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Dai 343 Kaigun Kokutai - Information Thread - Dai 343 Kaigun Kokutai - 01-31-2015

[Image: D0reIes.png]

ID and IFF: Imperial Navy ID, Imperial Navy IFF

Tag: {343}

Snubcrafts: {343}(Lastname).(F)-Rank

Bombers: {343}Kaibyo-1.. 2.. etc.

Super Heavy Fighters: {343}Teisatsu-sen

Transports: {343]Name-Yuso

Capital Ships: {343}IKS-(Name)

[Image: PnJzTfl.png]

As publicly known, the history of the 343rd Naval Space Group is short. Founded 802 A.S. as a response to the losses in the Nomad War, the 343rd functioned more or less as a personal guard to the Shogun. Participating in many little skirmishes, the shining hour for the unit came in the Tau War against Bretonia, where a Wing of Fighters and Bombers held Holman against a Bretonian counterattack over a week until reinforcements in the form of the Nagasaki arrived.

After Gallia's attack on Kusari and the capitulation of the latter, the 343rd, like the rest of the exiled Naval Forces, were completely on their own, without any help or supplies. After escorting the Tenno himself to Bretonian refuge, the returning fleet got ambushed by gallic forces. The attack was brutal, the first squadron of completely surprised defenders got brushed aside by the prepared gallic fighters, leaving the flagship of the Group, the IKS Akagi, vulnerable. The gallic bombers tore the ship apart, destroying its port flank and annihilating the bridge, killing the commanding officer of the Group in the process. The remaining fighter pilots retreated, vanishing with their second destroyer, the IKS Kaga. After this attack, nothing was heard of the 343rd, leaving the public unaware that some of them survived.

While the rest of the Exiles formed around the Emperor, the 343rd were the first to retreat to Council space. Making contact with them in Roussillon, the Council offered them shelter and help, which the exiled, dishonored Samurai accepted, some willing, some with doubts. The Council even helped them recover the wreck of the Akagi, which now, almost a year later, is the flagship of the 343rd once again.

Shortly after the beginning of Kusari trade relations between Gallia and Kusari, the 343rd re-emerged. Operating deeply behind enemy lines, their battle doctrine completely changed in comparison to the year before. Under the leadership of their newly appointed leader, Sakuma Hitomi, the 343rd started a desperate guerilla war directly under the eyes of the KNF Border Defense force, to disrupt gallic supply lines and, more importantly, to show the Warriors of the KNF that the beloved empire is in fact not dead.

With new strength gathered after many months of being the front line of the Exiles' fight against the Gallic invaders as well as the Republic of Kusari, the 343rds Admiralty took control of the general high command of the Exiles. Serving in their old role as a personal unit to the de facto Shogun Sakuma, they are the spearhead that will drive righteous rule back into the old home. Referring to themselves as 'Imperial Guard' rather than 'Exiles', they proudly carry their burden of being the last bulwark of Samurai tradition.

After a long fight, the 343 managed to push back the Naval Forces in the Kyushu system, thus, securing its lines and controlling the planet, which is now used as the home of the emperor and as the current capital of the Kusari Empire.

[Image: hNvfjfR.png]

Bretonia Armed Forces

Although the previous Kusari Exiles had their troubles with the Bretonia Armed Forces, the new command aims for a good working relationship. An unnecessary brawl between those two groups would be unnecessary due to them fighting the same enemy.

The Council

The 343rd are ever thankful for the Council's aid in re-equipping their ships and offering them shelter for a long time already.

Liberty Navy

Liberty, as the closest ally to Bretonia, is not much less of a useful partner for the 343 in the fight against Gallia, although the distance between them and the 343 is fairly large, the Liberty Navy occasionally operates within Bretonia to aid there.

Colonial Republic

Like most Kusarians, the Exiles see the Colonial republic more as a younger brother as opposed to taking them really seriously. Even so, knowing that they need all the help the can get, the general opinion of the CR is a positive one.

Samura/Farmers Alliance

As a traditionalist group, the Exiles, of course, see the traditionalistic Farmers Alliance as their ideological allies. Their favor for Samura comes more or less from common sense. Of course, Samura has an interest in re-installing the old government, as they don't really get much support from the new one. Because of those reasons, the 343rd always hopes for signs of common ground and support for their cause

Borderworld Exports

An example of the imperial appeasement policy going right, the Exiles' relations with that particular company have been strengthened pretty heavily. While there is no friendship yet, it becomes clear that both sides seem to be interested in furthering their relationship.


As the Hogosha moved away from their traditional ways and became more liberalized after the installation of the Kusari Republic, the 343rd are developing a kind of disdain for the former "Keeper of ways". They go not as far as offending them, but general distrust between the organizations can be felt recently.


The Outcasts, as neutral as they are to the Bretonians, have not sympathized with the Exiles and preferred to attack, thus, they are considered enemies.

Blood Dragons

While respecting the Dragons as honorable Samurai fighting for their master, the 343rd has no love for the followers of Hideyoshi, rejecting the legitimacy of their claim.

Golden Chrysanthemums

As revolutionaries, the Matriarchate gets no sympathy from the traditionalistic oriented Exiles.


Nothing in this universe gets more hatred from the Exiles than the Gaijin of Gallia, led by Akuma, the devil, in person. Most exiled soldiers fuel their hatred against the Gallians with tales about their otherworldly bad traits, the gallian lives in gluttony, the gallian lives in lust and so on.

Kusari Naval Forces

The Exiles are deeply disappointed by the decision of the KNF to dishonour their oath to the Tenno, but every pilot of the 343rd hopes that one day, after enough victories over the invaders, the tide will turn and the Naval Forces will decide to respect Samurai Traditions and take up their arms once again in honour to the Emperor.
Their new stance of retaking Kusari by force calls for a change in politics, though. While every Exile soldier will try to reason with KNF patrols he meets, the exchange of fire becomes far more likely. Respecting words are spoken often, though, and there is no hatred, rather than a regret that killing their brethren is necessary.

[Image: onzcvuF.png]

Core System


Kyushu has been occupied by the Exiles for a while now, after a successful fight, they managed to overtake the system and thus the whole planet, now it serves as the capital of the Exiles.


Due to the retrieval of the IKS Nagasaki to the Kyushu system, where it serves as border station, the only ship the Exiles operate in this system is the Akatsuki, a Komainu battlecruiser. The system is mainly being used to spread propaganda and stopping gallic traffic.

Area of operations

As the name dictates, operations in these systems are quite often and the main forces oft the 343rd are flying here.


Leading a guerilla war, the Exiles use this system to raid gallic support lines for the Leeds-System, mainly operating from Akatsuki or Yamaguchi.


This system is under gallic control and one of the heaviest battlegrounds between Bretonia and Gallia, now that Gallia has overtaken the system, it has become harder to operate in there.


Those systems are frequented seldomly, mostly to pass through or when a larger operation with the dominant faction is in progress.

Bretonian territories

Although theoretically allowed and legal within bretonian borders, a kusarian ship inside the borders of the war-torn house of Bretonia is seldomly seen. On very rare occasions, the Exiles escort a Bowex convoy through the blockades, but that is as much as they will see from the empire currently. The new Exile Command hopes that they can help the Bretonians to enforce their law against the local criminals and aid in the fight against Gallia there.


As a system closely guarded equally by Gallias Navy and the KNF, Tau-23 and all system beyond it are usually too far off the Exile supply lines to be part of an operation by the 343rd, this system is to be entered carefully.

[Image: mwLX8nI.png]

Being a splinter group of the KNF, the Exiles rarely use other ships than those of the Kusari Line. Having a desperate need for new material, however, they had to loosen this rule a bit, restricting the prestigious and hard to maintain Kusarian ships to the higher ranks, leading to lots of the 343rd using civilian ships. The faction is primarily snub-based, having only very limited access to stronger ships.

Light Fighters
[Image: RETrt45.png]

This light auxiliary vessel was built by Samura to try and regain some of the Kusari civilian ship markets that had been taken by Kishiro and Renzu during previous years. Designed as a high-end personal craft, it was meant to ferry couriers in between planets and bases quickly and in safety. While it is used for this purpose often, once the ship made it onto the open market it became a popular choice for many Kusari civilians. This ship is mainly used as the fastest interceptor and distracting ship, although the Neko is preferred amongst the 343, this ship is not to underestimate.

The 'Neko' (Or 'Kitten') has a pretty deceptive Name. Housing a reliable power source, agility that is yet to be matched and its small shape does the rest to make it the best light fighter available to the Exiles. The modifications the technicians aboard the Nagasaki provided, as they were modifying all of the original 'Kusarian' craft, included a more reliable Life-Support System, leading to then Scout wings being often dispatched on longer-range missions, sometimes even without supplying larger craft staying back.

Heavy Fighters

As the name attests, this ship is formidable and is well-deserving of the reputation that it enjoys. With a balanced combination of refined offensive and defensive technologies, the Falcon delivers an astonishing amount of potential firepower to potential adversaries quickly and efficiently.

The Renzu Corporation, a humble business concern that has survived the centuries amongst giants of industry, recently attracted a number of talented young shipwrights by promises of making a fresh expression of their talents outside the well-worn channels of Kusarian business practice. Through a limited partnership and considerable speculative investment on the part of Interspace Commerce, these unique vessels have begun to creep into the open, and gray, markets of Sirius. Designed and marketed to fit the market needs of middle ground consumers, the Saishi sacrifices power and armor for the same agility and response of far more expensive vessels. Capable of steering her pilot and crew out of any danger which they might encounter she has found a strong market for pilots seeking a personal shuttle that won't break the bank.

Derived from the Chimaera heavy fighter deployed by the Kusari Naval Forces, of which the Exiles had been a part of for years, the 'Tora' (or 'Tiger' in English) is the new Symbol of hope for the exiled fleet. Forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of not having a proper Shipyard or maintenance, the Tora is basically a Chimaera that is more robust and less hard to maintain, while keeping the original models' strengths. The Tora is agile, has devastating firepower and serves as mainline fighter for a reason - colored in the new scheme of the Imperial throne, it has brought death to many of the Empires' foes and showed them that the sleeping giant is not something you want to wake.

Very Heavy Fighters

Initially designed as part of a last-ditch effort to compete against the Kishiro and Renzu corporations by a faltering Samura, the prototype Irezumi was so well received by Kusari's traditionalist groups - Samura's biggest customers - that they offered to serve as test pilots to recieve early access to the ship. Samura is still finalizing the design for the civilian market, and have scheduled the release for early 822 AS, but until then the Irezumi remains solely in the hands of Kusari's conservative cadre.

Initially designed as part of a last-ditch effort to compete against the Kishiro and Renzu corporations by a faltering Samura, the prototype Irezumi was so well received by Kusari's traditionalist groups - Samura's biggest customers - that they offered to serve as test pilots to recieve early access to the ship. Samura is still finalizing the design for the civilian market, and have scheduled the release for early 822 AS, but until then the Irezumi remains solely in the hands of Kusari's conservative cadre.

Super Heavy Fighters

E78-12 "Spatial" Civilian Deep Space Explorer - Used for scouting purposes
[Image: 254px-Nbrg.png]

The Spatial is often employed by mining faction, to explore asteroid fields deep inside the borderworlds. While being as large as some freighters, the Spatial sacrifices cargo space in favor of additional equipment options. Dual mine launchers and the ability to power a single bomber-class torpedo make this craft formidable, yet it's sluggish maneuverability and large size often leaves it very vulnerable in combat. The Spatial is capable of sustained flight beyond a system's heliosphere to an adjacent system, possessing the cold sleep and life support systems to maintain up to five persons for years of sustained travel. The craft is equipped with multiple long burn Ageira engines, any of which are capable of powering the craft independently. This ship can be retrofitted with special mining equipment, to glean an additional yield from mineral deposits in space.


Similar to the lessons learned with the 'Tora' heavy fighter, the Exiles were forced to adapt their Bomber as well. The Umibozu used by them previously was, as every of their 'native' craft, pretty heavily reliant on regular maintenance and fine-tuning. Using their experience, the Exile technicians finished the work on the 'Kaibyo' in 822 AS. As is the case with its fathering craft, the ship is the result of years of constant development and improvement, although the new modifications still have to prove themselves on the battlefield.


In an effort to better enforce the will of the Emperor, the Imperial Navy and Kishiro Technologies developed this ship. With her small hull profile this gunboat is agile and highly maneuverable compared to other gunboats. In large numbers they are particularly devastating.


Commonly referred to as 'The Hatchet' by the Bretonian Armed Forces due to its evident shape, and ability to cleave a fiery path through defensive lines, the Kusari Destroyer is often mistaken for a heavy gunboat at range. While fragile in comparison to its heavier counterparts in the destroyer class the Kishiro-built vessel easily outclasses many vessels twice its size.


Within the upward spiraling structure of Kusari society, a show of taste and class can be as effective as any dozen battles or boardroom victories. When that demonstration needs to be made amongst the stars, no vessel surpasses the Geisha. Samura designed this unique ship as a monument to their long tradition of melding art and utility in their ships. Each vessel custom tailored to meet the specifications of accommodations, hardiness and breathtaking artistry as dictated by equally breathtaking cost of acquisition, the Geisha is seen as often in the employ of shuttling dignitaries with assurance of security across the most remote regions of the Kusari realm to the clandestine covers of Hogosha smuggling efforts as illicit onboard clubs surge above equally illicit goods. The 343rd currently owns one Geisha, it is used as the transport and mobile palace of the Tenno, and sometimes also of the Kaigun-Taisho. It is used as diplomatic vessel.

A second joint project between Samura and Kishiro, the "Drone" project followed the success of the Akegata Transport project. Ordered by the Emperor himself, these projects were meant to push Samura and Kishiro toward closer cooperation and more standardized methods and parts. Utilizing both Samura and Kishiro specific expertise, the Drone is one of the most technologically advanced freighters on the market today. With strong armor and powerful engines developed by Samura and state of the art scanning equipment and power plant made by Kishiro, this freighter is the best of what Kusari shipbuilding has to offer.

A logical progression in the line of popular CTE vessels, their designer now offers a model more focussed on commerce than combat superiority. However, this freighter makes few compromises in the protection of valuable cargo, and it is being used from the familiar lanes of House space to the depths of the Edge worlds.

The Renzu Corporation, a humble business concern that has survived the centuries amongst giants of industry, recently attracted a number of talented young shipwrights through promises of allowing a fresh expression of their talents outside the well worn channels of Kusarian business practice. Through a limited partnership and considerable speculative investment on the part of Interspace Commerce, these unique vessels have begun to creep into the open, and grey, markets of Sirius.
The heavy Anki freighter, drafted to house extensive communication and electronics packaging beneath thick slabs of plating, was originally designed to prove attractive to deep space contstruction crews operating beyond the range of reliable security. However, it's not unknown for the Zoners to have a few models on sale for otherwise unlawful organizations seeking a freighter with a robust electronic package and overwhelming firepower.

This venerable workhorse has become a mainstay in the Kusari hauling fleet. Built by Kishiro in an attempt to push into the Samura dominated cargo ship market, this ship has been widely sold. Sturdy and reliable, the Big Dragon can be seen all over Sirius carrying Kusari cargo to the furthest reaches of the sector. Kishiro has used the production of the Big Dragon to model its mass production techniques, which has allowed them to vastly expand their production capacity. The Big Dragon has also been a huge seller on the Kusari commercial market, and has found its way into all corners of Kusari, being used by pilots of all stripes. It is even rumored that some have been integrated into the fleets of the GC and Farmers Alliance.

[Image: PnJasdasddasdasdasdasdasdassdzTfl.png]

プラネット九州, Puranetto Kyushu - Planet Kyushu

[Image: Kyoosh.png]

The planet Kyushu was first surveyed in 65 A.S. by the Kusari explorer Isao Yoshida, and colonists from New Tokyo landed on the planet later the same year. Although Kyushu is severely lacking in mineral resources, it does possess a near perfect climate for rice farming. It also has the largest land masses of any inhabited world in Kusari, all of which are eminently suited for agriculture. Settlers found it easy to settle in various locations on the planet, and for centuries, the population steadily grew. The population has risen above 6.5 billion as of 819 A.S., which makes it the most densely populated Kusari planet after New Tokyo. Kyushu is very different from New Tokyo however. Instead of building large towering cities, the population of Kyushu is spread out over the various continents, with large farms and small cities across the globe. As available land on New Tokyo started to decline, immigration to Kyushu steadily increased. Over time, Samura took advantage of this by opening several large industrial complexes on the planet. Labor costs on Kyushu are relatively cheap, and land costs are, for Kusari standards, rock-bottom. The planet evolved into a world that focuses largely on basic food production and effectively feeds the majority of Kusari. However, the Kyushu farmers face increasing competition from Synth Foods, whose products are becoming more popular among the Kusari youth. This has caused the demand and price for the naturally grown foods to fall, and living standards on Kyushu have declined as a result of it. This has given rise to the ultranationalist Farmers Alliance terrorist group, who viciously target any Synth Foods transports they come across. Since the Imperial Navy of Kusari was fighting a large scaled battle with the republican forces, the whole system has, more or less, turned into a war zone. Eventually, the Imperials managed to face of the Nagumo fleet and took over the planet's orbit and thus, the planet itself. While New Tokyo generally would be the preferred capital planet, it is unreachable for the Imperials, and thus, the current capital of the empire is set on Kyushu, where the emperor has a large palace which also serves as the bureau for the Kaigun-Taisho.

戦艦長崎, Senkan Nagasaki - Battleship Nagasaki

[Image: Kyushubattleshipi.png]

Commissioned in 799 AS, the Battleship Nagasaki is one of the most powerful battleships in the Kusari Naval Forces. It has seen action in several conflicts, most notably against Rheinland during the Nomad War, and against Outcast war bands in Tau-29. A proud representative of the Naval Forces, it was instrumental in Kusari's offensive push into Leeds. After Gallia invaded the Tau systems and cut the Kusari frontline in two, the Nagasaki's crew remained loyal to the exiled Emperor. With the fall of Leeds, the remnants of the Kusari expeditionary fleet withdrew through Newcastle with intent to return to Kusari. When Emperor Tetsuya took full control of the exiled fleet in 822 AS, he re-organized the waning power of the Imperial forces, amassing them in the Taus, slowly withdrawing from Bretonia. Nagasaki operated in Tau-29, assisting the Gallic Council in disrupting Gallia domain over the region while serving as the staging point for the preparations for the Imperial reclaiming of their homelands. The Nagasaki was the imperial flagship of the battle of the Tau-29 gate in January 823 AS, where the veteran forces of the IKN pushed back the garrison of the Battleship Nagumo, and drove back the collaborationist regime halfway through the system. Despite the modern design, years of operation within the Tau systems had taken their toll upon the battleship. Lacking the supplies and components need to run optimally, the Nagasaki was unable to press the advantage gained by the first strike, instead being chosen to secure the passage into the Tau cluster. During 823 AS, it coordinated strikes against the Republican forces in Nansei and other locations in Kyushu, while steadily rebuilding its strength with the aid of supporters of the cause inside Kusari. In a desperate move, the Nagasaki, leading a large force of Exile troops, pushed into Kyushu in the hope to turn the civil unrest in the system into a full-blown civil war. In the ensuing battle against the Nagumo and her battlegroup, the Nagasaki took little damage. The battle ended prematurely, due to a hasty retreat of the Republican forces. As the Nagasaki finished its repairs, preparations for the takeover of Planet Kyushu were completed. The Nagasaki spearheaded the renewed offensive against the Republic, facing Battleship Nagumo's fleet once more in battle. Despite failing to sink its rival once and for all, the assault was successful, and the Imperial Forces wrested control of the planet and its orbit from the Republican regime. The Nagasaki has sustained damage in the reclaiming of Kyushu but still stands as the symbol of the IKN's authority in the Kyushu system, eyeing the road to the capital. The Nagasaki is now seen as the symbol of revolution in Kyushu and is consequently one of the Republic's top targets.

戦艦山内, Senkan Yamauchi - Battleship Yamaguchi

[Image: Gucci.png]

After seeing heavy combat in the war and playing a critical role in the capture of Stokes Mining Station, Battleship Yamaguchi retreated to the Newcastle system where the GRN cut off its route to Kusari. In late 818 A.S., during the push of the Gallic Navy into Leeds, Council forces made contact with the Kusari exiled fleet. Realizing the Roussillon system would allow the wayward Kusari ships to return home, they offered them safe passage through, hoping that the return of the Exiles would cause Kusari/Gallic conflict to rekindle. The Nagasaki was the first Exiled ship to re-enter Kusari controlled space in over a year and a half. Yamaguchi was spotted and attacked by a Gallic strike force as it exited the Nebula in which it had hidden in Newcastle. Damaged but operational, it retreated into the Roussillon system, where it underwent some field repairs to make it marginally combat-ready again. After the initial push made by the Nagasaki and its battlefleet, Yamaguchi entered in behind then quickly moved off to the side, into Tottori. With local support, securing that edge Kusari system was an easy task. Final repairs were completed at Cape Soya, which took a month of the station's full attention. Battleship Yamaguchi currently serves as a training platform for militia volunteers, Farmers' Alliance pilots, and Republican deserters while waiting for additional forces to be mustered so that it may move on from the system.

研究駅南西, Kenkyū-eki nansei - Nansei Research Complex

[Image: Nansei.png]

In 400 A.S., the Kusari government began offering incentives for corporations to move to the Kyushu system and set up offices and business there. Taking advantage of the offer, Samura Industries began construction on Nansei Research Complex, which finished later the same year. Designed primarily to study antimatter and antimatter-based weaponry, the facility utilizes vast solar arrays to provide consistent power so its electromagnetic containment fields which isolate the several kilograms of stored antimatter. The facility is often a favorite target of attacks by the Blood Dragons, leading to the Battleship Nagumo being stationed nearby to oversee both the defense of the Tau-29 jump gate and of Nansei itself. Should the Blood Dragons ever succeed in compromising any of the storage cells, the annihilating antimatter would result in an explosion in excess of 100 megatons of force wiping out the facility and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught within the blast. The base has, on occasion, been the venue for a number of secret research projects by the Naval Forces using the collective expertise on antimatter for military purposes. While no products of the research have directly linked to Nansei, its importance and location have been deemed strategic to the Kempeitai, who defected to the Imperial forces. Forgoing a direct assault on the facility that would most likely compromise the research materials, the isolation, and attrition against the garrison with the aim of weakening the defenders enough to succumb to a later boarding action. The plan backfired as the KNF became aware of the passive stance adopted by the imperials and devised a breakthrough operation allowing them to take valuable research data and abandon the increasingly untenable location. Once the data was copied to their ship and the base databanks erased, the KNF forces departed in a fast convoy, leaving behind a barren facility and its remaining Samura staff. By coordinating with units from the Nagumo, they were just able to break through the encirclement of the IKN, escaping to New Tokyo with minimal losses. As advances elsewhere put the station out of reach of the Republic, plus with there being no KNF garrison left to defend it, the Imperial Kusari Navy and Kempeitai have assumed control of Nansei. Operative stationed here are currently attempting to retrieve any fragments of the previous research, including interviews of civilians that were left behind, whilst continuing development of new weaponry for the Imperial cause.

バトルクルーザー暁, Batorukurūzā akatsuki - Battlecruiser Akatsuki

[Image: Akatsook.png]

The Battlecruiser Akatsuki was one of the first Komainu-class ships to enter the service of the Kusari Naval Forces fleet. As with all vessels of this new class, it initially suffered from prolific early design flaws. The political fallout from these technical issues was exacerbated by traditionalist staff officers who were ideologically opposed to any alteration to the KNF's capital ship doctrine. After one year of retrofitting and testing, it finally was considered fully combat-ready in 821 A.S. Put under command of Taisa Harumi Akira, it was stationed in Kyushu as part of the Nagumo battlegroup. When the Imperial forces made their desperate push into Kyushu, the Nagasaki and Nagumo fleets each demanded the surrender of the other. When the shooting started the crew of the Akatsuki outright refused the order to engage, being morally opposed to firing on their brethren. Instead, they pulled back from the fight, prompting the outgunned Battleship Nagumo to retreat quickly thereafter, leaving the Exiles to secure the jump gate. Akatsuki left behind, pledged its support to the Emperor and joined the Imperial Fleet. It is currently tasked with guarding Nago Station to prevent Kishiro from delivering materials to Kusari Republic territory and serves as a launching point for the remaining patrols in the Taus.

姫路城, Himeji-jō - Castle Himeji, residence of Tenno Tetsuya and the Kaigun-Taisho

[Image: Himeji.png]

This masterpiece is the result of an old Imperial Spa ground, which has been rebuilt into the Imperial Palace after Kyushu was re-taken by the Imperial Navy. It served the best location, as it was on a beautiful rock with a great sight over the capital of Kyushu. Since the Tenno had to live without any kind of real residence, this building was the first to be constructed out of an old spa resort, therefore, construction did not take very long, as the main body was pretty much finished, the interior however, had to be changed completely to fit the Imperial style. It has a total amount of 30 rooms, the Tenno living in the one at the very top, ensuring that he would have the best sight on his current capital. It also serves as the home of the Kaigun-Taisho and (if necessary) his family. The Kaigun-Taisho uses this palace to discuss military issues and plans, as well as governing plans for the empire, the buerau of the Taisho is located below the room of the Tenno, making the Taisho also the highest guard for the emperor. 60 ground soldiers guard the place internal and external, the complex has a small garden between the buildings around it, as well as a huge area of land around it. There are no visitors tolerated unless they have an audience with the Tenno, and even then, a civilian has to be controlled by the Taisho himself and constantly being surrounded by two armed soldiers.

[Image: 8jUcMXv.png]

All the ranks are put behind the name

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Taisho [Admiral]
The commanding Admiral of all Imperial forces, both naval and marines. The Taisho has the leading seat in the Daihon'ei and functions as a de-facto Shogun.
Current Taisho:

Yukiyama Minako (//Shelco)

Allowed ships: All

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Chusho [Vice Admiral]

The leader of the the 343rd Naval Space Group traditionally holds this rank, although this tradition has been broken now that the leading of the Battlegroup got merged with the leading of the Imperial Guard
Current Chusho:

Makoto Ryota (//Black Smoke)

Allowed ships: All

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Shosho [Rear Admiral]

The Kaigun Shosho takes command over large fleet detachments and is usually the second-in-command to the leader.
Current Shosho:

Kaori Yamamoto (//Kiith)
Sasashi Ikimoto (//JorgeRyan)

Allowed Ships: Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats, Shared Destroyers

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Daisa [Colonel]
Veterans of many raids that are not only given the command over a wing but can occasionally become field commander over a complete strike force. The commanding officers of the smaller units, the Hikotai, usually hold this rank.
Current Daisas:

Hiroshige Iitaka (//Mushy)

Allowed Ships: Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Chusa [Commander]

Decorated pilots who have been given the command over a wing
Current Chusas:

Himura Kenshin (//kenshin156)

Allowed Ships: Fighters, Bombers, Shared Gunboats if commanding a group

[img float=left][/img]
Kaigun-Shosa [Lieutenant Commander]
Field officers, veterans and decorated pilots without actual commanding privileges
Current Shosas:

Okita Izay (//Inferno)
Diah Lo Han (//Laufi)
Kata Izu (//Sola Virtus Invicta)

Allowed Ships: Fighters, Bombers, Spatial

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Daii [Flying Lieutenant]
Pilots with reasonably more experience than normal soldiers.
Current Daiis:


Allowed Ships: Fighters, Bombers, Spatial

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Chui [Flying Officer]
Regular Pilots
Current Chuis:

Kaito Tenshin (//Marillion)
Yousei Tokugawa (//Wasserdrache)

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers

[img float=left][/img]Kaigun-Shoi [Ensign]
New pilots first get this rank, until they get commissioned by at least a Daisa.
Current Shois:

Matsubara Miju (//NieRdackel)
Yasashiko Kebok (//Yeggito)
Nora Marin (//Sikotik)

Allowed Ships: Civilian fighters, Renzu Corp Fighters, Hayabusa, Freighters

[Image: 4jOhgwf.png]
All ships are registered under IKS, meaning Imperial Kusari Ship.

IKS Akagi – Flagship of the 343rd, Kusari Destroyer, commanded by Kaigun-Taisho and Chusho

IKS Kaga – Secondary Flagship, Kusari Destroyer, commanded by Kaigun-Shosho's and higher

IKS Ayanami – Support Destroyer, commanded by Kaigun-Shosho's and higher

IKS Otori – Kusari Gunboat, usually escorting the Akagi, equipped with Razors.

IKS Asasagi – Kusari Gunboat, second escort vessel for the Akagi, equipped with Solarises.

IKS Hyodori – Kusari Gunboat, escort vessel of the Kaga, equipped with pulses.

IKS Horikawa – Kusari Gunboat, second escort vessel of the Kaga, equipped after Hiroshige Iitaka's preference

IKY-Tetsuya – Kusari Luxury Yacht, mobile palace for the Tenno, used as diplomatic vessel, always escorted.