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To: All Zoner members - Printable Version

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To: All Zoner members - Jaffa - 02-10-2015

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To: Zoner members
From: Agent Marcus Quinn
Subject: My statement

Greetings Zoners,

In this transmission, I would like to inform you about my attitude towards the recent events between The Order and Zoners.
I don’t expect you to know me, but it really does not matter. I want you to know that I HIGHLY disagree with the events and decisitons of my superiors, that led to this most unfortunate conflict. It worries me, that I (due to my combat injury) was not present, thus unable to prevent these things from happening.

I have a borther among the Zoner pilots. Does this mean I have to fight my own family now? Just because some action of a few people. I don’t think so. Zoner pilots and researchers saved many lives of The Order agents, and vice versa. We have much bigger threat to fight. This conflict is pointless. This is a perfect opportunity for our enemy, the enemy of all humanity, to strike a severe blow while we fight and weaken each other. We have to stop this madness!

I want you all to know, that I WILL NOT attack ANY Zoner vessels nor Zoner bases… no matter what. I still respect the old treaty between our groups. I don’t expect you to do/feel the same, but this is my personal decision, and I take full responsibility for it. I will NOT be a part of this nonsense.

Only one thing I must add. I will defend myself, If I am forced to, but I will do my best not to harm any pilot, nor his/her ship in the process.

God watch over us all.

Agent Marcus Quinn, The Order secondary fleet.

…transmission link terminated…
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RE: To: All Zoner members - Shizune - 02-10-2015

The screen cuts in to show Ashley Harper sitting in the bridge of what looks to be a Zoner Colony vessel, surrounded by the crew of her own choosing. Against the back wall of the bridge is the emblem of the Solar Runner's, as well as the name of the vessel under it, Dawn Light. She looks questioningly over the message before rubbing the back of her head, motioning for a man to come over and read this, the man, with orange hair steps over, reading it before Ashley sends him on his way to reply to the message perhaps on his own. Ashley beginning to send her own message a moment after from the captains terminal.

"I ask you what conflict you speak of; because as far as we Runner's see it and still see it, the bad blood between the TAZ and Order don't sway us either way and we've remained outside of the conflict thus far and still have. More over the Order admiral's have yet to tell us a thing about any conflict going on that we need to know of, or the other Zoner's at that point. As it still stands." She looks around and nods a bit "We Solar Runners are still allied friends of the Order and visa versa, just because we see each other red in space does not mean we're war enemies or even hostile to each other. If such was the case, I'd perhaps would be worried but over all, we are not. If the Order have a problem with the Runners, they surely would contact us like they normally do anyways and our Councilmen would contact them in return as well. Now while I can't speak for Joseph Wolf or my husband James opinion on this subject, I can whole heartly say that just because the Order attack the Autonomous Zoner's, does not mean we are going to as well; more so, even if the Order did go to war with the Zoners or the other way around, the Runners already vowed to stay clean out of this either way. I do thank you for saying that you'd not attack us and over all for sending this message, but I'll let Councilmen Wolf speak in our place as what the Runner's stance on this is; that is all." The message fades out to the spinning logo of the Runners on the screen, the screen itself dividing into five parts, each labeled with to one of the Runner Councilmen, Ashley's screen showing the logo while the other four show complete blanks..for now.

Ashley Harper
Secretary of Recruitment & Internal Affairs
Solar Runners

RE: To: All Zoner members - Jaffa - 02-10-2015

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To: Secretary of Recruitment & Internal Affairs, Solar Runners
From: Agent Marcus Quinn

Good day,

It is very nice of you to say this. I am glad to hear that I can count you as an ally, but my previous transmission was mainly intended for the… if you want to call them, „independent“ Zoner pilots, flying in the omicron systems. The reason for it was an incident that took place in omicron Delta system a few days ago. Nothing serious happened, but for me, it was a reason enough to make sure that everybody knows my attitude to this situation and how I will behave in case of further similar confrontation.

We will see how things develop over time.

Agent Marcus Quinn, The Order secondary fleet.

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RE: To: All Zoner members - Doc Holliday - 02-10-2015

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [MFE]Doc.Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Agent Marcus Quinn

Greeting, Agent Quinn,

While the Order problem doesn't concern me a great deal, it's refreshing to read of this. This whole thing isn't an Order against Zoners but an issue between the Order and the Temporary Autonomous Zoners. I have my opinions on it but I don't need prying eyes taking exception.

Mind you, Agent, that I have been working quietly not just in medicine but in research on a great many things to include Nomads. It's amazing what one learns when they study in the interest of science instead of shooting to preserve humanity, the latter being an oxymoron when you consider when one house is trying to wipe out another as is one group over another.

I will continue my work. If you require the services of Med Force Enterprises, let me know. All I ask is that we be left to our peace.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
CEO, Med Force Enterprises

RE: To: All Zoner members - Derkylos - 02-11-2015

--Transmission To: Agent Quinn. CC: Any Interested Parties--
--Subject: War. Hunh. Yeah. What is it good for?--

Ey up. If ne v u lot get tierd of tryn 2 kill each uvr, feel 3 2 join I 4 drinks, near-lethal substances, lolz & partayyyyyyyyyy & t'ings. I gets out 2 the deep bits less n I like (heh. "deep bits"), but u's always welcome on Da Gremlyn.

--Signed: Rashida. MC, DJ in chief & all round awesome gal. Cap'n The Gremlyn--

RE: To: All Zoner members - Sabru - 02-11-2015

Receiving transmission

Source: Skarsi Wyrdmake
Signal Strength: Very Discordant
Encryption: 5 tons of Flax
Subject: Reasonable Order

An Order Agent who's thoughts are not to try and Oppress and control Zoners? Well that makes a refreshing change. Despite the issues with the Order Primary Fleet Leadership, The Temporary Autonomous Zoners have no problems with Secondary Fleet Order pilots and crews who do not follow the Primary Fleet's insane and worrisome direction.

I commend you on your actions to distance yourself and make clear your opinions. Hopefully your actions set a good example for other Secondary Fleet pilots and crews so that they also step forward like this.

Skarsi Wyrdmake

RE: To: All Zoner members - moebus - 02-11-2015

To: Marcus Quinn
CC: Zoners
From: Dankien Moebus, independent zoner
Location: Sparta Station

Dear Agent Marcus Quinn,

I am glad to read your message and to see there are people of good will on both sides.
Like you, I disagree with the official change in the Order/Zoner diplomacy.
The nomad threat is something I consider seriously and that's why I've always supported the Order without conditions. While it's true that the aggressive behaviour of a few Order agents recently has made me uncomfortable, it does not justify the end of the collaboration between our two groups, especially in the Omicrons where nomad activity is quite important and where the zoners need more military assistance than everywhere else.

I will be more than happy to stand with you and other people of good will to say we disapprove the hostility between the Order and the zoners. We could even form a temporary group to make real this opinion and convince the rest of our communities that Order/zoner hostility must end.

Warm regards,
Dankien Moebus
End of transmission

RE: To: All Zoner members - Jaffa - 02-11-2015

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To: Zoner members
From: Agent Marcus Quinn
Subject: Reply

Greetings again,

I am so pleased to see that you have the same opinion on this matter as I do. As I said before, this conflict does not benefit any of us and must be... ended as soon as possinble. People must listen to the common sence. The sooner we end this nonsence, the better. I am sure, that with all your support, we can achieve this goal, together. Unfortunately, I don't possess such influence to make this happen, but that does not mean I won't try.

Also, doctor Holliday, could you do me a favor? Please contact my brother next time you visit Freeport 9. His name is James Quinn and he woks in secion B. I am unable to contact him at this point. Just tell him that I am fine, so he doesn't have to worry about me anymore.

Thank you.

Good luck,
Agent Marcus Quinn, The Order secondary fleet.

…transmission link terminated…
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RE: To: All Zoner members - Duty - 02-11-2015

[Image: pLb0LyF.png]

Hello Zoners and fellow members of the secondary and independent fleets

Duty does not recognize the Zoners as our enemies. Due to the actions of Admiral Golanski, the situation is a bit tense, but it is he, himself, who has caused the situation. He claims to be the savior of humanity, but he is not able to live in peace with anybody not under his direct command and rule.

This is not the persona of a savior, this is the persona of a ruthless dictator seeking to subject all of humanity under his rule. And – I dare say- he's not particularly smart about that either. Instead of subduing enemies one by one, he accumulates them and this will be his downfall.

I urge everybody enlisted in the primary fleet to question the actions and words of their commander in chief and ask yourself what most of the assets of the primary fleet are tasked with. Is it still the primary duty to fight the Nomads or is the Order| more focused on fighting fellow humans?

Duty out

RE: To: All Zoner members - Zoner Freeport Network - 02-13-2015

[Image: 4F76bYj.gif]

Good day Agent Quinn -

On behalf of ta Confederation of Freeports, we are greatly appreciative of your comm towards all Zoners. While we do not represent ta entirety of Zoners, we do represent majority of ta Freeports and Zoner stations in Sirius, with many groups in cooperation with us in order t' ensure ta safety and well being of all whom reside within a Freeport or Zoner station.

While ta news of this conflict has undeniably shaken quite a few, we are pleased t' hear that there are still friends and allies with ta Order forces. As such, you have solidified yourself as a respectable agent, and one whom we will be more than willing t' work with and remain in contact with. Should you need our services, we will be happy t' assist when we can.

Good day agent.

Finn McCool
Head Administrator
Confederation of Freeports