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{Dark} Scientists - Printable Version

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{Dark} Scientists - Linkero - 09-29-2008

First I shall say this is not a faction proposal.....yet.

Ok. A dear friend of mine came up with the idea of being nomad scientists. Of course I took it a few steps further. Started creating a small ship list, equipment load outs, a history, the whole shebang. Essentially we are a group of scientists(and escorts) that go around in nomad systems to collect nomadic entities(nomads, minor brains, superior brains, powercells, weapons.). We pretty much go after nomad and wild npc's and if we see a player(nomad/wild) attacking a human we come to help defend the human race. We don't pvp at all unless its self defense......because we are scientists, not fighters. We use a few nomad weapons to aid in the research.

Pretty much our main goal is to study nomadic entities to reverse engineer thier weapons for human use so we can rid the universe of nomads. We try to stay neutral to all factions except wild and nomad because we have no reason to have any enemies. The only time we attack is in self defense or the defense of humanity. We have very VERY limited ships list involving mainly civilian ships. Here is a list of ships and I will update with equiptment once we have it all sorted out

Spatial, Kiith Somtaaw Super Heavy Fighter, Eagle, Zoner Destroyer, and Zoner Juggernaut

We also will be issuing a Advanced Train to our members so they can keep the bank full for new members. Another ship we use is the Corsair GB until the Zoner GB is released(hopefully next mod). We have been discussing about whether or not to use the Taiidan Bomber as well for our escorts but the desicion has yet to be made.

We currently have(i think) around 7 members including myself, although they dont all have the {Dark} tag yet. We use the Junker IFF/ID because we reside at Yanagi when not out exploring the Edge worlds.

Im not too sure as to what else to say except comments and suggestions are much appreciated. If we get enough support(RP wise) we will take the faction to be under official reveiw.

Hope to hear good comments(and bad of course)!!!

*puts flame suit on just in case*

Edit: Almost forgot, You can find a very small bio here:

{Dark} Scientists - Xing - 09-30-2008

well, sounds like a typical, more defencive order sub faction. Nothing seems wrong...
but, I'd like more details. For instance, where does your "scientist" comes from? How are they chosen? How do they apply? their allies, their enemies, by whom are they funded, how they aquire and maintain their ship (including weaponnery and equipment)? Is it a lucrative organisation, or purely humanitarian one, and if so, the reason for your character(s) to start so? etc.

{Dark} Scientists - Zygoeths - 09-30-2008

I'm a friend of this faction let me explain. There basically nomads (people on the move) who kill ALOT of wild and ALOT of nomads. They study them to unlock there secrets. They have no enemies, and no allies. If someone attacks them, they become an enemy, if someone helps them, they become an ally for that period of time.

{Dark} Scientists - Heartless - 09-30-2008

hehe, I once made a proposal for a faction like this but I never planed to get it approved, just for the fun. I think it was called like SNRF Sirius Nomad Research Federation or something like that.
hmm, what does {Dark} stand for? Or did I miss it? lol.

Anyways, I have a nomad research ship from the Order, and I think that a factions like this has great potential but the rp involved is very delicate but it can work.

Best luck.


{Dark} Scientists - Zygoeths - 09-30-2008

I highly recommend TRADERS or NEWBIES join this guide, great exploration team, can create new trdae routes, and frankly, is fun.

{Dark} Scientists - Xing - 09-30-2008

I still have no answer concerning the faction historical, economic, background and details on characters, motives, etc.

{Dark} Scientists - Linkero - 09-30-2008 answer all questions.

First, Xing:
Quote:Where does your "scientist" comes from?
Our scientists really don't come from anywhere particularly. Mine for example, Dr. Winston Isler, was born on Planet Cambridge(still doing story for him). But really, they come from all over Sirus, all born in different places. At the moment we only have just two scientists and I really don't know the other ones "story."
Quote:How are they chosen?
The scientists are chosen upon how well they roleplay, thier experience on the server, thier experience with nomads, thier desire to learn and explore, and of course, thier ability to determine a situation. For example, We run into a Corsair or another pirate, The ability to determine whether to run, donate, or convince the person why not to shoot.(if that makes sense)
Quote:How do they apply?
Currently, they aply by contacting a {Dark} tagged member, mainly me({Dark}Link) or {Dark}Shadow. Other wise, we find you. Usually we help people that are newer to the server(yes we can tell if you are or not) and give them an opportunity to join an unofficial faction so they would be ready for an official one. IF we decide to go official(we might) we will of course have a faction recruitment thread.
Quote: their allies, their enemies,
We try not to have any allies or enemies(except wild and nomads). We do consider Junkers to be allies of sorts due to holding Junker ID/IFF. We like everyone thats human and not alien. Yes we like AI to extents....well more of tolerate them.
Quote:by whom are they funded,
Currently they are mainly funded by my constant trading. We are planning on issuing all members Advanced Trains(or lower if we don't have the funds at that time) so our members can help with the funding of newer people.
Quote:how they aquire and maintain their ship (including weaponnery and equipment)?
Currently, we provide the ship cost and weaponry unless we don't have enough funds for it, in which we will run a trade route or two to get the money(yes all legal routes and no powertrading). As for what ships they use, we start them off with one of the very heavy fighters(or the SHF) until we determine if they are fit to be a scientist or not. If they are not they are still allowed to stay as escort until they prove thierself.
Quote:Is it a lucrative organisation, or purely humanitarian one, and if so, the reason for your character(s) to start so? etc.
If by "lucrative" you mean just in it for the money, then no. I would have to say we are more humanitarian due to the desire to help the human race. We believe if the nomads aren't stopped soon then humans may be on the edge of extinction. I really don't know what you mean by "the reason for your character(s) to start so?" so I can't answer that particular part.

Second, SwissScorch:

No, you did not miss the meaning of "{Dark}." It is really just a tag to show we aren't normal people. If a definition has to be applied then it means "Darkness" because thats where we spend most of our time. We consider the outer regions(nomad infested areas) as very dark places because you never know whats hiding in the shadows. As for "us", we are the ones in the shadows to the nomads. If they confront us, we will end it, or die trying.

Last but not least, Zygoeths:
Yes, you are a friend of the faction, and hopefully soon to be member as soon as me and {Dark}Shadow are done conversing about it. I would like to point out tho that we don't "kill ALOT of wild and ALOT of nomads." The only reason we attack them(npc wise) is to collect a brain or nomad so we can have it in our hold to serve as "our research." And yes, you are completly right about unlocking the secrets of the wild and nomads. Another thing I would like to point out is
Quote:If someone attacks them, they become an enemy, if someone helps them, they become an ally for that period of time
If someone attacks us, we will attack back. But they do not become our enemy no matter what faction they work for. We don't have a KoS(kill on sight) list and we don't plan on having one either. If some one helps us, they have the chance to tag along or possibly even join. We may even hire em to help us again in the future if needed. But, if they help, no matter what the faction, they don't become our ally. We will pay them, of course, for thier time and troubles.
Quote:I highly recommend TRADERS or NEWBIES join this guide, great exploration team, can create new trdae routes, and frankly, is fun.
Yes, traders and new people are more then welcome to join. We would like to help build a persons RP skills and faction awareness so they can move on to more "popular" factions if they choose. Yes we do explore alot, we actually plan to explore all of sirus in search for any and all nomadic events and entities so we can better understand thier ways. And of course, we are fun. Besides, when we are out in a far out system with no one around, all there is to do is joke around and have fun. I believe that a game should be fun, and I encourage it. The only time I encourage OoRP tho is in group or private chat and NEVER in system chat unless its to help someone. But usually(for me) I take it to private chat so other people don't have a reason to look down on us.

Yes, this is a very long post. But, I want to answer any and all questions to the best of my ability. On a final note, I want to say that we are not in search for PvP, only RP. If you choose to attack one of our vessels, and another {Dark} tagged vessel is around(same system or one away) they will come to help unless on assignment. Under NO circumstance will we side with a faction in a war unless its against nomads, and under NO circumstance will we attack with or without reason. The only time we attack is for self defense, or the defense of another {Dark} tagged vessel.

I hope I answered all questions good enough, and if there are anymore, PLEASE ask. I would like people to know as much as they can

{Dark} Scientists - Erythnul - 09-30-2008

Do not call your faction "Dark" - makes you sound like yet another prepubescent Sephiroth nerd.

{Dark} Scientists - Culebra - 09-30-2008

You could also used the zoner ID then you would have even less enemies and access to all of thier ships with no special RP needed by the admins. People might have problems with Junkers in a zoner juggy. Also I think the zoners would have more reason to study and research the nomads seeing as the nomads destroyed one of the freeports.

Either way good luck.

{Dark} Scientists - gemini - 09-30-2008

This sounds quite marvelous, and I agree with Culebra about Zoner ID.
The Zoners would provide an excellent base for the RP, ships, actual bases etc of such a 'faction' Considering how they seem to be well off relationally with everyone human in Sirius, and they seem to have Order connections of a sort.