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To: Crimson Cross - Printable Version

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To: Crimson Cross - Junker Congress - 01-23-2015

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.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: avatar_20471.jpg]

Deputy Arbiter Wild Bill


Y'all know me. I been in an outta Alpha often haulin in all that scrap. We're lookin to bring in a whole lot more, an (of course) buy in bulk a whole lotta that sweet Cardimine. I know y'all got one of them list of registered ships that're allowed to jump in an outta Alpha. We got a captain name of Murphy, who flys a ship named .:j:.Claymore.O'Gordon. Y'all may not know em too well, but he's good people. From his start with Congress he's flown all over Alpha. He had permission from the Don's an was a key factor in both constructin Outcast bases, an breakin through CR blockades to bring in supplies. He's come to Maltese defense in the past. We'd like to ask that y'all allow em access to Alpha once again in order to help us bring in supplies.

Lookin forward to hearin from y'all,
Wild Bill, Deputy Arbiter Junker Congress

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RE: To: Crimson Cross - Sciamach - 01-24-2015

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: Wild Bill
From: Crimson Overseer of Logistics, Cardinal Olmos

It's been a bit since I've had the pleasure of formally speaking to one of your people. I'm a bit surprised to see a change in the ranks, last I heard someone else held the title of Deputy Arbiter. Congrats on your promotion I suppose.

Back on topic, I'm a little disappointed with how this whole situation with the O'Gordon has gone down... I was under the impression that your people had already procured authorization from the 101st to bring the vessel within the system, a certain distance from Malta. A shame this problem has sprung up yet again truthfully.

Regardless, I'm certain we can work something out here. Before I go allowing the vessel into my airspace, I'd like a little more information on it:

Its armament, crew compliment, jump capabilities, defenses--

Information like this, as well as the general idea of it's positioning within Omicron Alpha during its visits are a start. The other Cardinals and I will discuss the exact permissions of your authorization once we posses this information.

Que les vaya bien, por la voluntad de los hermanos dioses.

--Cardinal Olmos

RE: To: Crimson Cross - Junker Congress - 01-24-2015

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.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: avatar_20471.jpg]

Deputy Arbiter Wild Bill


Thanks fer replyin so quickly. I'd be glad to supply y'all with any an all information you need on .:j:.Claymore.O'Gordon. As fer the weapons, it's got a pretty standard loadout fer defense. Cerberus, Basic Heavy Turrets, an Solaris Gatling Turrets. Most of 'er systems are automated, so it's usually just a skeleton crew of Murphy an 2 - 3 others. It's got a Jump Drive Module Series IV. It's defense is very basic. No extra armor to speak of. If y'all need to know anythin else, just ask.

Vaya Con Dios,
Wild Bill, Deputy Arbiter Junker Congress

[Image: sig-1.png]

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RE: To: Crimson Cross - Sciamach - 01-26-2015

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: Wild Bill
From: Crimson Overseer of Logistics, Cardinal Olmos

I've seen this vessel of yours... something that large is crewed by less than half a dozen staff?

You all must either have a large number of automated systems, or just simply keep most amenities (and by extension most of the ship) powered down... color me impressed amico.

Now... I'm a little concerned about your vessel's main Cerberus armament's capabilities, but otherwise all of this looks good.. Besides, I'm certain that the standard flotilla of vessels surrounding Malta at any given time could handle an un-armored half broken down ship of that size... So how about this:

I'll authorize this vessel for passage, on the condition you submit to Cross escort during your stay in Alpha for a trial period.

Should all go well, and our Crusaders view the passage of the vessel through Omicron Alpha as not being a threat to the security of Malta, we may revisit the subject of the escort.

If this is acceptable, I'll draft up the the official authorization notice immediately and have it back to you soon after your reply.

Until then, Llevar el viento de los espíritus a sus hermanos de la espalda.

--Cardinal Olmos

RE: To: Crimson Cross - Junker Congress - 01-26-2015

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.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: avatar_20471.jpg]

Deputy Arbiter Wild Bill


Well, you got most of it right, she's on old ship to be sure. A bit run down, but she'll git the job done when we need 'er to. An most of 'er systems are automated. If'n y'all feel the weapons are too much of a threat we're open to rearmin 'er with a different loadout. Yer terms are both reasonable an accepted. Lookin forward to seein y'all in Alpha before too long.

Vaya Con Dios,
Wild Bill, Deputy Arbiter Junker Congress

[Image: sig-1.png]

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RE: To: Crimson Cross - Sciamach - 01-27-2015

[Image: OAZ4AVT.png]




To: Wild Bill
From: Crimson Overseer of Logistics, Cardinal Olmos

Glad to see you all can see reason.


By my authority as Cardinal of the Crimson Conclave, I hereby authorize the Claymore O'Gordon for jump access and permission to fly within Omicron Alpha airspace, on the conditions that:

- The O'Gordon never enters within a 20k impulse radius around Planet Malta (Sirius standard effective heavy weapon range)

- Prior to entering the system, the Crimson Cross is to be notified to facilitate an escort of the O'Gordon to ensure Maltese security

- The O'Gordon submits, as with all Congress vessels obey and abide by the Maltese Laws, with exception to law 2-2-2 pertaining to the permissions of foreign capital-class vessels for the Claymore, per this agreement.

Should all go smoothly, we might revisit the topic of escort, should we like what we see. Please remember; the purpose of this agreement is to better facilitate the import and export of materials valuable to the Nación de Malta. Actions deemed counter-intuitive to this goal, as determined by the most readily available Cardinal of the Conclave, will result in the termination of this agreement, and immediate expostulation of the vessel in question (the Claymore O'Gordon). Violently or otherwise.

Failure to abide by these conditions, and the Maltese laws as a whole will result in immediate termination by the hand of the Cross. We do hope it will never come to that.
Orders signed,
[Image: XAP5nyZ.png]

--Cardinal Olmos