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Howdy - Printable Version

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Howdy - The Sovereign - 12-03-2014

Hey all, I'm a new player to this server and mod, as well as this being my first attempt at Rp, so bear with me.
The names Sean and I'm from South Africa, speak English fluently and am looking forward to having some fun in one of my favourite games with you all.

See you in the sky.

RE: Howdy - Alexander - 12-04-2014

Welcome! Have fun!

RE: Howdy - Ellie - 12-04-2014

Greetings Sean and welcome to Discovery!

Make sure to check this out.

Hope you enjoy you're time here.

RE: Howdy - Daerune - 12-04-2014

Welcome, nice to see you made it to fourms (sun)


RE: Howdy - Sylvie557 - 12-04-2014

Welcome and enjoy your stay in the land of insanity... I mean Discovery.

RE: Howdy - 7AlphaOne1 - 12-04-2014

Hi there buddy. Welcome and have a long stay in Disco.

~ Your friendly neighbourhood Spider[Angel]

RE: Howdy - The Sovereign - 12-05-2014

Thanks everyone, I can already say I'm enjoying it allot.

RE: Howdy - Rogue - 07-02-2018

Hey there, welcome to Discovery! Just make sure you don't run a pirate army of Merch PvPers and try take over the server, and you should be fine. Have fun!

RE: Howdy - Hammerhead - 07-02-2018

Errr... look at the dates dude, or is this a trolling poke Smile

RE: Howdy - The Sovereign - 07-02-2018

That's an immense gravedig.