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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Crayter Republic - 07-09-2012

Sabah Shipyard
Crayter Defense Industries

[Image: fWy86On.png?1]

We are proud to announce that we are working on alleviating tech compatibility issues within our vessels!*
*Every third party Crayterian ship is to be shipped with civilian grade components. Installation of Crayter military-grade tech will incur additional fees and may cause technology deficiancies.

Crayter Defense Industries is the only developer and manufacturer of Crayter ships and weaponry. As a government owned corporation the CDI is tasked to ensure a secure and steady supply of equipment for the Republics equipment, needs in the Civilian and Military sector. The corporation itself is subject to parliamental oversight, but can otherwise act on its own as long as its goals are met.

In order to maximize the CDIs efficiency and to reduce idle times, the government has allowed the CDI the production of limited numbers of Crayter equipment for third party individuals and groups.

Individuals interested in the purchase of Crayter technology are required to send an order to Crayter Defense Industries. The individual will have to supply the CDI with the required materials as well as a production fee. A visual evidence of the arrival of both at Sabah has to be supplied before the CDI can produce an order.

The CDIs portfolio includes the following technology, materials and production fees are included:

Procedure are as follows:
All Construction Parts Shipments must have a dated Shipping Manifest screencap posted on this frequency.
All Payments must be sent to - =CR=Treasury
Proof of payments must be furnished below with a dated screencap
Choosing to forego the Construction Parts delivery will double (x2) the fee of the vessel being requested.
Please select available Chassis below, to begin order.

Colonial Defense Industries Wrote:
EVO 3A Eros - Colonial Interceptor
This light fighter is a modernized version of the first atmospheric combat ship build by the Colonials in the Crayter sector. Many of its base elements can be found in the Nyx, due to it being the base prototype and the first ship used by the new and young Republic.

29.358 Credits
30 units Engine Components; 30 units High Temperature Alloys; 30 units Nano Capacitors; 10 units Optical Chips; 100 units Optronics; 100 units Polymers; 30 units Quantum Multiplexors; 20 units Super Alloy; 100 units Ship Hull Panels; 1 unit Nuclear Devices; 10 units Plutonium

Colonial Defense Industries Wrote:
EVO 2B Nyx - Colonial Space Superiority Fighter
Built upon the experience gained by years of Colonial shipbuilding, the Nyx class is the most advanced Fighter type available in the Republic. The lessons learned from the Eros class light Fighter design as well as the study of hostile flight tactics have been combined to a deadly weapon. Its unmatched speed and unrelenting brutality as well as the simple maintenance make this vessel the Colonial fleets standard fighter.

43.502 Credits
40 units Engine Components; 50 units High Temperature Alloys; 50 units Nano Capacitors; 20 units Optical Chips; 100 units Optronics; 150 units Polymers; 40 units Quantum Multiplexors; 50 units Super Alloy; 150 units Ship Hull Panels; 2 units Nuclear Devices; 20 units Plutonium

Colonial Defense Industries Wrote:
EVO B12 Pytho - Colonial Strike Bomber
The pearl of Colonial engineering, the Pytho is the most powerful small ship the fleet can offer. Having the Nyx fighter at its roots, this ship received a bigger powerplant and more powerful weapons in an attempt to fight back the Outcast and Gallic capital ships. The small front and side profiles make this bomber one of the best assault weapons the Republic knows.

121.650 Credits
50 units Engine Components; 70 units High Temperature Alloys; 50 units Nano Capacitors; 40 units Optical Chips; 150 units Optronics; 150 units Polymers; 60 units Quantum Multiplexors; 50 units Super Alloy; 200 units Ship Hull Panels; 5 units Nuclear Devices; 50 units Plutonium

Colonial Defense Industries Wrote:
Celestra - Colonial Armed Transport
The Celestra had its birth as the Colonials need to move people as well as important and fragile cargo increased. The Celestra is more agile and better armed then the heavier Atlas class transport, capable of ferrying her cargo through hostile space safely.

72.000 Credits
100 units Engine Components; 100 units High Temperature Alloys; 100 units Nano Capacitors; 50 units Optical Chips; 150 units Optronics; 200 units Polymers; 50 units Quantum Multiplexors; 50 units Super Alloy; 300 units Ship Hull Panels; 5 units Nuclear Devices; 50 units Plutonium

Colonial Defense Industries Wrote:
Atlas - Colonial Transport
The aptly named Atlas class transport is the foundation upon which the the next generation of Colonial efforts stand. With conventional transports being increasingly reliant upon an ever more closely linked sector the demands upon interstellar performance have all but vanished. Confronted with increasing political pressures within the systems linked by house trade networks and jumpholes, the Colonial Republic crafted a vessel capable of serving its needs between houses and in the black between stars.

Boasting impressive armament atop a hull designed to suffer intense stellar radiations, the Atlas is the lifeline between the fledgling groups of struggling nation of the past, and the empire of the future.

1.214.000 Credits
200 units Engine Components; 200 units High Temperature Alloys; 100 units Nano Capacitors; 50 units Optical Chips; 150 units Optronics; 200 units Polymers; 50 units Quantum Multiplexors; 100 units Super Alloy; 400 units Ship Hull Panels; 5 units Nuclear Devices; 50 units Plutonium

Colonial Defense Industries Wrote:
Hydra - Colonial Gunboat
The Hydra is the Crayter Republic's answer to swarms of strikecraft that may threaten it's interest. Designed for a multitude of roles ranging from force recon to fleet escort to heavy patrol, the Hydra is able to take to the front in nearly any operation.

730.000 Credits
150 units Engine Components; 150 units High Temperature Alloys; 70 units Nano Capacitors; 50 units Optical Chips; 100 units Optronics; 125 units Polymers; 50 units Quantum Multiplexors; 150 units Super Alloy; 600 units Ship Hull Panels; 5 units Nuclear Devices; 50 units Plutonium

The Crayter Military have decided that we are NOT selling or producing any of our capital warships for other organisations or corporations, that is why we do not have them within our portfolio and we do apologies for this.
We would like to thank you for your purchase and we would like to thank you for your patience also.

[Image: 7ERgorB.png]

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Savvy ? - 09-01-2012

[Image: TBLaurieFix2.png]
Kallisti there *wink*

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Piper Laurie, currently I am in charge of Awani Dream, a small Series DL transport. Normally Series DL is more than suffice to serve my small shipping business, but I am thinking to get another transport which smaller, faster and more reliable and your Celestra Light Armored Transport has come to my attention. Therefore I would like to aquire 1 unit of Celestra Light Armored Transport and if possible, additional 1 unit of Hydra Class Strike Corvette for my personal pleasure*wink*.
Since my Series DL is still being repaired, I wont' be able to deliver any parts needed, but I am willing to pay the whole expenses for both vessel.
Looking forward for you answer.

Yours Sincerely

[Image: new-2.png]
Piper Laurie

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 09-02-2012

[Image: seontb2.png]

Good day, Miss Laurie
Please, accept my apologies for the delay.

Judging by your form of address, I would imagine you are a member of the TAZ faith. Considering our good relations with the Temporary Autonomous Zoners, we are interested in accommodating your request.

There are some questions first, however.
I would assume these requisitioned vessels will be used under Zoner Identification Papers, and Beacons.

Secondly, while a Celestra transport has only a number of uses - a Hydra Corvette is indeed a ship manufactured for war, and while I understand the Zoners have just as much need to defend themselves as anyone else, I would ask if your reason for it is anything other then just exploration and defense.

Lastly, we would ask your relationship with the Nacion Maltese, Gallia, and The Kusari Republic.

Assuming these answers are satisfactory, we will instruct you on the next steps towards fulfilling your order.

Thank you.

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Sarawr!? - 09-02-2012

TRANSMISSION TARGET: [color=#CC0000]Colonial Defense Industries
SUBJECT: Volgograd Industries

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]
Salutations, and good afternoon, Mister Seon. Perhaps this request will take you by surprise, perhaps not..but I digress, allow me to explain, and to introduce myself.

I am Tariq Al-Maliki, First Secretary of the Coalition People's Committee for Foreign Trade and Industry, as such, my chief responsibility is overseeing our strongest national Corporation, Volgograd Industries.

While Volgograd Industries is run by our Glorious Coalition Government...we are not directly affiliated with the Revolutionary Army. Our interest is to see a new era of economic prosperity ushered in on planet Volgograd, improving the strength of our Nation, and the lives of our Citizenry.

Aha..but again I digress, you will have to forgive me for that!

I would like to request two Celestra Armored Transports, and one Atlas Long Range Transport, for use by Volgograd Industries, to increase our capacity to carry out economic operations. I am prepared to offer your organization a lump sum of credits up front, though Volgograd Industries is also capable of gathering the necessary raw materials, if need be.

Allow me to simply reiterate one point in closing, these vessels would not be used for military purposes, so any fallout directed toward the Colonial Republic should be rather...minimal.

I thank you for your time, and I hope that this proposal will be a success for all parties involved, so that diplomatic relations between our two nations can continue to grow in the right direction.

This is Tariq Al-Maliki, ending message, As-Salāmu `alaykum.


Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Savvy ? - 09-03-2012

[Image: TBLaurieFix2.png]
Kallisti Mr. Seon,

It is true that I have embrace the way of Eris but I am not TAZ member........yet*smile*.
Now, about the vessel I have requested, both vessel indeed will be used under Zoner identification, papers and beacons, you have my word on it.
Second question regarding my request of Hydra Corvette ......this is a bit embarasing but I must say I have fall in love on that ship since the first time I saw it, an elegant, beautiful and reliable vessel. I am planning to use it only to satisfy my wanderlust and hopefully without even single fire from it's gun.
To answer your last question.......I was known to close with few popular bachelor but Nacion Maltese, Gallia and The Kusari Republic
? *sigh*, you won't see me having dinner with them. They are not my type, but I'll try to be polite to them. I am a Zoner afterall *wink*
I hope my answer satisfy you.

Yours Sincerely

[Image: new-2.png]
Piper Laurie

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 09-03-2012

[Image: seontb2.png]

Miss Laurie.

We would urge you to be careful with Colonial Military equipment in and around both Outcasts and Kusari national forces - due to the current state of war between the Colonial Republic and the Outcasts, as well as Kusari - the use of Colonial Military equipment could put you in danger.

Now, the lump sum price for both vessels will be 38,000,000 $ Sirian Credits, delivered to our neural net account, given in the information above. Please provide proof of payment, and the next two completed hulls will be set aside for your pickup.

Thank you.

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 09-03-2012

[Image: crosstb2.png]

Mr. Al-Maliki.

We currently have Two Celestra's and One Atlas that are in Sabah being repaired. Sabah Production is in the process of constructing two ships, so we cannot begin any new construction work at the moment. The three transports I mentioned are in need of replacement parts we currently do not have in stock, so their repair priority has been set to the bottom of the list.

Both ships are in good condition, despite the needed parts, and will be made available to you with a fee rendered for the restoration work, and parts cost.

Lump sum for all three transports will be total of 25,000,000 $ sirian credits, payed to our neural net account given in the information above.

Please transmit proof of your payment, and the vessels will be ready upon your arrival.

Helena Cross
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Savvy ? - 09-04-2012

[Image: TBLaurieFix2.png]
Kallisti Mr. Seon,

[color=#6666CC]I am glad that my request has been granted, I will try to keep in my mind to avoid any Outcast and Kusari teritory for my own sake [color=#993399]*smile*[color=#6666CC]
And now for the payment, here you go Mr. Seon [color=#993399]*show the receipt*

I hope it doesn't take too long to prepare both vessel, I can't wait to fly it and show it to my friends
Oh my.......[color=#993399]*giggles*

Yours Sincerely

[Image: new-2.png]
[color=#CC33CC]Piper Laurie

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 09-04-2012

[Image: crosstb2.png]

Miss Laurie,

Hydra, Hull Number 389, and Celestra, Hull Number 132, are ready for crew and pickup at Sabah.
Your payment has been received. We here at Sabah Shipyards look forward to your arrival, and ask you tell us what you name the vessels, when you christen them.

We stand by our work, and we know these ships will server you well.

Helena Cross
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Savvy ? - 09-05-2012

[Image: TBLaurieFix2.png]

Kallisti Miss. Cross,

[color=#6666CC]Is it [color=#6666CC][color=#993399]completed ?, I am a bit surprised on how fast Colonial Defense Industries serve it's customer. You have my compliment for that.
For the vessel name I would like to have Piper's Angel for Hydra and Piper's Dream for Celestra, both will be my guardian angel and my dream.
I believe Colonial Defense Industries only give the best for it's customer so I am sure both ship will serve me well.
Currently I am waiting for shuttle from Freeport 6 to Sabah Shipyard and I will be there shortly, meanwhile send my regards to Mr. Seon, I am looking forward to meet him in other occasion in the future [color=#993399]*smile*

Yours Sincerely

[Image: new-2.png]
[color=#CC33CC]Piper Laurie