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An eye opener. - Printable Version

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An eye opener. - Luke. - 01-28-2015

Okay, this is the kind of thing I hate but I think it's appropriate. Flame me all you like but here's my very ill self, swallowing my pride. I have been very ill recently and my interest in Disco has been way below what it used to be but it's not been an excuse to start being an arse towards people. I've been very busy, stressed for various personal reasons and that hasn't helped at all but it's no excuse to take it out on others.

I'll start with the admins (and the devs?)- My attitude towards your actions have been quite rash recently and although I don't entirely agree with the nature in which you deal with things sometimes, having been an admin myself within gaming communities, I understand what it can be like and I'd like to quickly apologise for any words that have been uncalled for in the shout box or otherwise.

Aaand the individuals...

Omi - Apologies for the other evening with the Xeno and Junker clash. Though I didn't say that I'd definitely be taking your side as a Freelancer looking for a bounty, it was silly of me to not wait for a Xeno response before taking the Congress' side. I do have my justified reasons for that conflict but details, details. It went against my beliefs when it comes to groupfights so again, I'm sorry about that.

Doc (Friendly Freelancer) - I've been a humungous penis to you recently. No excuse and we may continue to enjoy jolly hatred of each other if you desire but don't take it personally, I don't hate you nearly as much as I've made out. Actually, this goes to the rest of XA as well. I've been quite ignorant recently and I have now quit the faction and passed on the leadership to prevent any further arguments.

Kevin - Thank you for slapping my insensitive attitude towards a certain faction, in my face. I can't promise I can revert back to a proper leadership figure very soon but I will start paying attention to keeping the faction going. It was me that made the decision to revive it after all.

The guys in TeamSpeak - As you all know I joke around a lot and make comments that show me to be a miserable Brit with the voice of a tractor but I hope I haven't offended anyone too much. If I have, please speak up and tell me and I will apologise to you personally. Unfortunately that is just my sense of humour (or part of it) and although it does get laughs, I think sometimes it's a bit uncalled for. You guys do brighten up the time that I do have to myself.

I think that's about it. This is odd for me but I think there's a time where you've gotta sit back and really think about the kind of person you are, even if it's on the internet.


RE: An eye opener. - Hidamari - 01-28-2015

THe Xeno thing was a bit dumb but whats done is done, just required a few 'cooling off' days in order to make sure things only cooled off and didnt escalate into some kind of permabeef. (not to mention it was like 4am for us, brain tends not to think things over so well, lol)

RE: An eye opener. - Omi - 01-28-2015
