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Player Sanctioned: Smithy - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: Smithy - Hawk - 01-24-2015

Smithy has been sanctioned for:

Quote: 1.2 Disconnecting from the server in any situation involving player interaction is not allowed. If you lose server connection, you should get back in game as soon as possible to continue the interaction. If that is not possible, post a note here.

This is a very simple rule. Don't disconnect when you are being pirated. You will find that in the end, it is always cheaper to just pay the pirate. This time you have paid the admins. You will find your account a bit lighter. Yes, you moved all your credits to another ship, but we can still find them.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



RE: Player Sanctioned: Smithy - Smithy - 01-26-2015

I've been trying to get the name of that blood dragon since the morning after my sanction (thanks for the activation code). 2mil was a very reasonable toll and my response was rude. I'm sorry to everyone who witnessed my meltdown. That being said, i must emplore pirates to stick to a code of honour. Tonight alone my ship was destroyed on 2 seperate occasions because I was not given the curtesy of enough time to either explain or withdraw money.

One player I've been helping hasn't been paying pirates simply because he didn't know how. Another I've befriended didn't have a clue either. There should be an influx of of new players with the news of Star Citizen so keep that in mind as you pirate smaller vessels.

Be reasonable with your demands, pirates, 7mil (15mil tonight by the corsair) is a bit much. Don't ask for too much so you have an excuse to engage. I can't seem to get clarity on this : are you allowed to move through the system you were attacked in? Not being able use your trade route for 2 hours when your route is funneled through one system seems a little unfair, though the 2 hour banishedment does help you cool down.

If you're in a bad mood it's no excuse to be a jerk to other players. It's your problem, not theirs. Rules are rules and it's a role play server. All things considered, I came off this one with slap on the wrist. Blood dragon if you see this, please contact me in-game next time you see me. I owe you an apology.