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Red hessians related question - Printable Version

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Red hessians related question - Bjorn - 09-23-2008

Ok, hessians did develop Asgard line and it is serving well. But also I noticed it is fairly unknown one to usual traders and such. Reason for this is that low level NPCs are using borderworld line.

Now question is, (to lower number of random pirates in BW line) can Asgard line be expanded to low tiers? I know most long time players see no reason for this, but there is. New players sometimes do not trade but do missions and loot selling to gear and level up(I bought my first VHF by money made purely on missions). Here is where low tier comes in handy. Second reason, is to see more diversity in random pirate groups across Sirius.

It is a random question.

Red hessians related question - Lupusy - 09-23-2008

i dont understand ? well i was thinking of how a character would start as a red hessian but... what ships would you recommend for a new player to try to make it to a hessian base and dock?

Red hessians related question - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-23-2008

the red hessian base in Dresden is the best in my opinion but it depends on if you have the money to fix the red hessian rep since you dont start neutral with them. do what i would do and goto outcast or lane hackers space and base first get your rep up with them, and get a half decent ship... then your rep would be at least neutral with red hessian and then you can goto one of their bases and fix your ship, id and iff. ( you will have to fix your iff)

Also, i see what you mean Bjorn and it is a bit unknown to people but people with half a brain should relize they have their own shipline... but i expect you can change the lower tier'd enemies to use the new ships, but i cannot fully answer that since im not a programmer.

Red hessians related question - Varyag - 09-26-2008

The hessians in the guard system use the Hessian line of ships. I don't see why they couldn't use them other places. With 4.85 so close it is hard to make any request because it may have already been done.