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T&T/ Escort & Security Contracts & bounty board - Printable Version

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T&T/ Escort & Security Contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 11-08-2014

Tinker & Transport does not greet violence as the best solution possible, but in a dangerous area like Sirius there is often a need for more protection that the usual trader can expect from his own turrets or evasive actions.
Because of this the T&T security division has opened a bounty board and also offers fixed escort contracts.
Pilots from T&T´s own security wing and unaffiliated Freelance or allied pilots can expect a fair pay for such escort contracts.

The escort contract is started with the trader / scrapper stating that he will hire an escort and is ended by the trader / scrapper confirming that he has reached his destination.
To claim his pay the escort must then send both communication copies with timestamp ( start and end of the contract ). No enemy contact or kill must be confirmed to claim the escort pay, but the trader / scrapper must confirm that the contract has been completed.
The bounty contract is set by the Haven officials or members and concerns single targets identified by scan & transponder and is claimed by destruction of a target. Blanket bounties may follow later.
Any Bonus gained from fulfilling bounty hunt contracts are unaffected by an escort contract and vice versa.

( I ) T&T Escort board status : <details here>
( II ) T&T Bounty board status : <details here>
( III ) T&T blanket security contract modifiers : <details here>
( IV ) Currently registered Pilots : <details here>
  • A bounty contract aims at eliminating a threat, destroying a certain target.
    A blanket bounty board is planned and will be issued as soon as it is supported.
  • A escort contract aims at a certain identified trader / scrapper reaching his destination with his cargo.
  • Bonus modifiers can be attached to both contracts and will be specified in the according chapter ( III )
  • A member of Tinker&Transport is automatically entitled to gain the benefits of the T&T/ Security Contracts.
    All others can gain access to the bounty and escort board through registering with following Template :
    ( <<< link to registration >>> )

Current bank account value will be posted here : <<< T&T/Bank >>>

Any modifications to the regulations for either the escort contracts or the bounty board contracts will be verified here too. This board is still under construction, we bid you to be patient.

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 11-08-2014

Tinker & Transport Escort contracts

We travel all over Sirius , sometimes to dangerous areas, sometimes through a difficult zone and sometimes under enemy fire.
So we need trustworthy and discreet escorts and are willing to pay a fair price for that. Your job : scouting, escort, defense.
Sometimes escorting a trader passing a bottleneck known to be pirated frequently, sometimes scouting out the path to a jump hole or quasilawfull sellpoint, sometimes defending Ambulances evacuating refugees under heavy fire. We are a versatile lot, and are looking for discreet and intelligent pilots.

Registering here means that you have read and accept our code of conduct , at least while you are on the job with us.
And that you get your money even if you are disabled in defense for one of us, providing that the contract goal is reached :
The trader reaches his destination, the Ambulance can escape and so on.
As long as you get the confirmation from the Tinker´s member contracting and hiring you , you earn the pay and any bonus affixed to it.

Requirements :
  1. You are either T&T/ member flying the T&T transponder or have registered with our Security department as Freelancer or affiliated Pilot.
  2. You have a confirmation of contract at the starting point and a confirmation of completion at end point ( // screenshot with timestamp and/or screenshot supplied by the trader ) The exact route must not be mentioned nor must any modifiers be explained, but you should declare any modifiers in your report to the Chief of Security or other Haven official who is processing your payment request )
  3. if you are *hired on the spot* or get the contract at any other stress moment preventing correct processing or loose evidence of the contract you need at least a Senior member of Tinker´s voucing for you to confirm your claim.

Standard payment for an escort contract is 500.000 sc per system passed during the contract with the start and destination system counting double.

<<<Modifiers will be explained in Chapter III>>>

Quote:Exemple 1 ) ( estimated time 45 - 60 min )
Trade run from Texas to New Tokyo / Yokohama. Return through same route.
Estimated pay without blanket modifiers : 14 x 500.- = 7.000.000 cred
( Route Tex > NY > Colo > Kep > Shik > NT and back , 6 systems x 2 = 12x 500
Destination is first New Tokio then Texas, both times counting double = + 2x 500.-

Quote:Example 2 )( estimated flight time max. 20 min )
Protecting scrapper on duty in Texas. Start Texas, destination Tinkers Haven / Texas.
1 System, counting double as it is start and destination.
No hostile encounter. Not involved in scrapping but only escorting.
( 2x 500.- c plus modifier : +1.000.000 "duty on the spot" = 2.000.000 )

Code of Conduct :

- We transport and trade no Contraband. We cherish our reputation, even if we do not condem those who trade in these commoditys.

- We are family. We care for and defend each other.

- We will use weaponry to defend our family, or interests and ourselves,
but we choose willingly to solve any issue through negotiation or with peaceful means if possible.

- We aknowledge territorial or official Law in the systems we inhabitate or visit even if we chose to live in cooperative Consent.

- We cherish integrity over lawful conduct.

- We confirm that we follow this code of conduct to our best ability.

Your Word is your breath. You stand tall and fall with it.
Cherish it. It is precious. It is ... your reputation.

Allowed is what pleases , without harming yourselve or others.

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 11-08-2014

Tinker & Transport Bounty Board contracts :

Currently T&T offers no blanket bounty board, but that may change in future.
We are looking for sponsors and negotiating , any changes will be described in these regulations here.
The bounty bord is open to any T&T member and to pilots of allied groups.
Unaffiliated pilots can gain access to the board by registering with T&T Sercurity.

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 11-08-2014

T&T Security pay & modifiers

All our security or support contracts can and will be modified with a list of bonus payments following here. Each bonus can only applied once to a payment and is gained by declaring the bonus in your report to the paymaster / Haven official processing the report.
There is nothing wrong in declaring the same report to other groups, like claiming a bounty for a certain pirate once with T&T, with any official house bounty board and with any other faction or group.
We will not complain about that and greet allied or affiliated pilots to claim bounty payments from us.

remember : Server Rules control engagement and reengagement in PvP

list of modifiers to contract payments

This list can be added or modified and is not final.

There are affixes to some modifiers indicating extra information :
( X ) : can be claimed for each T&T ship in convoi or patrol.
( N ) : can NOT be claimed together with another ( N ) modifier

Bonus modifier & description :

  • "Duty on the spot" ( X ) :
    escorting / protecting a T&T ship for an extended period in a single system.
    ( Like with scrapping or during a mechanic´s work. )
  • "Duty under fire" ( X ) :
    escorting / protecting a T&T ship while both of you are in a hostile area.
    ( Like escorting an Ambulance shuttle and a refugee liner while at Leeds )( can be combined with "Duty on the spot" )
  • "armed assistance" ( X ) :
    escorting a T&T ship while also assisting in primary contract target.
    ( like scrapping in a Junker Recycler and serving as Escort at the same time , any split in the profit is up to trader while the modifier is claimed by escort )
  • "discreetion required" ( X ) :
    The trade route is a blokade run or otherwise evades some local law
    ( like bringing suplies to a smuggler base or trading behind enemy lines in Council space. )
  • "known enemy" ( N ) :
    the enemy encountered or evaded is listed on the T&T individual bounty board

  • "famous foe" ( N ) :
    the enemy encountered or evaded is carrying a faction TAG

  • "blood in the scrap" :
    the enemy encountered or evaded is carrying an ID listed as hostile or at conflict in the diplomacy section of T&T.
    ( currently : Xeno or gallic Royalist )
Quote:For example : a known ( XA tagged ) Xeno successfully evaded or at least deterred long enough so that the trader can escape is worth +3.000.000 ( " blood in the scrap" ) + 2.000.000 ( "famous foe" ) + 1.000.000 ( "Duty on the spot" ) if encountered while protecting a scrapper in Texas for a proud total of + 6.000.000 and a base payment of 1.000.000. Sitting in a Junker ship like the Recycler you could even claim "armed assistance" if you helped the scrapper with collecting the stuff. And all it takes is : the scrapper must reach a safe base with his cargo. And NO : Texas does not count as enemy territory for "Duty under fire" ;-)

Convoy bonus :
( note : the convoy bonus does not require the excort to reach the destination. It is sufficient that the traders reach it. We will pay out escorts who crash during duty after sending out a MedEvac to fetch their escape pod )

+1.000.000 / per ship : "dedicated sheepdog"
An escort does not gain the paycheck several times if he escorts a convoy of T&T/ ships.
But this bonus is added per T&T/ ship in the convoy or mining zone.

+5.000.000 / per convoy : " expert shepherd"
If the convoy is actively engaged during travel or in a running operation and all convoy members ~ ecxept perhaps the escort ~ reach destination safely this bonus is cashed in.
Also there is an honour party at the Cantina )

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 11-08-2014

currently registered affiliated Escorts and Hunters :

The actual registration will be posted in a new thread in the bounty board registration Forum

We will keep a summary of all registered Hunters and allied groups able to claim T&T Security payments here for easy access.

List of groups and ships registered for T&T Security Contracts :

Groups :
Blaze )  : Blue Blaze , Bounty Hunter group with libertonian Origin

Individuals :

Vincent Morrow

// We will also show a diplomacy list here for easy acces and bid you remember :
Tinker & Transport is very concerned about reputation and diplomacy as we want to stay a quasilegal group. Close to law, operation in the slim twilight between illegal activity and fully legal work. Any official complains that can not be hushed up or fined and forgotten or clearly disruptive actions in both Forum or inGame Role Play might lead to Tinker´s revoking the acces to our security contracts and docking acces.

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 11-13-2014


Junker Congress
ALG Waste Disposal
BMF Bretonia Mining and Fabrication
{AFC} Archangels Fighter Club

gallic Council
Crayter Republic

Independent Mining Guild
OSC| Orbital Spa & Cruise

Liberty Forces

Lane Hacker
Junker Marauder
Liberty Rogue
Red Hessian Army




gallic Royalists

At Conflict:

( ----> Diplomacy is still evolving. Not mentioned parties are either concidered neutral or not jet defined.
Open for feedback here : )


EDIT LOG : last update to diplo on : 19.04. AS 822

EDIT LOG : mooved quicklinks and set this up as only diplo list ( 19.04.AS822 )

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security Contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 01-26-2015

Contract 1) MedEvac and Salvaging convoy to Omikron 74.

Security contractors :


non security member of convoy : Christina.Hurthi

T&T/ security members :

T&T/ convoy members :

Contract target : safe passage of a relief convoy including noncombatant vessles from Texas to Omikron 74, via Kepler, Kusari and Sigma 17 / 19 and Omikron Theta.

Contract status : fulfilled

Contract payment : I have decided to calculate the payment fully for all three Blaze) Members even though not all members where at starting and end point. Contract has been fulfilled and we are glad to have had you with us in Shikoku.
Full payment for all 3 members will be tranfsferred to : Blaze)-"Firecracker"
< transfer validation : >

T&T/Security : you can claim your paycheck via PM

Christina.Hurthi : You are an old friend. Thaks you for your assistance.
We will offer you full payment even though you are not listed as security contracttor,
I am transferring it to you in a moment.

Payment details :
Texas > NY > Colorado > Kepler > Shikoku > NT > Honshu > S 19 > S17 > O theta > Omikron 74
11 systems, start and end counting double : 13x 500.000 = 6.500.000

Bonus applicable :
+2.000.000 "famous foe" / MNS in Shikoku , this bonus is only applicable to Blaze)

+1.000.000 "armed assistance" / claimable by Christina.Hurthi as she flew a CSF and transported supplies

As a Bonus I have rounded up the Amounts.

Payments fixed :
Blaze) 3x 10.000.000 = 30.000.000 to Blaze) - "Fireckracker"

Chris : 8.000.000 are underway to you :

Tinkers can claim 7.000.000 via PM

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security Contracts & bounty board - Tinker and Transport - 03-27-2015

Contract coming soon : (// in the next 5 - 10 days , time will be discussed over Skype )

For a group of Zoners down in the Omegas we are currently setting up a convoy about to deliver 30.000 units of Prem A Scrap to their trade station. On the way back we will see if we can trade either supplies from Bretonnia in a bulk delivery or pick up ores at Falster with IMG.

We are looking for trustworthy security contractors interested in signing up with this convoy. Please register with the security board and / or send FynnMcScrap a message over S.K.Y.p3 or comnet.

P.O. Tukker
Prime secretary for
T&T/ Board of Trustees

RE: T&T/ Escort & Security Contracts & bounty board - FynnMcScrap - 03-31-2015

(03-27-2015, 09:20 AM)Tinker and Transport Wrote: Contract coming soon : (// in the next 5 - 10 days , time will be discussed over Skype )

For a group of Zoners down in the Omegas we are currently setting up a convoy about to deliver 30.000 units of Prem A Scrap to their trade station. On the way back we will see if we can trade either supplies from Bretonnia in a bulk delivery or pick up ores at Falster with IMG.

We are looking for trustworthy security contractors interested in signing up with this convoy. Please register with the security board and / or send FynnMcScrap a message over S.K.Y.p3 or comnet.

P.O. Tukker
Prime secretary for
T&T/ Board of Trustees

Contract has been fulfilled :

Payment from SSP :

Security contractor :