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To : Head of Reinland Military or Police - Printable Version

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To : Head of Reinland Military or Police - ShadowWalker - 02-10-2015

IDDETECTED>> Ageira_Shade
LOCATION: Solarius Station Omega-11 System
Helow Sir Or madam my name is Shadow Walker and I piolet the ship ID of Ageira_shade. and i was wondering if all diamond transport is forbidin even between Two points in Reindland space such as Solarius Station to say Planet Holstein as part of my delivery rought if so is there a waver i can sighn
thank your for your time
Shadow Walker

RE: To : Head of Reinland Military or Police - Laura C. - 02-12-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Laura_Carsten9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Polizeidirektor Laura Carsten
SOURCE: RFP Direktorium Büros, Bonn station
SUBJECT: Transport of diamonds

Guten Tag, Herr Walker. My name is Laura Carsten and I´m polizeidirektor of the Rheinland Federal Polizei. It seems you didn´t notice change of Rheinland laws which happened like three months ago. If I understand correctly, you fly a ship with Ageira ID, ja? If this is the case, then I assure you that you are allowed to transport diamonds everywhere you want and thus transporting them between Solarius Station and planet Holstein is fine and fully legal. Actually you can even export these diamonds to Liberty. Same applies to uncut diamonds, but those must be bought from Rheinland coporation or it´s affiliates. You can find respective part of the Article Three of the Rheinland laws in data attachment of this message.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, polizeidirektor Carsten out.


RE: To : Head of Reinland Military or Police - ShadowWalker - 02-12-2015

IDDETECTED>> Ageira_Shade
LOCATION: Solarius Station Omega-11 System
Dear Ms Carsten
Thank you for your prompt reply.First off i would like to apologize for not just checking the law my self as i have been on leave for the last Six months thank you for clearing up my confusion
Pleas keep up the good work that you all do
Shadow Walker
Safe Skys