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Molly republican militia - Bjorn - 09-21-2008

Molly Republican Militia


Independance of Dublin and Londonderry systems, removal of all BMM influence, bases and miners from Dublin

Following the Founders Day Revolt in 752 AS, overworked and underpaid workers took control of their own mining stations, executing their overlords, and capturing a pair of mining ships. Rather than attempt to negociate with the rebels, the BAF arrived in force with capital ships and fighters, smashing one of the mining ships, then Endeavor, and pursuing the Glorious into a dense field, where the pursuiers were routed by a series of large mines, set in preparation for the revolt.

The BAF and Bretonian government, incensed at the continuing existence of a revolting band of miners, sent the HMS-Hood, a Dunkirk class battleship, from New London to restore order. This was the last straw for the workers who had, until then, remained loyal. The entire mining popultation of the system declared their Indipendance, and began a long guerilla war against the opressive and brutal government. The Hood was disabled by a huge mine, setting off a chain-reaction in the ship's aft. The engines and main reactors were completely trashed, and it was concluded that repairs could not be conducted in such a hostile enviroment. The BAF stripped and abandoned the ship, and the indipendant Miners Guild took it over shortly after, establishing the only freeport within House space.

Since the revolt, the Mollies have grown into a fierce group of terrorists and pirates, using attacks on both commercial shipping and mining operations, civilian establishments, and BAF bases and convoys in their fight to gain indipendance. The Londonderry System is considered a No-Fly zone for all BAF ships, and the Molly Asteroid Field, and Dublin in general, have become increasingly dangerous for the BAF and corsairs alike.

After the vicious Thermonuclear bombing of Planet Cork in 802 AS, the Corsairs have become a prime target for all Molly pilots and ships. Standing Orders stated that any corsair ships encountered, regardless of type, is to be destroyed immediatly, no quarter will be given or expected.

In 816 AS rulling molly faction Union of Gold signs Treaty of Dublin with Queen Carina, agreeing on terms to become Bretonian protectorate, but few weeks later Molly traditionalist uprising declared treaty null and void and resumed their operations with purpose of establishing independant Republic without any compromises with Bretonian empire.

In recent years, an organization known as the Molly Republican Militia has sprung up, and after traditionalist coup became largest Molly force and has begun an agressive expansion within Bretonia. Corsairs and the BAF have been forced to give ground on several occasions, and seemingly random acts of terrorism on both Planet New London and Planet Leeds have been the cause for considerable concern among the Bretonian Authorities. It is believed that the MRM is led by three men forming a 'Council', with an elected spokesman. The Current spokesman is Daniel O'Shay, an ex-miner of some repute. The believed head of the terrorism and piracy operations is a young man by the name of Shamus O'Toole, who has been reported killed on several occasions, but has always managed to resurface. Bounties are offered by the BAF and BPA for both of these men. There is a third member of this council, but his name and standing are as yet unknown to authorites.

Our ressources are low, and we cannot afford to run large ships. Our and Rogue joint ship design is well suited for our way of life, and is moderately priced to produce and mantain. Gunboat, being our biggest ship avalible, will be restriced to Senior Pilots and up. Cost of loosing such a vessel is too great to risk. Similarly to that, Pirate Transports will be given only to Senior Pirates and up, since new pilots need to get the basics of flight in fighter craft first.

Bloodhound, Wolfhound, Mule, Hyena, Werewolf, Bactran, Bhargest, Pirate Transport, Rogue gunboat(restricted), Pirate Train(restriced due price and low survival tendency)


We have our own weapons line and it has served us fine for generations. We do not need fancy guns to win freedom, only strong will and quick wit! For lack of better suited weapons, feel free to use Supernova, Mini razor and VIII armor plating, same goes for Transport and gunboat and transport turrets, missile launchers, mines and shields.

Molly, Liberty Rogue(limited), Universal(limited), Codenames(extremely limited)

Naming conventions:

For Single pilot cafts [MRM]-Name.Familyname
For Crewed ships [MRM]-Shipname (theese are to be named after towns and places in ireland, or in fashion of colonial era ships)


Since this is not highly organized military force, but simple band of opressed miners who want their own freedom. Ranks here are to represent seniority in faction and will serve as pointer to who to listen to based on expirience, and not social or political standing.

-Councilor - Three places only, one is elected as Council spokesman.

-Veteran - Very expirienced pilots, they are candidates for becoming Councilor

-Senior Pirate - A senior pilot, given the command authority to take charge of a given group of pilots in the absence of any Veterans or Councilors. Allowed to fly any ship on the list.

-Pirate - A rank-and-file member of the MRM. Allowed to pilot Bombers and below, and has the option of Captaining a Mule or Pirate Transport.

-Recruit - A very junior pilot, one who has either recently joined the MRM. Allowed to pilot Very Heavy Fighters and below

Zone of Influence:

Bretonia, We own bases in Newcastle, Londonderry and Dublin. Our ships can be seen from newcastle to Cambridge. We are not interested in border and edge worlds, that would stretch our lines too thin. For now, we want independance, destrucion of BMM and expulsion of Corsairs out of our space.

Diplomatic relations:

Diplomacy will only be mentioned for likely foes, others are to be treated as situation demands. Allies, treat them allmost as your own. Frends can dock, buy our guns and ships, trade. Neutrals can trade, and buy lower tier equipment. Unfrendly are to be pirated, chased out from our fields and taunted. Enemies are KoS.

Allies: Molly, Liberty Rogues

Frendly: Outcasts, Lane hackers, Junkers

Neutral: Zoners, IMG

Unfrendly: Bowex, Gateway, Mercenaries, Interspace, DSE, Universal, Samura, Kishiro, Orbital Spa and Cruise, Gaians, Generic Traders, Phantom Empire, CR, Coalition,

Enemy: Corsairs, BMM, BAF, BPA, BHG


Bjorn - Daniel O'Shay
Koolmo - Shamus O'Toole
Bloodsword - Patrick Quinlan

//Offgame notes:
We are unlawfull molly faction. We will be doing piracy, trade with unlawfull bases and mining operations.
I would like that all recomandations, complains and alike are sent to me over PM or over my Skype contact bjorn.thorvaldsson

//How to apply:
You need to write your name, reasons, timezone and skype contact here in this topic. Then you will be evaluated. We seek RP over PVP. This is purelly Molly faction, and represents molly's as bunch.

Molly republican militia - GhostFace - 09-21-2008

As a representative of the late Union of Gold please keep in mind with role-play the UoG(Mollys) have endured in the past 2 years. As for Londenderry you must ask a former counsel member for access rights as it is UoG owned. Also please keep in mind with the long war of the UoG and Bretonia was declared over as the UoG which represented the Mollys at the time signed a treaty between them leaving them neutral and in the past months even friendly.

Other than that..if you are still going for a rebellious Molly faction..please change it up abit..if your rebellious Londenderry, Arranmore, and the outcasts destroyer in New London would be considered hostile since in past RP the UoG(Molly) were in ownership of those bases and a small resistance that died out a while back took ownership of the Newcastle molly base.

EDIT: Also if I remember correctly with treaty we won our independence

Molly republican militia - ferongr - 09-21-2008

Well, unless the UoG becomes more active soon (have not seen one of their ships for ages, and their forums are pretty much dead), I would expect some other group to come and contest UoG's dominant position. So get whatever changes you have in mind done soon, and show some activity again.

Molly republican militia - GhostFace - 09-21-2008

Now here's the thing activity or not what we've done in the past cannot be's a suggestion...either take command of the UoG or form a rebellious faction that follows the RP..this is a rp server..things are not forgotten, there's no restart...the fun about an RP server in the long haul is that the players effect the outcome of the server...what we do matters in every single way.

Molly republican militia - ferongr - 09-21-2008

I did not say anything about erasing any solid RP. I only mentioned that the UoG, as it is now, is not eligible for "Official" faction status (AFAIK). And that leaves that position up for grabs.

Molly republican militia - GhostFace - 09-21-2008

Yes I understand that but in the MRM RP story their basing it before the UoG was created meaning as if none of the UoG events occurred.

Molly republican militia - ferongr - 09-21-2008

Look at it this way:

A peacekeeping group is the dominant force in a small organisation. As years pass, their ranks dwindle, and soon, their movement has not enough supporters and members to enforce how things get done.

On the other hand, a leader of a small group with opposing ideas, who sees the uncertainty inside that organization, as the central party that ruled how things were done has no member no enforce its views, makes a campaign to get people on his sides, offering riches, stability etc.

People in small organizations will take any leader that looks to have a vision and some future planning, rather than be disorganized and with no future.

So, either the UoG will announce their presence again, or their position will be taken by another group. Simple as that.

Molly republican militia - GhostFace - 09-21-2008

If you read the MRM Role play story behind them, there is NO mention about the UoG...also they said in their goal they're fighting for independence..we've won our independence already..why would you fight for it again...and also there is NO rp connection between the UoG, and past events which had a HUGE influence on bretonia

Molly republican militia - ferongr - 09-21-2008

Quote:In recent years, an organization known as the Molly Republican Militia has sprung up, and has begun an agressive expansion within Bretonia.

I would say that they are looking for more than what the Dublin treaty planned. Anyway, indeed the UoG should be mentioned in some way in the backstory.

Molly republican militia - Bjorn - 09-21-2008

Fellas, no spamm please. Alaso for UOG, sorry fellas but you are dead for now as far as Ive seen. Also we do not claim londonderry, as I am aware that it is still in UOG hands.

Also, after debate with BAF, Molly treaty is considered somewhat void. Mostly because except for UOG noone actually liked il, or respeced it.

Also contract as such is destroying game balance.