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WHy is my request the only one locked? - Printable Version

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WHy is my request the only one locked? - ScornStar - 09-23-2008

' Wrote:Special Role-Playing Characters

This forum category will be used for posting threads for characters that use customized role-playing.

Who should post here?

The admins have agreed that the main reason to introduce the practice of special character approval is to prevent players from using doubtful RP excuses using non-RP ships and weaponry. So, our task is not taking away freedom of choice, but rather prevent out-of-RP setups from appearing without any logical background. This forum is meant to determine if the background is logical or not.

Slight changes in equipment or weaponry (like using an occasional gun of another faction while having generally correct ship setup) should not require post in this forum. Changes that do require posting are:

- Using ship not belonging to the faction or its close allies;
- Using weapon/equipment setup that significantly differs from player faction's;
- Applying for Terrorist ID;
- Other cases of using out-of-RP ship, eqipment setup or unusual role-playing alignment.

What should be posted here?

For each character you should post a separate thread. Thread must be titled with full character name without additional words or symbols. Thread must contain:

- Brief description of the character;
- Reasons for receiving unusual setup;
- Details of new setup that will be used;
- Limitations within which the character will change its setup (limitations of the new role-playing status);
- Link or links to the character story on the forum, and any other materials related to this character.

You can include other miscellaneous materials, like character screenshot (please use external image hosts).


Approval takes one week (7 days) from the moment when the thread is posted and made visible (approved by moderator). All threads are pre-moderated to prevent obviously incomplete/irrelevant threads from appearing. Posts (comments) in those threads are not pre-moderated.

During approval, players who have concerns about certain setup might voice their doubts. I recommend not to post anything unless you have important reasons to. I also recommend not to interfere when the characters has nothing in common with the faction(s) you are involved with, and when you know nothing about the player who posts the request.

Please DO NOT post approvals ("Yes it's OK with me" in any form). Only administrators should do such thing.

If no motivated negative posts are seen after 7 days, the character is automatically considered to be approved. If there are such posts, administrator may delay approval until everything is fixed, or make the thread invisible (disapprove). If none of the administrators interfere due to lack of time within the specified time limit, character's author is advised to contact any of the server admins and remind about the request.

Note that 7 days last since the day when thread was made visible by moderator, not from the day when it was posted. Moderator approval should be relatively fast.

Server administrators may post their approval earlier than in 7 days.

If the player does not follow requirements posted in his/her own thread, violates server rules, or abuses his/her new status, the approval is revoked, and the thread made invisible again.


I'm aware that many players are concerned about anonymity of their RP characters. While we cannot approve characters privately, you can still create an alternate forum account and post your thread without letting everyone know who you are.

Existing characters

It would be great if existing characters with special RP would post their own threads here - not for approval, but as an example of what others should do.

This is all for today. Discuss in the Rules forum if you have any questions. Don't quote this post in your new threads.

In the SPecial RP character section, I'd like to know why mine is the only one locked after the only feedback being one admin.:angry:

There have been no motivated involved post of anyone saying no. So, I ask why? This is unfair in the extreme.:rtfm:

And the smart ass comment on make me angrier. May be a professional responce would be more respected and why would you lock it? With no one haveing commented?

WHy is my request the only one locked? - Boss - 09-23-2008

Woah, woah, woah, there Scorn. Yours isn't the only one. Simmer down. Also, Del's been under a bit of stress recently, so please, give him a break there.

WHy is my request the only one locked? - sovereign - 09-23-2008

Note the other locked threads. There's a page of them. You aren't alone. You aren't even the only one that got denied...

Actually, you've got a little more feedback to go on than the rest of them, since you've tried this past them before. Del's post on behalf of the admin team indicates to me that the story hasn't changed, thus the feedback and decision haven't changed.

Any particular reason you didn't take this to PMs or skype?

EDIT: And it appears Del has magical mind-reading powers, since the thread is now unlocked with the old feedback re-presented.

WHy is my request the only one locked? - ScornStar - 09-23-2008

I did go to PMs. I will see what they posted now. I never got a reason. But I'll look and he's not the only one with stress. Try haveing the US military saying your wanted for fraud when you dont know what thier talking about.

WHy is my request the only one locked? - Reverend Del - 09-23-2008

This was taken to PM's but I felt that if Scornstar wanted the feedback public, so should it be. Thanks for the defence Boss, but it's unnecessary, the comment and subsequent bashing were because this has been turned down before. We were bemused as to why you'd continue to ask when you've been flatly denied each and every time you asked.

Now this is not a personal attack on you, it is not because we have some secret vendetta against you personally, it's because we do not like the idea. simple as that.