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Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Printable Version

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Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Price_ - 01-21-2015

**Incoming Transmission**
Location: La_Amistad
Identification: Isaac Shaw

[Image: EEKW0Nz.jpg?1]

The video feed kicks on and there is smoke in the background and wires hanging from the ceiling

Flynn, god damnit man! This ain't good at all bro, this ain't good at all!

Look dude, I need those ambulance ships you got, we got hit HARD.
Send a repair ship too if you got it man, we got wrecked.

We were out in the Omicrons running down some slavers we heard about. Jesus we never saw them coming....

I don't even know what it was man, they come out of no where... Whatever they were, we managed to kill one of them..
But jesus...

Look we're stuck out in Omicron-74 we managed to limp to a freeport but holy cow man, we need help.

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - FynnMcScrap - 01-21-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

We copy your transmission, La_Amistad.

I will send our Emergency crew out towards you immediately, one of our modified CSF Ambulances with supplies. As you are nowhere near anything I will pack the ship full with Oxygen , repair pannels and tools, too.
We can pack anything urgent in minutes and should be able to reach you in a couple of hours if all goes well. Hold tight till then and send me any available info what you need, and what our paramedic crew will have to expect. One Doc will accompany the Ambulance, and if you tell me how much casualties you have I will pass the news along to our chief resident, Doc Nagger, to evaluate if we send one of our Liners as an emergency hospital ship.

As for getting you ready : I need to know if we can repair you or tow you, perhaps with a Sally, or if we have to mobilize our Tugboat to get you away from there.

The Tugboat is currently in Kepler, helping with the salvaging of our lost Liner. Could take us up to a week or more to get it over to you. A Sally would be safer and a lot quicker.

I can not send you Basti , our Engineer, at the moment. But I will see to it that a couple of experienced mates from the scrap ships are ready to fly over with the Salvager, packing her full with tools, hardware and fuel.

Hold out, help is on the way.


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Price_ - 01-22-2015

**Incoming Transmission**
Location: La_Amistad
Identification: Isaac Shaw

[Image: EEKW0Nz.jpg?1]

The video feed starts up and a small explosion goes off and the video cuts out


Alright, I think the video feed is down now! DAMNIT!

Man, it's bad. The control systems on this thing were only sort of work, we got lucky that we drifted into range of a station.

We had major hull breaches on decks 5 though 10,
The god damn engine core is leaking into decks 13 14 and 15 and we can't even get to it out here to fix it.
We've lost contact with deck 12 and there are at least 75 people there in unknown conditions.
I've got no engines, my life support systems are coming in and out of power,
though I've got guys working to at least stabilize those.
In total we're looking at at least 250 people wounded or dead.

We're gonna need a hospital ship if you've got one and definitely bring that oxygen and rations for sure.
I think if you get some engine supplies, some hull panels, and a repair ship out here we MIGHT be able to fix her.
But honestly, we haven't even begun to put together a full damage report,
my engineers are busy trying to keep the life support systems up.

The quicker you can get here the better man.

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Doreen - 01-22-2015

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Dr. Doreen Nagger
Location: Medical Offices, Tinker's Haven
To: Isaac Shaw

Where are you, Mr. Shaw? I am Dr. Doreen Nagger, chief medical officer here at the Haven. I'll come at least give medical aid if I have to fly there myself in my personal ship.

Dr. Doreen Nagger
Chief Medical Officer

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - FynnMcScrap - 01-22-2015

Doreen : You have told me you have 2 teams ready. Trust your people and give them a chance to proove themself. Or at least give me a chance to provide some support before charging outside there alone in your freighter.

Last com contact was from Omikron 74, and as they sent us the info they where limping towards a Freeport I suppose they are at least in reach of Zoner contacts at Freeport 15 . If you have some friends out there, or can reach Doc Holliday and ask if there is a MFE ship close we might speed up our rescue efforts.
Please be careful with information , though : Isaac Shaw´s last information was that they were hunting Slaver ships, and we do not know who is nearer, friend or foe.

I will outfit the T&T/Candy.Bomber[SRO] to bring more supplies out there as soon as we have an overview, the T&T/Ambulance_1 should reach the area any moment.

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - FynnMcScrap - 01-22-2015

[Image: 6qpW46k.png]

Transmission from the Ambulance_1 :
We have reached Freeport 15. So far no contact with the missed vessle, and we are currently trying to contact the station Administration.

Orders, Sir ?

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Sturm347 - 01-22-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

[IMG float=left][/IMG]

Hi Fynn, Pilgrims.Home is currently docked at Beaumont for a bit of a refit but will be ready for the assistance. Will be flying home in a couple of hours. Let me know if we need anything from Beaumont for the trip.

Chief Logistic Officer
Tinker and Transport

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Arne - 01-22-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Hey folks, i will keep it short.

I know we should have discussed this in your office but there is just no time. I already sent a team of mechanics from my personnel at Houston.
They will be travelling with the T&T/Repair.Legionnes. I ordered them to dock at Freeport 15 and wait for further orders!

Basti Legionnes
Chief of Engineering
[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Alicia Cook - 01-22-2015

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Cdr. Alicia Cook
Location: Bridge, [MFE]Med.Force.Three
To: Mr. Fynn McScrap, Dr. Doreen Nagger, Tinker's Haven Personnel
Subject: Assistance

*A woman with a thick, Bretonian Accent appears*

I am Commander Alicia Cook, Commander of [MFE]Med Force Three operating in the Omicrons and Omegas based at Freeport 9. Dr. Nagger informs me that you need some help out here. I have a modified medical cruiser with full crews standing by. I'm but commander of this ship but tell us where you need us. A friend of Dr. Nagger is a friend of ours.
I'll be standing by.

Cdr. Alicia Cook
Commander, [MFE]Med.Force.Three

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - FynnMcScrap - 01-22-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

reply from : Tinkers Haven / Foreman´s office
sending to : Cdr. Alicia Cook , [MFE]Med.Force.Three

Thank you for the response, Commander.
FynnMcScrap here, coordinating the efforts from our base in Texas.
We will probably need three days to reach the Omikrons with our supply convoy, and currently we have no fully outfitted mobile operating theatre, so we will be happy to have your help.

Feel free to direct the personel of the T&T/Ambulance_1 as you see fit.
There are two Paramedic officers on board and the rest of the crew are experienced at space evacuation and SaR efforts. I have affixed the communication transponder codes for your use so you can contact them directly.

The convoy being readied at the moment will provide a Democrit Liner refitted for evac transport and full to the brim with any supplies we can bring, possibly accompanied by a Pilgrim Liner similarily outfitted. Both have enlarged medical stations fitted for triage.
We will also send at least one repair ship and probably a Salvager for heavy hauling duty.
Be careful, though : we have heared rumours that possibly the unfamous Slavers Union is operating again, and last signals from the La_Armistad report a fight with several Slaver ships.

Currently the CSF we dispatched is flying a searc routine starting at Freeport 15.

Thanks for your assistance, and be careful out there . We will try and get some escorts out toward you as fast as possible and are currently trying to contact the Zoner administration of the Freeport.


<<< attached comlink to T&T/Ambulance_1 >>>

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]