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The Songs of Angels - Printable Version

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The Songs of Angels - Wylf - 06-30-2006

The March of the Angels

itting here amongst the sweet sad expanse,
Where swirling darkness and distant suns dance,
Where hope and life are glimmers of a chance,
There is one group who will help you advance.

In the twinkling of the faded of glory,
they'll show up to rekindle the story
of man's worth they'll take inventory
but there ways are not of the gory.

They are visions of perfection sublime,
the most beautiful creations of all time,
inspiring the most humble of skalds to rhyme
their voices the most lovely of chimes.

This group-these entities of which I sing,
that when spoken of bells of truth ring,
that with the thorn of mercy sting,
all ailments the universe would bring.

They are the Angels fair and true,
willing to give of themselves for you,
in the name of mercy they will do
all they can to right that which is askew.



Kristy the Kind

star-princess of lands lost,
A hero of a rightful throne,
a rogue whose path you have crossed,
that has nothing of which to atone.

Kristy the Kind of lands unseen,
the most lovely pilot of her realm
forsook the rightful place as queen,
in order to wear an Angel's helm.

Where ever need is in short supply,
Where men look up and ask why
Where children are forced to cry
This is where Kristy will fly.

Her Beauty will inspire,
those who are pure as a dove
her twinkling eyes cause desire,
in those who who would seek love.

So if you are in trouble,
if you find yourself in need,
Call-out her name through the rubble,
and your plight she shall heed.


Silvara the Glowing

s constant as the ever rain,
in land that never shines
Silvara the Glowing's aim.
is against the darkness to draw a line.

Born to humble parents
peasants who taught her right
she excelled at her errands
and for justice was taught to fight.

Like a flower full in bloom
she opened up for all to see
her radiance felt in every room
the glow all girls wished to be.

She left her peasant home for more
in the abyss there was a need
left it all behind for a new shore
to help the weary and hungry feed

She spread her wings to the sky,
the cherubic caught by Charlie's eye
brought her into her second life
where she would put an end to strife.



Janina the Inspiring

hen the world was first wrought,
and chaos reigned all that was,
there was a unique beauty sought,
that to the chaos would bring pause.

Janina the Inspiring in the first flames stood
righting wrongs and fixing all she that could,
nothing vile she'd let past her glare
for the chaos-evils she could not bare.

An Angelic being from a forlorn age,
she is here now to pay homage,
to all that she is and should be,
to save the world from calamity.

Her mythic origins no one knows,
but against the vile she brings throes,
snuffing out darkness where ever it shows
all that is corrupt she would expose.

An Angel from the minds of men,
an answering to a silent amen,
a pulchritude not to be seen again,
A guardian of mercy's den.


The Songs of Angels - Drax[Trader] - 06-30-2006

??????? I dont get whatt that has to do with freelancer

The Songs of Angels - Nightfall - 06-30-2006

Wylf, may Odin Bless you and those who follow after you!

You have excelled again!

All of us will fall in love with an Angel if you continue that way :)

To Drax (and the rest of "unpoetic" people):


It has to do with The Angels - hence - it has to do with Discovery Server and Mod - and - it has to do with Freelancer.

Anyway, if you don't understandke/whatever or for that matter, whatever your petty reason to flame the Skald be...


Or you'll be invoking my wrath ingame and forum! :dry:

The Songs of Angels - caylith - 06-30-2006


I am humbled that you would write of my sisters and I. You brought a tear to my eye with your kind words. Thank you for making my day. Please, keep up the good work. Your poems and songs are refreshing and a joy to read. I only hope we can continue to live up to your words of praise.

Excuse me now, I must ready myself for another long and gratifying day in Sirius.

My thanks Wylf,


The Songs of Angels - Chiana - 06-30-2006

Let me dry my eyes, first...

more difficult, than I thought...

Wylf, from the bottom of my heart... I'm thankful for that.

The way you describe my sisters and me.... makes me simply speechless.
I really have tears in my eyes, maybe you just got me in the wrong moment... :laugh:
but... as I said.... speechless

your gods may bless you and please give us more of these wonderful poems...

Thank you very much, Wylf...


The Songs of Angels - Charlie - 06-30-2006

Wylf, I have had true tears on my shoulder because of your work. Your inspiration knows no bounds, the completion is undoubtedly the best work I have seen so far, and surpasses anything I imagined when I commissioned it. You are a God among men with
a pen far mightier than any sword ever made.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It would appear in my haste to say thank you to Wylf, I have had what I understand to be a double posting incident which has just been pointed out to me. If one of our fine administration staff could remove this one I would be grateful.


The Songs of Angels - THE RIVAL - 06-30-2006

Next time, I see an Angel...

I truly have to change my view on her...

You made them the most beautiful beings in the universe and it seems, I have to be
thankful to meet one.
Wylf, I always liked the poems very much and I was always waiting for a new one...
But these Angels-poems....
You are sure you can make a better one ?
I'm looking forward to that, and yes, Odin bless you

Thank you for these lines, they are awesome...

so far

The Songs of Angels - Korrd - 06-30-2006

*Stands up and claps*
Wylf, friend, you are real good with poems...
Dont know where did you get that skilled with the quill, but keep it that way. :)

It's good to have you arround.

The Songs of Angels - kiggles - 06-30-2006

Yea I would do one about you to show how cool I think they are but I can't do them :(

Kiggles :crazy:

The Songs of Angels - Mariella - 07-01-2006


again, great work....

the way you handle the words is really phantastic.
You will never ever be able to say... "I'm a warrior-poet"
Cause you showed whole sirius, you are much more than that.

There is only one thing missing, now...

a poem about yourself, that describes you as the "god of words"

"When sirius was a dark, cold spot"
"The energies raised and formed a god"
"The god of words, a god of youth"
"they gave him success and glorius truth"

:laugh: can't continue that... may someone please go on ?

Elektra :dry: