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To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Printable Version

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To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Star Enterprises Inc. - 11-15-2014

***Incoming Transmission***
**Open Sirius Transmission**
*From: Jake Winslow, CEO*

[Image: giphy.gif]

This is an Open message to all Star Enterprises Employees and personnel also addressing Zoner Confederation and all allies to Star Enterprises. Due to recent events seen HERE and HERE Star Space Port is on full lock down!

To all [Star] Vessels, You do not engage in any combat with any Order. Do not traffic any kind of Nomadic Materials or Equipment. You are to lay down your arms and comply with them no matter what. Please take note and report anything to command keep communications low and don't involve yourselves in hostile situations. Failure to comply with the Order and the regulations I have sent will result in termination from Star Enterprises Inc.

We are seeking aid from any who wish to protect Star Space Port and it's civilians. As Zoners we strive to keep a neutral hand on our diplomacy and wish to only protect humanities way of life! Those who wish to help aid in defenses may join in here and announce your partnership or remain anonymous. Those who seek payment for protection or other services we are willing to negotiate. Factions or groups willing to step-up will be rewarded greatly if present when another assault arises! The protection of the base and its civilians is our number one concern!

To the Confederation of the Zoner Empire and all other Zoners I bring to you great concern for our reputation as "allies" with the Order and express great caution when dealing with Order officials. This is an On going issue that must be addressed immediately! Innocent people are dying and lives are being ruined in these attacks. We must unite and bring together a solution to this problem before more lives are lost! The Zoners have the full support of Star Enterprises Inc. in any action you may choose to take.

Here at Star Enterprises Inc. we are willing to comply, reasonably, with any threat and demands that may affect Star Space port and its inhabitants. Safety for the Crew and civilians of the Star Space Port and Zoners alike is something we here at Star Enterprises take very seriously. Again any help is much appreciated and will not go unnoticed.

Please note: No hostile intentions have been made toward any groups.

Thank you

***End Transmission***

RE: To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Sabru - 11-15-2014

Receiving transmission

Source: Skarsi Wyrdmake
Signal Strength: Very Discordant
Encryption: 23's
Subject: Order aggression against zoners

Kallisti. I am Pope Skarsi Wyrdmake, Grand Flaxian Inquisitor of Baffin and Pope of the Robes of the Discordian Disorder known as TAZ.

We are dismayed, but not surprised, to hear that the Order under the control of the megalomaniac golanski is again attempting to subjugate zoners by force of arms. Having been threatened in the same manner, we understand the feelings of the Star zoners.

In my capacity as Inquisitor, i declare that all zoner vessels fleeing persecution by the tyrannical Order are welcome to seek Sanctuary on Shasta Orbital Skyhook in Baffin.

In times of oppression, we zoners must stand together. We must show that the order does not hold domain over us. Only zoners hold control over themselves.

Skarsi Wyrdmake

RE: To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Gypsie Skripto - 11-15-2014

From: Gypsie Skripto, Temporary Autonomous Zoner Ambassador
Location: Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
To: Sender
Encryption: Disorderly

[Image: dE6P0LG.gif]


Ah so Order are blocking us from their transmitions to Zoners huh? Oh sorry, yeah... about your predicament. There's nothing TAZ can do to help you out there. If this had happened one week from now, perhaps we would be able to launch a defense from Freeport 1, but as it is we have nothing there.

You do right tho in not attempting to oppose The Order by force, it would be rather pointless unless you had the support of the Corsairs or the Coalition. Right now you're looking at diplomacy as your only means to get out of this. Sadly TAZ are in a precarious position when it comes to dealing with Order, due to their recent little fanatic crusade in Baffin.

I also suggest caution when you speak about this to some of the other Zoners. Phoenixes are Order's lapdogs, except perhaps for one or two of their pilots. I dunno about Solar Runners, haven't heard enough of them. Your best option is to adress the Confederation of Freeports, an entity that has already stated it's unwillingness to bow before Golanski in the past.

For now just do what they say, and stop dealing in Nomad products, those things are a hotter potatoe than Cardamine or Slaves!

PS: Have you tried hiring some muscle? Perhaps the Core or the AI? The second is probably the best option.


[Image: qbNK5ZX.png]
[Image: L2d9kgf.png]

RE: To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Aereon - 11-15-2014

GOOD Evening TAZ I'm Gary Shaw CFO of Star Port.
Indeed we are trying our best to be diplomatic,however we like to prepare for the worsT as well,We are trying to gain more muscle,We do have Ties to the Core| they are permitted to dock and Gaurd us,We will speak to them about possibly upping their patrols.Ai might be trickey but we will try. We thank you for the offer of Safe Haven hopefully it will not come to that.

RE: To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Derkylos - 11-15-2014

--Incoming Transmission; Sender ID: Rashida--
--Format: Text only--

WTF dudes? R t Order trying 2 alienate all dere friends? Acting liek House pplz. Making up rules &c. IMO, they need 2 chillax & partayyy.

But not in my club.

U should jus lay loe till dey GTFO and go back 2 "protecting humanity" or w/e.

L8r. Rashida.

--Transmission Ends--

RE: To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Zen_Mechanics - 11-15-2014

[Image: ay3e.png]

I am the guardian of Tirane and I maintaine my long standing reputation of defending Omicron-74. I have had the chance to confront this fanatical progressive in the past, So I know very well how fragile the situation can be. While I keep my mouth shut in public I have no problems of degrading him and his entire orginization. Sadly, I cannot risk my warship and my crew in defending you - I will however grant all of your members diplomatic immunity within 74 - And drag my rather "close friends" from The Core to destroy them if they ever try to pull a stunt like that in my territory. I will however, send one of my exploration vessels to assist you. It is deeply disturbing that while the other zoners condem this action, are unwilling to raise a finger. It is because of this fact, that I suspect he always manages to win his battles - We combined, could have eliminated him and his thrown of misery a long time ago.


RE: To: All Zoners, [Star] Employees, and all who wish to aid ! - Derkylos - 11-15-2014

--Incoming Transmission; Sender ID: Rashida--
--Format: Text only--

Dave, not 2 be offensive or w/e, but R U insane? war w/Order...or any1 4 dat matter is not ow we roll. If u really want 2 get back @ da Order, try tellin da Unters where dere bases is. Jus dun tell any1 I told U 2 do it.

--Transmission Ends--