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GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Printable Version

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GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Thunderer - 01-18-2015

Where would you like the next one to be, if you would?

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Mímir - 01-18-2015

Somewhere far away from any bases.

Edit: Good fun though. Pewpew.

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Vitoniz30 - 01-18-2015

Maybe, we can to try again in New London with edited rules about relogging.

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Carlos De La Cruz - 01-18-2015

Those relogs really sucks..It was fun with the first wave.. Second, where BAF side had most of it's Caps down was sad..Not to mention that we can continue changing sides as long as any of us has enough characters..I'm totally against reloging.. Justsomeone has to make sure that sides are quite similar by numbers..

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Alestone - 01-18-2015

Alternate between Dublin and Dundee. That way, you can have the perception of strategic motion.

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Cuttsy - 01-18-2015

Could we do one on a Friday or Saturday instead? Edinburgh mite be nice too !

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - TheSauron - 01-18-2015

I'd vote Dundee or Edinburgh. So far those two were most enjoyable in my opinion.

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Highland Laddie - 01-19-2015

Edinburgh or Manchester would be interesting. Dundee seems too far out of the way anymore.

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Black Widow - 01-19-2015

instead of just a boring pew event why not add some RP behind the next event, with a background story and objectives to be met by each side. This way each side participating will have things they have to achieve in order to win the event.

RP Objective + Mass players could make for a great a event both in size and originality.

For e.g. this event:

Ignoring the details of this particular event but looking at the makeup of it, it could be very interesting as one side could actually loose if their RP objective were not achieved.

So for e.g. in the above linked event the BAF have to rescue a badly damaged dunkirk that has been disabled by the GRN since it had a royal navy admiral on board.

A person that holds key intel that could be of use to the BAF.

So the BAF have to rescue the Dunkirk retrieve the ship and it contents, the dunkirk could be carrying RP Cargo of a Fleet Admiral and Intel on Nearby systems.

The GRN having intercepted the Dunkirk and badly disabling are about to retrieve the intel and the admiral that was abducted, when the BAF arrive to engage the GRN.

Unluckily for the GRN, they cannot destroy the dunkirk they have disabled until the rescuing BAF fleet have been nullified first. Since if the Dunkirk explodes they loose their fleet admiral and the Intel in its cargo.

A fight can ensue between the GRN and BAF, with the winning side being the one that destroys the other.

Once the Fight is over the BAF can escort the Dunkirk back to Bretonia if they win the battle and thereby retrieve the admiral and intel the Dunkirk is carrying or the GRN can force the dunkirk to hand over the admiral and intel once the BAF are destroyed.

Winning side is the one that retrieves the Admiral and the Intel the kirk was carrying.

A further kink to the chain is that the dunkirk holding the RP cargo will be badly damaged so it will up to both sides to ensure the kirk is not destroyed before the cargo is retrieved.

So both sides could loose. Now that to me is a far more interesting event that just GRN BAF Pews, the event could take place in Tau 31 since that is GRN Territory but still one jump away form Newcastle so inRP the BAF could easily reach there to rescue the Dunkirk.

What do you guys think to that?

RE: GRN and Allies vs. BAF and Allies Events -- Where, if? - Wesker - 01-19-2015

I loved Dublin events, me and strasburg rekt GRN. I think we should go there or Edinburgh.