Naval Forces
ID: Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO

I see that you refuse to understand and try to turn the table showing that i don't want to reach an understanding while you were the first aggressor when you stopped my suppliers from heading to the complex - So will be it - Your docking rights not only revoked, but you are now hostile to the Nebula Complex installation, and any hostile ships will be shot by the defenses and base defenders on sight - Communication is over. *channel blocked*.

Malakai Yakuza
Nebula Complex CEO
Transmission Terminated