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To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Printable Version

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To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Fluffyball - 01-27-2015

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[Image: Magoichi_Saika_%28NAIT%29.png]


In the you-know-which-message you have requested me to give some data you requested. If it is going to redeem my name, please make yourself familiar with fresh footage from the Chugoku System:
[1] [2]

Also, I have delivered an interesting package to the <ERR: NAME CORRUPTED> in Hokkaido.


...decryption ended...
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RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Sonoshee - 01-28-2015

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...
To: Agent Omega 12-52, Important Message


your alias since now would be 'Agent Omega 12-52'. Do not compromise your cooperation with Kempeitai to any third parties. In any case Kempeitai would deny any contacts and all records would be considered as counterfeit\fake. However it's easy shot for you.

Since this day you're on 2 week probation period in our records to prove yourself useful for Kusari Republic and also to work out your wrong doings against the Kusari law.

You're to report activities at least once per week, which sums it up to 2 mandatory weekly reports since now. Also we would monitor the KNF and KSP action reports, this also includes the Kusari corporation reports as well - you must make sure you won't cross those desks in any negative way.

After two weeks we would consider your probation successfully passed and would make Ministry of Justice know about that.

On the matter of information provided. This is kind of low quality footage, try to provide more detailed maps and scans. However it's not that bad - deliver more Dragon technology pieces to the hands of Kusari Authorities and report it here, this includes Kempeitai, Naval and Police officers on duty.

If information provided would be found of value and importance we're authorized to provide a monetary motivation.

I'm to repeat the short list of our interest from your ventures by now:

1. Information on smuggling and pirate activities the subject might get across through his operations. Especially the cardamine smuggling routes.
2. Information on foreighn military patrols and installations in case of operations outside of Kusari Rebulic's space. Especially the operations of Liberty Navy fleet. Especially in bordering to Kusari's sovereign space territories.
3. Other information that might be of Kusari's national interest. This includes the Blood Dragon and Order terrorist activities.

Good luck, agent.


[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Fluffyball - 01-28-2015

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[Image: Magoichi_Saika_%28NAIT%29.png]

<<Report 0>> - Beginning of the cooperation.


This is Agent Omega 12-52. I fully understand the terms of cooperation given by you. The low-quality material will not be delivered again, you have my promise. And yes, each item from the package was delivered respectively to Kusari State Police, Kusari Naval Forces and Kusari Intelligence Agency (aka Kempeitai).

In additon, I am putting forward a request for ability to land onto Fuchu Prison in Shikoku System, in order to deliver future captives or other items.

The report is concluded.
Agent Omega-12-52

...decryption ended...
....private channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Sonoshee - 01-28-2015

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...
To: Agent Omega 12-52, Important Message


good, we're looking forward for your success. However Fuchu is in jurisdiction of State Police, sort this out with them directly. Don't mention anything, we'll sort it out.

Good luck, agent.


[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Fluffyball - 01-29-2015

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........<ERR: NAME CORRUPTED>........
...decryption initiated...
[Image: Magoichi_Saika_%28NAIT%29.png]

<<Report 1>> - Two in Liberty, two other broke the border.


This is Agent Omega 12-52. I have concluded small reconnaissance in Liberty few days ago. What I found was DL-Hai "Grizzly" with LSF markings and suspicious LPI Siege Cruiser, which in fact happened to be LSF vessel as well.

However, there is a way more concerning report up to date. Two unidentified Liberty Navy BDR-337 "Defender" class fighters were found in Shikoku. They did not respond to all hails and I chased them down to the Planet New Tokyo. After that, I lost any contact with them due to some radar interference.

This report is concluded.
Agent Omega-12-52

...decryption ended...
....private channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Sonoshee - 02-02-2015

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...
To: Agent Omega 12-52, Important Message


Agent, your effort is remarkable - continue to work like that and we'll be fine. However if you've got a better footage of mentioned ship's presence inside of Kusari sovereign space you're welcome to provide us with none-redacted source footage.

Continue as planned. Good luck.


[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Sonoshee - 02-02-2015

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...
To: Agent Omega 12-52, Important Message

The next contact window would be in 2-3 days time frame - note it to your activities.


[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Fluffyball - 02-02-2015

-----Private Encryted Channel-----
........<ERR: NAME CORRUPTED>........
...decryption initiated...
[Image: Magoichi_Saika_%28NAIT%29.png]

<<Report 2>> - So far, so calm, so good.


This is Agent Omega 12-52. So far, there's little to no activity. Several mercenaries working for Blood Dragons were captured and pushed into Battleship Nagumo, as I have not received any reply regarding Fuchu Prison Station.

Aside of this with my very own reply, there is nothing else to be reported.

There is however one issue with strange Hogosha mercenary, which use Gaian Chameleon, codename Kazma. He seems to express some neutrality towards faction known as Kusari Exiles, but I will leave this information to your and Kempeitai's discretion. All in all, he seems to fulfill bounties against Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysantemums as being fully opposed to these two groups.

And gods damn it! That animated anthro rabbit of his, replacing the original comm videofeed, is silly and kind of annoying!

The report is concluded.
Agent Omega-12-52

...decryption ended...
....private channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Sonoshee - 02-10-2015

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...
To: Agent Omega 12-52


Agent, we're waiting for your last report as it's final days of your trial. Good luck.


[Source Redacted]

Message Relay Terminated...
Channel Closed...

RE: To: Kempeitai [Encrypted] - Fluffyball - 02-10-2015

-----Private Encryted Channel-----
........<ERR: NAME CORRUPTED>........
...decryption initiated...
[Image: Magoichi_Saika_%28NAIT%29.png]

<<Report 3>> - That annoying white rabbit guy.


This is Agent Omega 12-52. I have just nothing to report, what is sad at the moment. In fact, there are just few new rumors and gossips about Golden Chrystantemums activity, but that is all I heard about. For now, I more reside on-hold as demanded by ASF leadership, preparing and polishing ships.

Oh yes, about that... Kazma guy, was it? He has been noted for kind of... new affiliation. I think certain people might be interested into this fact. If you see that annoying White Rabbit pilot, check him out. He is shady one. He is also using a fighter that I have never seen before.

However, despite his new shady affiliation, he seems to be responsible for recent engagements aimed against the Outcast and GC smugglers. All in all, even if he acts against Blood Dragons and their allies, he might have ties to some other anti-Republican folks.

The report is concluded.
Agent Omega-12-52

...decryption ended...
....private channel: CLOSED..........