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Knight Industries - We are here to help - Printable Version

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Knight Industries - We are here to help - Knight Industries - 01-30-2015

[Image: ws7wKGt.png]

[Image: K7JQyAZ.png]

Greetings civilians and citizens of Sirius. I am President Michael Knight, Founder of Knight Industries.

I am opening this communication channel to give you and your companies the opportunity of working with us or along side us or even offering us contracts to full fill.

With that, if you have any offer that you wish to give Knight Industries, let us know here and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Until then, safe flying, and good luck

[Image: IuwuyfU.png]

RE: Knight Industries - We are here to help - Deep Space Engineering - 01-30-2015

[Image: CvyMCae.png]

Mr. Knight,

Deep Space Engineering would be interested in contracting your services for the supplying of our facilities in Alberta - Platinum Incorporated and Rutherford Space Port. The docking crews at both bases are authorized to pay 1000cr per unit of Reinforced Alloy and 900cr per unit of Robotic Hardware. Furthermore, you will be paid 500cr for each unit of Food, Oxygen, and Water, which are supplied by Freeport 14. While we can monitor the supply levels, we will require submitted delivery receipts in order to properly attribute deliveries with your organization.

In addition to compensation by the station staff, your transports are authorized to ship out ore from the storage depots on Platinum Incorporated, which we believe you will find quite lucrative. Should ore supplies ever run out, we will also stock a supply of conventional goods that can be traded for a decent profit.

The time frame given will be one month, starting from the 1st, so that we can best evaluate your performance. We anticipate your response.


Ellen Hall
Assistant to the Head of Logistics
Deep Space Engineering

RE: Knight Industries - We are here to help - Knight Industries - 01-30-2015

[Image: ws7wKGt.png]

[Image: K7JQyAZ.png]

Miss Hall,

I am President Michael Knight of Knight Industries, I would like to thank you and the members of Deep Space Engineering for considering one of your options for this contract. With this in mind, I would like to thank you personally for coming to us.With this in mind, I would like to accept the contract you have offered us.

The members of the Trade Department will be informed straight away and a few transporters will be sent to Alberta with goods you have requested within the hour. All members of Knight Industries will be informed to assist Deep Space Engineering with security also.

Expect both of your facilities within Alberta supplied with the goods you have requested. We do require our transponder to be added to your docking list, so our ships are cleared to dock upon arrival.

We appreciated the bonus you are wiling to give us and the access to your ores onboard your facilities. I will also let my pilots know about this so they are able to make a profit and enjoy there flight with you.

President Knight

[Image: IuwuyfU.png]

RE: Knight Industries - We are here to help - Star Enterprises Inc. - 02-05-2015

***Incoming Transmission***
**Supply Contract**
*To: [Knight]*

[Image: tumblr_lxuf9qbhSQ1qeumowo1_500.gif]

Hello my good fellas at Knight Industries Jake Winslow here with another supply contract. *hick-up* We are looking for the following;

80.000 Reinforced Alloy - Base pays 2000 SC
60.000 Industrial Hardware - Base pays 2250 SC

we are looking to have this within 48 hours, if the deadline is reached with both commodity goals reached we will reward with a 100.000.000 SC bonus to the Knight Industries. If only one commodity goal is reached we will reward with 50.000.000 SC. Like they say "some is better than none" so you wont be at a total lose if you cant get all.

I will require photo proof with time stamps of deliveries. If for some reason base wont accept supplies (because its full) report to a Star Enterprises member and we will get it fixed right away! this will be noted and time adjusted.

Safe travels and we hope to see you out there! *burp*

***End Transmission***

RE: Knight Industries - We are here to help - Knight Industries - 02-06-2015

[Image: ws7wKGt.png]

[Image: K7JQyAZ.png]

Greetings there Jake Winslow, it is nice to hear from you again so soon.

The contract you have offered us seems like a tight schedule, but im positive my pilots can have this done within the time frame you have given us.

So you are looking for 80.000 Reinforced Alloy and 60.000 Industrial Hardware delivered to the same location. Well you wish is granted. We will have it done.

I will have one of my pilots report to you with the delivery sheet.

Safe flying

President Knight

[Image: IuwuyfU.png]

RE: Knight Industries - We are here to help - Knight Industries - 02-18-2015

[Image: ws7wKGt.png]

[Image: K7JQyAZ.png]

The Contract with Star Space Port and Jake Winslow has finished.

What Knight Industries completed on that delivary was;

Reinforced Alloys: 88020 Units
Industrial Hardware: 16840 Units

With Knight Industries only delivering this amount, we also took some casualties from the Corsairs in Omega 3 and Omega 9.

Three of Knight Transporters were destroyed. One Knight Gunboat Captain was destroyed. I myself took heavy damage to my eagle but escaped luckily.

I just wish all my pilots a speedy recovery and hope to see them flying with us again soon.

President Knight

[Image: IuwuyfU.png]