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Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Printable Version

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Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Shinju - 02-11-2015

Omicron Theta - 02/11/822

Liss docked her R-1 Series fighter to Freeport in Omicron Theta and with a worried face full of stress and thoughts she leaves her fighter there, looking around the bay, seeing mostly Zoners in their yellow uniforms moving boxes, talking with foreign people and so. One of them came closer to her with a smile on his face and datapad in his hands.

"I haven't seen this ship since 820. Your name, affilation and how long would you stay here Lady? I am sorry for this salvo of questions, but these days we aren't save and situation outside is getting even worse."

He would say and slowly took out something similar to a simple pen, however he seemed to be writing something while looking at her ship.

"You might see two today... I am Leslie Curero of Braillia Security Force and well. I might stay here 48 hours from now, everything alright?"

Sighing she looked around again and then back at Zoner male noting everything she's said untill now. After that he gave her ID card and moved to another ship and captain, of course Liss was kinda confused. She's never experience this kind of security procedure and it seemed like something weird was really happening outside of the Freeport. "Bar... There I should meet him, I hope he is alright and doing okay outside..." This thought was following her all the time on the way to the bar, meeting people with well known uniforms. Of course not everyone was meant to be friendly for example three men leaned against the wall, wearing typical Corsair uniforms. These guys were watching her and even following her for awesome 5 minutes before they noticed she's going still in the circle and and that she knew they are following her. After a while she finally arrived to the bar, again full of Zoners, Corsairs and Bounty Hunters. One would think they would be dead already but these guys seemed to be okay, all of them eyeing Liss when she walked in and sat down onto the chair at the dark corner of the bar, waiting patiently for her old friend, Maerto.

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Dimon - 02-11-2015

After Maerto have got Docking process done he shut off the engines, but kept inside shield reactor and weapon systems working on. From his cockpit he noticed Liss’ Lich parked nearby. Maerto left his ship through cargo hold and on the deck same Zoner person get to him:
- "Another one? Thats interesting. Sir, your Name and Surname. So I will check the database and add you as 'visitor'."- Zoner look at Maerto with serious face.
Maerto carefully looked around and after a minute of silence he said:
- “...believe me, you don’t need to know any Names.” - Zoner saw strange flashed light in Maerto’s eyes and with odd voice answered: - “Sure sir. I don’t need to know any names.”
- “Which side the owner of that vessel went?” - Maerto pointed on Liss’ ship.
- “She was going our bar’s side, sir.”
- “Good. Good. Just forget about things happened… You didn’t saw me here…”
- “Yes sir. Welcome to Freeport Nine mister Nobody.”
Maerto turned to bar’s side, and with satisfied smile slowly disappeared from the deck. On the way to bar, lot of people looked at Maerto as on a cold-blood murder. His face was so cold and happiless. But after he passed through main doors of the Bar, he changed his mood and was looking like a different person. He took a seat near Liss and silently hugged her.
- “Liss… I’m soo happy to see you. Sorry… I’m late a bit.” - after those words he just silently kept looking into Liss’ eyes and awaited her to start talking.

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Shinju - 02-11-2015

Omicron Theta - 02/11/822

Liss seemed to be kinda stressed and sad when Maerto walked in and looked at her, sitting there silently and not paying much attention to others in the bar having fun with drinks and so. She noticed someone sitting down next to her, her eyes observing person, realizing it's Maerto leaning closer for hug, something she wouldn't refuse to get. Slowly wrapping her arms around him and letting her head resting on his shoulders.

"Oh dear, you dont even know how I've missed you since you left Manatum, but I am glad you are here again... How have you been lately?"

She said once she released him from tight hug, however she kept her hands on his shoulders, still staring into his eyes with face full of happiness.

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Dimon - 02-12-2015

Maerto smiled and answered:
- “I was walking around Omicrons lately, you know. I found Omicrons more mad place than Omegas. I’ve tried to find those murders.” - he dropped his view down to the floor.
- “I know what will think about. Si… Avenge will make my feelings not so strong. I became more anger… I’m no more that Maerti you used to know in 820s.”
Maerto looked into Liss’ eyes, smiled and ran his hand down to her cheek.
- “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine… Let’s get some drinks? And you’ll tell me more about your time while I was away?”

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Shinju - 02-12-2015

Omicron Theta - 02/11/822

Liss sighed silently, in pure sadness but in relief as well. She doesn't know what to think about this all, about herself, Maerto or this situation. She gives him a weak smile and rubs his hand placed on her cheek, staring into his eyes, looking for a small reaction, help or maybe hint?

"I have so many questions, but none answers... I will always be worried about you. You know, you are actually the closest person to me right now, I just can't pretend I am not worried. Well Whiskey, Rum?"

She says quietly, before looking around and noticing people staring at them like a hungry sharks.

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Dimon - 02-12-2015

Maerto with smile looked how Liss rubs his hand on her cheek. After he made few short views to her shoulders, and with some kind of satisfaction said:
- "Rum is more like for 'Sairs. So let it be whiskey."
Maerto waved to waiters and one of them get closer and asks:
- "Greetings. Would you like to make an order?" - waiter took small pad and white his hands prepared for typing.
- "One bottle of best whiskey you got and two glasses, please."
- "Alright sir. We'll bring it to you in a few minutes."
Waiter silently disappeared and Maerto continued the conversation with Liss:
- "Questions? Ask whatever you want, and I promise that I'll honestly answer to you..."

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Shinju - 02-12-2015

Omicron Theta - 02/11/822

Liss was watching waiter aproaching them slowly with a pad. Giggling silently, she just nodded to his sentence about Rum and Corsairs but that would be all about her happy side for now. Again taking a deep breath, looking away for a while because she for sure is kinda feeling shame. It's nothing easy to say this time.

"I don't know what to do now... You know we are probably the last members of BSF, it's scaring me a lot. I am worried, afraid and kinda confused. Hope is leaving me slowly, people forgot who are we, they don't know where do we live, where is our homeworld. It's good, at least they won't declare war or so, but still it bears some sadness. We are getting old and I shortly don't know what's going to happen next few days, I want to stay with BSF but this weight might kill me soon."

She says quietly, before looking into his eyes again, she is confused like a little girl but sadness is present as well.

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Dimon - 02-13-2015

While Liss was talking about BSF, Maerto had nothing in his eyes. Liss could through that he don't care or don't have anything to remember from old times, or even don't have any interess to Braillia. Maerto wasn't thinking long, as soon as Liss stopped talking he answered:
- "Liss..."
Waiter appeared and intruded with his speech:
- "Your whiskey, Sir."
Maerto stopped talking, closed eyes and clenched his fist. He turned his head to waiter side, opened eyes and with rude tone answered:
- "Put it on the table... And get lost"
The waiter with impressed face turned around and get to another customer. Maerto relaxed, took the bottle of Whiskey and filled up glasses. He took his glass, made a sip and continued:
- "...Brallia is awesome place. And Si, people don't know where is it. That's why we became not needed. We don't have anyone who wants to intrude it. But the communists!" - He made another one sip, - "Their 'revolution' going to fail very-very soon."
Maerto get his glass of whiskey up to his lips, already wanted to make third sip but strange skin appeared just in front of him. Maerto put glass on the table, turning his face and seeing drunken Corsair face trying to talk to him:
- "I kno' ya' herma'o! Yo'r one of la't Repu'h."
Maerto already prepared to hit him, a few more seconds and he would do it, but Security arrived and took that aggressive corsair away from bar. Maerto turned to Liss and said:
- "I don't like this place soo far." - he looked around, - "...alot of people that would try to kill us if we wouldn't be on Freeport."

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Shinju - 02-13-2015

Omicron Theta - 02/11/822

Liss noticed his empty eyes and this act just brought her even more sadness, she obviously thought she's being ignored. Again. She just let out another loud sigh and looked down at the floor, breathing silently and thinking what to do now. Why is he doing this to me? Why is he ignoring me when I need him so much now? - This thoughts are spamming her mind, annoying her like a sudden unknown voice talking to her.

"Why are you ignoring me? Your empty eyes said pretty much and I just feel like being ignored, not important. I need you know, I really do!""

She says coldly this time but eyed weird and drunk Corsair aproaching them as well, moving a bit closer to Maerto in order he would attack them. Then she turned her eyes to him again, trying to realise if he's listening to her or again looking like a body without a soul.

"Maybe we should go away? And find a bit calmer place?"

She didn't know if it was a right question at this time, but people were really staring at them. Two Reapers together, it's just a lucky day to see both together.

"I am sorry... I am kinda stressed and exhausted, I didn't mean it seriously. I am just lonely last few hours, days and even weeks"

RE: Old friendships ~ Omicron Theta - Dimon - 02-14-2015

Merto looked into Liss' sad eyes, sighed and answered:
- "No Liss. I'm not ignoring you..." - he takes Liss' glass with Whiskey and giving it to her - "Take. You are streassed, and you need some relaxation." - he takes his glass of whiskey, making a sip and continued: "About place. I'm planning to stay here for few days anyway. So I have reserved a room before going this way."
Maerto gets a bit closer to Liss, and whispered:
- "Would you like to go there with me? I don't like this people looking on us as on meat."