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Some random images you might be able to use - Printable Version

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Some random images you might be able to use - Sylvie557 - 02-16-2015

Just went through my Imgur images and checked to see if I had any good pictures. Most of these were used in RP posts so they have been cropped down and stuff like that so I hope that isn't a problem.

[Image: 19l32lq.png]

Image Title: Battleship Thebes
Image Description: Just a closeup of the Battleship Thebes in Omicron Muc
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: Has good atmosphere and a unique model from the mod
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy

[Image: 7uJgVBo.png]

Image Title: Passenger Liner Cloaking 1
Image Description: A Passenger Liner in the middle of cloaking
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: Shows off the cloaking feature in the mod
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy

[Image: jJx2dd0.png]

Image Title: Passenger Liner Cloaking 2
Image Description: A Passenger Liner in the middle of cloaking
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: Shows off the cloaking feature in the mod
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy

[Image: 6dzMYCm.png?2]

Image Title: Renzu Liner and Omega-41 Neutron Star
Image Description: A Renzu Liner passing the Omega-41 Neutron Star
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: Just a cool looking image.
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy

[Image: uhgTgAs.png]

Image Title: Sarissa OC Battleship
Image Description: A Sarissa next to Valetta Shipyard
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: Shows off one of the battleship models in the mod
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy

[Image: FqGRrUC.png?1]

Image Title: Renzu Liner
Image Description: Just another decent image of the Renzu Liner, forgot where it was taken
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: Decent enough image of a cool ship
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy

[Image: VLbwfHU.png?1]

Image Title: Pirate Transport
Image Description: Just a close of up the Pirate Transport
Why do you think this should be up the ModDB page?: A good image of one of my personal favorite looking ships
Credits Username/Name: Loki557

Added to submissions list ~Snoopy