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What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - Printable Version

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What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - sindroms - 01-27-2015

The time you are given after you fully cloak (disappear off radar) is around 4 minutes for a battleship. The community already discussed that anything below 10 minutes if way too low, due to the amount of slow maneuvering needed in group fights in particular, trying to get within range of targets and waiting for other team members to do the same.

That physically is not doable in 4 minutes.

If that is the case, please adjust the cost of production for the Mk II Advanced cloaks down to their actual worth, because shelling out half a billion credits for an item like this is unthinkable.


RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - Misfit - 01-27-2015

MkII and MkII Advance cloaks will have to have their prices lowered as they're nowhere near as useful as they used to be. Light cloaks on the other hand, should have their prices stay the same or even rise because now you can mount cloaks on snubs that aren't Warans or Thors as well as having that cloak time extended.

They either need to be properly balanced, or have their prices adjusted.

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - Sylvie557 - 01-27-2015

Honestly if possible they should just make Battleship Cloaks and Transport Cloaks separate types instead of making them share it. Transports are really the only type of ships that needs to have the batteries take cargo space imo.

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - baivan - 01-27-2015

Mk II Advanced can use a max of 1000 cloak bats,so it doesnt matter if is a battleship, a liner or a transport.
The time is the same.
With the old version at least you could play with the cloak duration while in a Liner/Transport.
I just bought a MK II Advanced few days back for my whale.Gave up that idea now.Was planning to get another for my Renzu,but gave up that as well.
There is no point what so ever at this moment in using cloaks on liners/transports (cloak fuel uses cargo space and has a cap of 1000)
Was this the idea?

The small cloaks however are doing great.But this is for another topic.

Battleships,well,cant have an opinion since i have none.

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - baivan - 01-27-2015

And btw,small cloaks will sell like crazy now,so i expect to see:

Small cloak - 500mil
MK2 Advanced - 150mil

free market

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - Nerva - 01-27-2015

(01-27-2015, 09:42 AM)baivan Wrote: Mk II Advanced can use a max of 1000 cloak bats,so it doesnt matter if is a battleship, a liner or a transport.
The time is the same.
Good luck putting 1000 Heavy Batteries on a battleship. No battleship with 2000 free cargo.

Actually, it's probably bugged. Cloak Mk II Adv was supposed to use the same batteries as the light cloak (which do not use cargo) but at a rate of 1 per second.
The separate transport cloak (Mk III) was the one intended to use Heavy Batteries (that need cargo).

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - Alexander - 01-27-2015

Maybe is just me but i couldnt cloak with normal batteries ( i can hold 1000 in my lidread) but it worked with Heavy Batteries( can hold around 350)

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - sindroms - 01-27-2015

Oh. I just realized the ammo takes up cargo space.

Well, no wonder. I have a lib dread with a cap8. So yeah, then 4min makes sense.

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - Sylvie557 - 01-27-2015

(01-27-2015, 09:42 AM)baivan Wrote: Mk II Advanced can use a max of 1000 cloak bats,so it doesnt matter if is a battleship, a liner or a transport.
The time is the same.
With the old version at least you could play with the cloak duration while in a Liner/Transport.
I just bought a MK II Advanced few days back for my whale.Gave up that idea now.Was planning to get another for my Renzu,but gave up that as well.
There is no point what so ever at this moment in using cloaks on liners/transports (cloak fuel uses cargo space and has a cap of 1000)
Was this the idea?

The small cloaks however are doing great.But this is for another topic.

Battleships,well,cant have an opinion since i have none.

The Batteries for the MkII advanced take up two cargo space per battery, with a max of 1000. The requirement of using cargo space on transports makes sense since it balances out the ability to cloak with less profit. Battleships on the other hand simply can't hold enough batteries to be much use with cloaks with the current system.

RE: What was the point of discussing heavy cloak lifetime a few months back? - baivan - 01-27-2015

Since it is liners/transports am interested in,why cap on the cloak-batts when they eat cargo space anyway?
I`d like to decide what [(cargo space)/(cloaging duration)]-ratio i have.