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ATTN - Casino : Sender - MIA - Printable Version

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ATTN - Casino : Sender - MIA - Junker Congress - 02-11-2015

[Image: 111iivr.png]
Good morning.

I'm contacting you today to discuss a rather serious problem we have encountered with the little.... business proposition.... you and I made. The private storage room you had leased off of us in one of our stations has been compromised. I haven't yet been able to get back to base to see for myself - I am on route mind you - but rumor has it the Liberty Security Force conducted some sort of an illegal raid and seized the cargo being held there.

I've ensured this channel is secure, and it is open for your reply. Oh, and James doesn't know about our little 'deal' yet. I think I need to fill him in over drinks and dinner.

I wish I could end this on a good note, but unfortunately, I'm not sure I can.

- Mia
[Image: vkof.png]

RE: ATTN - Casino : Sender - MIA - Casino - 02-11-2015

[Image: caangc2.jpg]

Greeings Mia,

That is most unfortunate news indeed. You know I prefer much more secure communications but will trust that this encryption level is high enough.

I've heard rumors that a heavy war on multiple fronts has stressed the defense budget, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that the LSF would stoop to strong arm robbery to fund it's black budget.

Has the LSF been in contact with the Congress? Have they offered any evidence of the contents of my private cargo bay? On any given day they're more bungling than the keystone cops that flit about Rheinland.

Please do inspect the facility first hand and let me know what you find. Inform James as needed but the fees I've paid will then have to be split between you or the venture will no longer be profitable.

I'll have my yacht fueled and readied for a trip to Puerto Rico by way of Kusari space. At the moment the skiing is too good on New Berlin to pass up. Once you arrive and verify that the security of my storage has indeed been breached, I'll be on my way.

Frankie Detano, Casino
Legitimate Businessman

RE: ATTN - Casino : Sender - MIA - Junker Congress - 02-19-2015

[Image: 111iivr.png]
Good morning.

I have since arrived here on base, and have checked over what I can. It seems the entry keypad has been tampered with, but I am unable to determine whether it was opened or not. I would suggest you make your way here as soon as possible to open the storage and make sure all of your goods are still in one piece.... and more importantly, here.

I have informed James of this deal, unfortunately, he needed to know. I am aware it will be less profitable, but at this point in time, I am happy to give up the profit to get the Congress' name back in the clear.

As for evidence.... they have provided some, and as far as I am aware the LSF have taken what they claim to have seen to the Liberty Government. We are currently awaiting trial.... Needless to say, it will be interesting to see what happens next.

- Mia
[Image: vkof.png]