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To: Unione Corse - Printable Version

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To: Unione Corse - TheSauron - 12-18-2014

[Image: hR8RMGU.png]

Good day!

I'm Flora, and I'm contacting you on behalf of the Watchers. You probably don't have any idea who are we, so let me introduce ourselves a bit. We're a group of Gaians tasked with dealing with more... delicate threats to us and Her.
I'm pretty sure that this transmission may be somewhat suprising, so I'll move straight to the business.

As a group that, willingly or not, found themselves on good terms with the crown, we've decided to use the situation and look for various... positives that'd cover our losses we've suffered during few well know events.
Our current situation gives us undisturbed acces to gallic civilian market, however as we both know, there are always more profitable alternatives. And in case of Gallia, you seem to be the ones that have quite a bit of those at their disposal.

However, as I don't really like futile talking, I'd like to hear if you're interested in any kind of dealings at all.
I'll be awaiting your response.

Clean skies.

[Image: SjSyxu4.png]

RE: To: Unione Corse - Teerin - 03-13-2015

[Image: yY3zge4.png]

Mademoiselle Flora,

Allow me to apologize for our delay in responding to your message, s'il vous plait. Tribun Nivalgo wished to handle this communication, but he fell ill and has yet to recover. His various files have since been misplaced.

While we understand and sympathize with your forced situation with the Gallic Crown, you seem to have us at a bit of a disadvantage here. What has lead the Watchers to the conclusion that it is us who could be contacted for such a ... request?

Et furthermore, I must point out how rude it is to "move straight to business" on this matter. We know little of the Gaian movement, and you are certainly in no position to bypass the paramount stages of a working relationship that is commonly known to many as "friendship". We do not deal with people who come to us only for what they speculate we can get for them. With luck, you understand the delicacy of our position here.

Withal, this is not an outright denial of your interests with us. Do elaborate about yourself, your organization, et reasons for dealing with the Unione Corse. The Senat would be delighted to develop a friendship through which we gain mutual understanding. Blindly waltzing into an alliance can lead to unnecessary disputes farther down the road, oui?

Merci for you interest.

Tribun Chloe Durand,
Unione Corse Famille Senat
[Image: 2qxp3b5.png]