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Future of Cayman / Reapers of Sirius? - Printable Version

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Future of Cayman / Reapers of Sirius? - The.Outlaw.Star - 11-04-2014

OK so whats the future of Cayman and the reapers?

If they have a leader we need to speak!

skype: atacobellfiesta

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Tabris - 11-04-2014

At present the future of Cayman and the Reapers of Sirius is known only to the Developers, the Reapers themselves do not have an official faction any longer. The system will likely either be converted or simply removed in my personal opinion. Time will tell what will become of both the System and faction.

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Mako-chan - 11-04-2014

Delete it. Forever

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Gulryz - 11-04-2014

I liked a suggestion about it , which was told in a thread I read before, It was that cayman should be converted into pirate heaven or something like black market heaven , still devs knows how it will go

RE: Future of Cayman?? - The.Outlaw.Star - 11-04-2014

Well I'm all for bringing the reapers back if it's possible. I flew along side them many years ago and would hate to see it all go to the trash bin. Either way I fully support devs and their intentions and look forward to what will happen!

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Gulryz - 11-04-2014

(11-04-2014, 05:34 AM)The.Outlaw.Star Wrote: Well I'm all for bringing the reapers back if it's possible. I flew along side them many years ago and would hate to see it all go to the trash bin. Either way I fully support devs and their intentions and look forward to what will happen!

Their leaders dropped the faction I think so and they are not coming back.

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Eonaros - 11-04-2014

The faction is disbanded and the leaders probably won't do anything. I myself was thinking with some folks to start playing those characters again, as I was a member of RoS myself.

Cayman isn't your average system for sure. If RoS doesn't come to life in any time soon, Cayman will probably be deleted or be renamed as part of Omega systems.

Until then , Reapers of Sirius are dead, for good.

RE: Future of Cayman?? - SnakThree - 11-04-2014

A faction with such small number of members shouldn't even warrant allocated development time and dedication. There are forgotten and forsaken NPC factions since vanilla, that should get more attention and be properly developed.

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Vrabcek - 11-04-2014

If I remember right Cayman is a beautiful system and it would be a real shame to simply remove it.
As for the RoS, after Lohingren left, the faction was lost and everything what happened afterwards was a horrible dissaster. There isnt a reason to keep the faction on discovery. But again, the system and ships should be recycled and serve another purpose.

RE: Future of Cayman?? - Omicron - 11-04-2014

(11-04-2014, 10:56 AM)Vrabcek Wrote: If I remember right Cayman is a beautiful system and it would be a real shame to simply remove it.
As for the RoS, after Lohingren left, the faction was lost and everything what happened afterwards was a horrible dissaster. There isnt a reason to keep the faction on discovery. But again, the system and ships should be recycled and serve another purpose.

Too bad you solely see this game in purple glasses issued you by the Wilde. Lohingren pointed us at general direction even after his resignation, with some of his oldest "staff" still being around at the time. But you only saw us shooting you Smile

Dont assign any dev time to RoS/Cayman (be it to its glory or demise) until the actually alive factions get attention they deserve.