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Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Printable Version

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Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Shizune - 01-03-2015

It didn't take Jason long to find where Aelita was, easy enough; when he got to Kyoto, the first thing that came up as a friendly was the CV Lyoko near the station with a few life forms on board, including Stone herself. Once getting close enough, the AI opened comm's to Jason before charging cruise and starting to follow him to theTohoku system near by. If he looked, there were three long lines cutting across the top of the Hathor, like battleship fire had almost taken the top of the gunboat clean off.

After a bit, the aged gunboat had made it to Ryuku base and started to hover near it as it waited CV Amunet. As the Resheph came into range, the AI proceeded to wake up Stone and get her ready to speak with her commander. Mooring the two ships together, Stone quickly tracked her way to Grey after disarming herself of all weapons and armor she had on her body; which was very little. Being on the Lyoko, Aelita never though to wear several tons of armor or weapons on her body.

Making her way to Grey behind the guards, she paused as she entered the room before stepping in...Stone could not hold back what she had to say, bringing out lists upon lists of what happened quickly, giving almost no time to talk...however after a bit, she did manage to calm herself before telling her all that happened...before dropping the big bomb of information on her...and never the less described what was coming, in Stones own words; A storm of great magnitude was brewing...

Moments after finishing, she fell against the wall and shrunk against it a bit, holding her foot that was fully bandaged, if Grey looked close enough, she could see same scars under Stone's uniform that were healing still, giving enough information of what caused her to flee while she could. Sighing and lowering her head, she allowed Grey to question anything else she needed before going quiet again, letting her command put everything together and just to think at this point...Stone waited, well more just relaxed actually it seems; if Grey noticed, for the first time in a while, Stone seemed to actually be fully relaxing after whatever happened...

Meanwhile Aelita had invited two more female agents into the room soon after talking to Grey, standing and taking a position against the wall, folding her hands to her sides, staying there like a guard to let the two girls talk to Grey however said something before hand "Angel, Valkyrie, this is my commander and leading officer Liara Grey. Grey, this is agent Angel and Valkyrie, not to be confused with the Primary fleets Valkyrie."

RE: Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Noraim - 01-04-2015

Grey was in her office reviewing a few operational reports and flight schedules for her squad. Merely moments after receiving notice the guests have arrived did she observe Aelita barge in frantically and begin unloading documents on the desk. She barely had time to quirk an eyebrow in curiosity towards Stone's zealous posture before noticing the agent's wounds and mild catatonic state.

Liara immediately got up as she pressed a button on her console's comm link "Get a med team in here ASAP! Port-side upper deck, room O-4-6." she instructed with a cranky tone, then moved to cast a quick glance over the reports before approaching Aelita "Stand down and take it easy Agent, you've gone beyond the call of duty just by coming back alive." she spoke with a reassuring tone as she stood next to Stone when she took pause to sit down.

Agent Morigan stepped halfway into the room and gazed at Grey "Med team's on the way and we've had no reports of contacts from here-on and all the way back to Taba. Looks like you've got two more guests Commander." he added just as Aelita's companions approached the room and stepped back out making way for them to enter as Grey and Stone stood up.

After presentations, Liara bowed down slightly as greetings to the two before saluting "Pleasure to meet you both and hope you're just as meticulous as the rest of my Agent's friends." she stated with a friendly smile.

RE: Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Astraea - 01-05-2015

The two female Agents return the salute, their black flightsuits bare except for a name patch and unit emblem. "Ma'am. Agent Angel. CO, Trinity Assault Squad. My 2iC, Agent Valkyrie." the agents stand at ease. "Ma'am, i have 120 Marines and one converted transport on a low activity cycle looking for something to do. Agent Stone suggested you might have some ideas for work. She trusts you and we trust her, so that means we can trust you." The Agent tenses a little bit.

"To preempt any questions, We go where we are needed. No formal commander or division we are part of. Only temporary attachments for the duration of Missions. It's unconventional, but it works for us." Throughout her speaking, she looked nowhere else but eye to eye with Grey.

RE: Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Noraim - 01-05-2015

Liara listens intently at the request and ponders for a few moments afterwards, before turning back to face them with a reply "Glad to hear it, though I need to know everything about my assets. I'll need specs and every bit of detail you can give me about the transport in discussion aswell as past records of the squad's activity. I need to know how well your men opperate under various circumstances." she instructed clearly, pausing for a moment to look at Aelita before gazing back at the pair "Knowing my agent and the things she tends to bring back, you might be called upon for in-house operations ranging anywhere between recon and guard duty all the way to ground assault and/or extraction. Whatever the case, let me make one thing clear: When I don't pass the orders directly, you will listen to her-.." she would point towards agent Stone "- as if it were myself, and you will always prioritise her safety aswell as your men's, unless instructed otherwise. We're stretched too thin as of this moment for anyone to go and take one for the team if it's not worth it."

During her speech she displayed both ruthlessness, empathy and professionalism as she then leaned to the side, her gaze now directed at the entrance "Jason, step in for a moment." she asked as the man who had arrived previously and was waiting outside the door would enter, come to stand between Grey and the pair, and salute.

"Ladies, this is Agent Morigan. If Stone were to be my right hand, he would most certainly be the left." she introduced him before facing the man. "I want you to make sure a wing of Stingers will accompany Angel and her Assault Squad whenever they're on ground assignments. Watch their backs and keep things clean."

Jason would nod "Understood Commander." and then gaze towards Angel and Valkyrie "We'll keep an open channel with Trinity Squad at all times and have a few Stingers ready to assist whenever you give us the call." he stated calmly.

Grey took a glance behind her and recalled of how much she has to catch up with, then turning towards agent Angel "Are we clear ? Any questions ?"

RE: Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Astraea - 01-07-2015

Angel nods as Grey speaks."Ma'am, i always prioritize the safety of my girls, and they are all girls by the way." Valkyrie taps away at a datapad. "I have teams away gathering some assault craft as our last lot were unsalvageable. I'll have my tech officer send your all the information you need once they return." .

Angel shake's Morgan's hand after he steps in. "Cover is always good to have." Once Grey had finished speaking again. "All clear ma'am."

RE: Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Noraim - 01-08-2015

"Allright then, in that case, you two are dismissed. I'll send orders and instructions as soon as they become available, after I receive the specs." she states before turning towards her desk, motioning for Aelita to follow.

"I'll need you to walk me through all of this so I can go through it fast. What're we looking at ?" she began reading through the reoprts while listening to Stone.

RE: Storm's are Brewing //Me, Noraim & Astraea only - Shizune - 01-08-2015

The reports went over everything mostly in her hands. She sighed "The Hellfire TFG imprisoned me and forced me to work with them, iron grip and all that, they were going to keep me in their ranks till I died...I think it had to do with these TFG forces not liking the Order, apparently they tried to stop the admiral himself when he tried to speak with them...I escaped when the KPT went to them and gave them a job for me to do.."

Aelita looked around and lowered her head "I'm going to be honest, I don't want to return to space for a while..the KPT forces tried to take me alive and force me to work for them, then the TFG...thankfully the dragons took me in to keep me safe..."

She then goes over the stuff about Anubis..well most things it seemed, she left some things out however it was easy for Grey to tell she was...when the other two left the room...then she explained to him about the girl, possibly hiding in Order space, all she needed to know but looked worried "If she gets into anyone's hands, they'd be unstoppable..."