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Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Printable Version

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Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Jansen - 12-23-2014

Spirit.of.Fire-|G has been bastilled for:
Quote:1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.
If you are flying a Rogue Cruiser, you do not shoot at other Rogues Cruisers, especially not if a pirate "orders" you to do so. If you do this you end up in Bastille. Post here telling us what you intend to do now.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Tutashkhia - 12-23-2014

1) Looks like I'm too lucky today, I have just used one opportunity, and I'll use another one just to ask you how you've been, Jansen?

2) Well... Spirit, A.K.A the Razor-Boy really have something to learn from this journey. Next time he will be more evil, I do hope.

3) With a Proper RP, people can even kill their own moms,dads, grands, other family members,friends, friends' friends, friends' families and their neighbors too.

I won't ask for the evidence, cuz I perfectly know what's it all about. The LR- tagged Cruiser, so called the Warlady, watching how the indie Rogues were being slaughtered by lawfuls, just 4-5km away from her. Spirit.Of.Fire, saw it and got even more disappointed than I got in the previous thread. The RP was done, it was just up to Spirit.Of.Fire which side he would support. He chose the right side, where nobody "orders" him, where everyone has the same power, where everyone are the bosses of themselves.

P.S And yes, I'll just ask one thing, Jansen please,next time call me the Gangster instead of Pirate. It sounds like a bit out-dated already.
P.S.S It smells like the whole Holiday will be full of such lucky days.

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Titan* - 12-24-2014

Hello. So when will I get my Cruiser outside the Bastille?

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Tutashkhia - 12-25-2014

Anyone please? We're already missing his Razors.

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Garrett Jax - 12-25-2014

When we finish processing all the rule violation reports concerning your group, then we will decide whether to release your ship from Bastille or just throw the whole lot of you in there together. Don't worry, I've spent about three hours tonight going over them. I'm almost done.
Also, I don't believe Mr. xhunterx did what Jansen asked him to do in the OP.

Edit: Oops, sorry my mistake. There are more reports than I first realized. Expect further delays...

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Tutashkhia - 12-25-2014

Nice. At least I have your respond. A little delay but still okay.

Looks like we're becoming more and more popular. This can be called a great start, I couldn't even dream of such. Oh and Bastille, I've really missed that place but I don't really feel thirsty.

Does it matter what I stated earlier? For me yes, but for you all it really doesn't. Even when I stated that, none of you cared about it much and sewn the "faction" status on my little gang.

Quote:Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters.
Does the Rogue ID really forbid pilots shooting other Rogue ID'ed pilots? I've re-read that ID five or maybe six times already, but couldn't find anything about it in it.

Didn't really know if the players were sent to Bastille for shooting the same ID'ed ships.

P.S I'm really sorry for taking three hours of yours. You could fully decorate the Christmas tree in 3 hours.

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Garrett Jax - 12-25-2014

(12-25-2014, 09:48 AM)Tutashkhia Wrote: Does it matter what I stated earlier? For me yes, but for you all it really doesn't. Even when I stated that, none of you cared about it much and sewn the "faction" status on my little gang.

If you are not a faction, then you cannot be a faction leader. If you are not a faction leader, then this sanction doesn't involve you. If this sanction doesn't involve you, then you are opening yourself to a reprisal of my choice. Normally, in cases like that, I simply pick a ship to be deleted, usually a big one. Let's see, I count three ships that are to be deleted in this thread alone. I can go back to the other sanction threads you involved yourself in too. I know there's more. You can sit here and claim that you are not a faction, but in essence you are. You wear a tag, you act with a common purpose and according to chat logs, the group follows your orders. But, let me know if you are not a faction. I will forgo Bastille, and go straight to ship deletion. At least for you.

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Tutashkhia - 12-25-2014

Quote:You wear a tag, you act with a common purpose and according to chat logs, the group follows your orders. But, let me know if you are not a faction.
For you we're a Faction. We've always been a faction, and never cared before whether I called it a Faction or just a gang.

Quote:If you are not a faction leader, then this sanction doesn't involve you.

1) It does.
Quote: especially not if a pirate "orders" you to do so

All of us know who is meant in that "Pirate". Thus, I can consider that I caused his sanction, if he followed my orders.

2)I hate repeating myself, but It seems I've to.
Quote:Does the Rogue ID really forbid pilots shooting other Rogue ID'ed pilots? I've re-read that ID five or maybe six times already, but couldn't find anything about it in it.

Edit: Many things have been changed in the last month.

RE: Player bastilled: Spirit.of.Fire-|G - Titan* - 12-25-2014

Hello again. Can I have the evidences? And also, I need to see where it's written that Rogue ID'ed pilot can't shoot another Rogue ID'ed one with proper RP.
If rules really say so, of course I will stop doing that