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Lucky Buzz Chandlery - Printable Version

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Lucky Buzz Chandlery - Lucky Buzz - 11-02-2014

For those with a long memory you will recognise the name, I am back selling ships you want.

Lot 1: 'Bison' Class C5 Liberty Transport - no guns - Ageira ID/IFF - 500 000 SC

Lot 2: Enterprise 20 'Rhino' liberty Civilian Freighter - no guns - Ageira ID/IFF - 10 000 SC

Lot Civilian Explorer "Corvo"'Civilian Deep Space Explorer - Freelancer ID/IFF - 1 600 000 SC

Post interest below, I will then send my bank credentials by private comms. and on receipt of the cash you get the shiny new ship computer codes.

A Trusted Established Ship Seller - Past sales
Mining Ships Arrastra, Annapura, Hegemon, Salvager
Miscellaneous Base Construction, Osprey MkII, "Democritus" Class Luxury Yacht
Fighters and Bombers of all sizes Rapier, Caracal, Tiger Shark, Prosecutor, Raven's-Talon, Manta, Lynx, Mjolnir, Cutlass, Waran, Roc, Cougar, Waran, Roc, Broadsword, Upholder, Barghest, Thor, Ai Drone, Waran, Irezumi
Gunships/boats Border Worlds Gunship, Civilian Gunboat, Rheinland Gunboat, Dragon Gunboat, Gallic Gunboat, Bounty Hunter Gunship, Gallic Gunboat
Hauling Aurochs, Armoured Transport, Pirate Transport, Bretonian Train, Kujira, ZBT-1002 Whale, ZBT-1002 Whale, Border Worlds Transport, Gallic Advanced Train, Stork
Capital Ships Colonial Cruiser, AI Cruiser, Order Battleship, D5-2A "Ranseur" Outcast Dreadnought[/url], Outcast Destroyer
Alien Craft Nomad Assassin, Nomad Bomber, Nomad Gunboat
Promotional Giveaways Nyx, Collector, Eagle, Hyena, Arrow

RE: Lucky Buzz Chandlery - Lucky Buzz - 09-02-2024

New ships added to tempt you.