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Freja Von Traufen - Printable Version

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Freja Von Traufen - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-22-2008

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There had been troubles in Rheinland, with the Junkers that is, alot of difficult situations arrise when being in the middle of a very hostile aprt of Sirius.
Frejas mother and father had been living on Kreuzberg for 2 years when the conflict arose. Unioners and Rheinland Millitary had faced each other in the surounding debris field of Kreuzberg, there had been alot of damage to the station and the personel inside it, Freja had been uninjured but unfortunely her father had been severely injured in the fight. He Didn't survive, worse of all, she never knew what happened to her mother...
They couldnt find her body.
She never blamed the Unioners nor the millitary, it was an accident that they had fired upon the Depot, but she was angry at the fact that they had been fighting so close to the station, she swore that what happens, she would try her best to solve any situation with diplomacy instead of fighting.

And so her quest to bring as many conflicts to a end started. But also to protect the Junkers from being caught up in a crossfire.

She Started out with buying herself a basic ship, A Starflea and nicknamed it Saga, After the Nordic Goddess: Aesir "The Seeing One" and started to head to what she heard of " The Junkers Paradise"
The trip was a rather uneventful.. she ran into a few Unioners who let her go after she perswaded them she wasnt a spy, then she got there... At Bornholm Depot at Omega 15... Scrap Metal everywhere!
She truely thought it was paradise and she started to collect the scrap metal and selling it on the depot, when she had enough money she bought herself a Collector, which had the extra cargo space so she could make more money.

One day after a long days work of collecting and selling scrap metal she sat down in the bar and helped herself to a drink of the finest whisky on sale, then out of the blue, a rather tall bloke with black hair and a plaster on the left side of his face walked upto her and offered her a drink.

"I was impressed with your work ethic today, i was watching you while i was doing my duties, may i ask something? Whats your name?" Says the bloke.
"Why should i tell you? Why should i trust you" I Reply.
"Why?" He replied... "Because im the Adjudicator of Bornholm and i was going to ask you if you was interested with joining the Junkers Congress but if your not bothered then ill leave." The Bloke starts to walk off when Freja grabs him.
"Fine. Im Freja Von Traufen, tell me more about this Congress please, oh and whats your name?"
"Im Jack Matthews..."
And we talk for quite a while, him telling me of what the Congress does and me telling him off my past and of what i hope to achieve... after a few hours i take my leave and take myself to bed, but before i fall asleep i decide, i want to join this Congress...

Freja Von Traufen - Saigo.Watanabe - 11-13-2008

[Image: Saga.png]
A Few weeks later after applying and being accepted into the Junker Congress, Freja had just landed on Rochester Base with her Collector fighter... she was now working as a escort for the members of the congress, not what she wanted to do... but it was necessary.
Her dream was edging closer to what she wished to be, she had met many people since joining...

Freja walked into the bar and bought herself a whisky, she thought: 'Nothing like a good whisky to finish the day...'
and so she drank to drown out her past, the body of her father still haunted her... the damage to his body...