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The ModDB - Remnant - 02-16-2015

The ModDB

Hey there folks! As you all know, Discovery Freelancer is not an original game. Being a large expansion of 'Freelancer' made by Microsoft, we technically don't own a slot in the game world, as we're nothing more besides of a very large expansion of what was laid out to us by Microsoft.

We count on you as players to continue keeping this place alive and well. The mod was created for the players, and survives on the players. We're lucky to have a Dev team who still works on the game after the 9 years which this Mod has been in existence for. Public appeal is very, very important for us to keep living. ModDB is a large part of the players coming into Discovery.
A large variety of people have discovered us through ModDB, and have joined the community in some way or another soon afterwards. Sadly, right now our modDB page is rather inactive. Desolate. Not a very good sign for any players looking for a Freelancer mod. As of right now, the Discovery team already has our hands really full, and are unable to actively pay attention to the ModDB content, since we already have our hands full with other things going on internally on Discovery.

We believe that it's time to extend our hand out to the community for anyone who is willing to help us get a little public appeal. Content submitted by the community, having a good chance to show up publicly to appeal to the masses that the ModDB provides, targeting users who are looking for specific mods of their favorite games.

As of right now, we're looking for anyone who might have some cool content that would help spice up our slowly becoming desolate page. While the Staff will take care of the major stuff, such as the new updates and patches (The .88 announcement is going up today, that's late already) -- Player content is more than welcome.

RE: The ModDB - Connor - 02-16-2015

This isn't really my submission but there's a guy on Youtube called "Art_GR" and he turns quite a few of the fights we have into great videos. I am not sure who he is on the forum but it might be this guy. Check out his youtube page which can be found here. Maybe ask him if you can use some of his stuff? I personally have a few favorites of his.

My number one from him is this one

Then it has to be this one

RE: The ModDB - HuggieSunrise - 02-16-2015

please dont take this a poo pooing but you arent handling this right. If one ot the mods or admins doesent have the time to maintain a moddb page then you need to get someone who will. take it from someone whos been playing around moddb for a long time and has worked on several projects.

If you value that network as an outlet development blogs and current events need to be posted on that page at least weekly.