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To: State| From:Knight Industries - Printable Version

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To: State| From:Knight Industries - Knight Industries - 02-01-2015

[Image: eAjWX6s.png]

[Image: Lm0Z8Se.png]

Hello there, let me introduce myself.

I am President Michael Knight, Founder and Owner of Knight Industries.

I am here opening communication systems with you via a secure channel to say thank you to two of your pilots. These pilots are both very respectful, brave, and honourable and they show great promise.

The transponders of the ships they were flying were;


To start of with, I was un mooring from Planet New London in New London where I opened my communication systems with Valen, shortly after Captain Mustang arrived. A few moments later, communications opened between all three of our ships and they offered to escort me through Bretonian Space. I was shocked as they knew little about Knight Industries and did not see my ship as a threat. I accepted the offer and was escorted out of New London to Manchester then Magellan were I was informed they could not proceed any further. So from Magellan I continued my route to my destination in Alberta. Both of these pilots recieved a 2.500.000 sirius credit payment as a thank you gift from myself personally.

Once I reached my destination, one of my pilots opened a secure channel with me and wished to join me on my journies. I was heading to Newcastle, so I opened up communications once again with these State pilots and we met up at the Cortez Jumpgate within California System. From the Ontario Jumpgate to the Cortez Jumpgate within California, my transporter was recieving glitches in my engines and my computer systems. Was rather scary but everything was okay until I entered jump sequence to enter Cortez.

When my ship was sucessful in the jump sequence it seemed there was major lags or something happening to the gate itself. It is still unknown, but I do know that my power systems, and computer systems lost power, and my engines and thrusters load power also. I was unable to move or communicate to anyone via any channel.

After a few minutes passed a few of my systems slowly started re booting and re connecting where Captain Mustang was there with me waiting for a response. When my power started returning both my transport pilot and Valen return to the gate I was stationary at.

When the convoy was ready to move out again, we moved towards Manchester and then New London. In New London we had a quick stop and a chat with a DSE Transport Pilot who was having issues with his lights and we carried on to our destination in Newcastle.

When we reached Gateshead Station, Valen was ambushed by a Gallic Gunboat patrol and was sadly destroyed. I quickly tractored his escape pod and started to engage the Gallic's while being fired upon. While I had two Gallic Gunboats and two Gallic Fighters firing upon my ship. Captain Mustang and my fellow transport pilot moved in to assist.

I managed to destroy one of them and Captain Mustang managed to destroy the other. Quickly tractoring in there escape pods, I started moving back to New London towards Planet New London to get Valen medical treatment quickly, and having a Gallic Gunboat Captain and Fighter pilot prisoner onboard my transporter I waited for Captain Mustang to arrive where I handed him the prisoners I had captured. From that point on there patrol and shift had finished and myself and Red moved back to Liberty space.

Both of these pilots deserve some sort of medical or a payment for helping two innocent pilots and freinds of Bretonia.

Thank you again to whom this may concern. I hope to here from you soon.

President Michael Knight

[Image: l8mJQuq.png]

RE: To: State| From:Knight Industries - The Kijima Clan - 02-02-2015

TARGET ID: President Knight
SUBJECT: State| Assistance
SENDER ID: Director Turrel, Daniel

Hailing President Michael Knight,

Firstly I would like to give you a special thanks for the assist in returning Special agent Valen to New London, after the destruction of his vessel.

Secondly both will be rewarded in line with current State| protocol, the details I cannot share however rest assured their determination to keep Bretonian space safe for all will not go un-appreciated.

I have received mission reports from both pilots and they informed me they received a total of 10million credits in donation from Knight Industries all of which has been collected by the State|Treasurer and will go a long way in funding further operations in Bretonia. However one in particular caught my eye, Cpt. Mustang has put into his report that you and your fellow pilots working for Knight industries are honourable traders and friends of Bretonia. Not something that he would have said lightly.

In regards to handing over the pilots intelligence gained may hold the key to repelling a Gallic attack on Bretonian space, we are just awaiting our sources to confirm its legitimacy before we act upon it.

So finally I give you my thanks and hope our paths cross again in the future. Do not hesitate to contact any State| pilots over a secure channel if we can be of assistance.

Director, Daniel Turrel

Transmission terminated

RE: To: State| From:Knight Industries - Knight Industries - 02-03-2015

[Image: eAjWX6s.png]

[Image: Lm0Z8Se.png]

Greetings Director Turrel,

It is nice for you to get back me so soon.

I appreciate you saying thank you to me for assisting and returning one of your Agents, but he put his life on the line to protect me and my pilots. I can only honour and respect that, I do hope he is fit and well and no injuries.

It is and was an honour for both of your pilots to support us through Bretonian space. Director Turrel, you have two fine pilots and I can't say how much I respect them both.

Knight Industries will always give donations to pilots who help or assist Knight ships. That does include escorting and putting there lives on the line, just like both of these pilots, they both deserved the donations they received.

The pilots that are from the Gallic sector I hope can come in handy to win the war and help Bretonia win. If we come across any more of these pilots and they are attacking Knight Ships, I will ensure they are bought straight to State for interrogation.

Your pilots are very helpful and skilled and I will not hesitate to request for the assistance, I am sure my pilots will also request for the State assistance if it is needed.

Thank you again, and I hope to meet you in space soon.

President Michael Knight

[Image: l8mJQuq.png]