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The Lock Down (TFG| bar & grill) - Printable Version

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The Lock Down (TFG| bar & grill) - Shizune - 11-11-2014

// Currently Open to: All Hellfire Allies and Friendlies as well all Legion char's

Upon entering Fort Lenix within the Legion home star system, a map would be handed to you, pointing to a new bar instated by Aelita Stone, the newest member of the TFG force. While not much was said about it, the map said this bar was open to all Legion allies, Legionnaires themselves and whoever the Legion invited.

Reaching the general area where the bar was, one would find a three story bar area with guards posted around the room with several barkeepers on each bar on the three levels. The first floor was simple which held a small dancing area, tables, booths and other entertainment areas one would normally find. The room looked to be made of dark oak-like wood and the other areas painted a nice golden and red color in the area to make it look nice. A few waiters walked around the room, asking the relaxing pilots and captains for food and drinks before putting the order in with the bar on this level

The second level was a bit more different which could only seemed to be accessed by the Legion only pilots and had a bit more then the first level, as well held private booths for all those that wanted to talk alone or other wise just be alone as well, this level however also allowed invited persons to enter as well just as long as a Legion pilot was with them

The final level at the top was for the highest ranking Legion pilots only however which sported much more technological things and much more exotic foods and drink's. The only person at this time which had access was commander Noble of the TFG force who could copy and hand his key out to whoever wanted to however he wanted to be up there.

The place was kept clean to say the least and music filled the area of the whole place which could at any time be changed upon the request of a person in the bar (// just link us the song here and that will the set tone of the song). The food and drinks were not bad either, each respectfully listed on their own venue, such as Dublin Whisky from the Mollies or Vodka from the Hessians...etc, stuff like that.

More over, on the first floor was the security room for the guards, as well access to the storage room for the food and drinks, a side room for smokers and one large side room for Sirius/Gallic sport watchers with large TV's for showing such

The bar was inviting to one...all that seemed to be needed for now were people...