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Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 02-16-2015

[Image: NlNoXJc.png]

Personal Log

Owner: Marcus Quinn
Location: Unknown

_Log #1

This man... Enfield Geoff seems very... interesting. It looks like there are a lot of unknown and weird things about him... something here does not make sence. I think I'll have to investigate this "man" on my own. If my assumptions shows correct, he could be a great threat. I'll take some supplies and make my way to Rheinland. With luck, I'll be able to find him there and remain... undetected.
Elizabeth, watch over me.


_Log #2

So, after two days I finally managed to find Mister Geoff, alone, in Munich system. His condition is pretty... unstable. It looks like he is not alone on his ship, I'll have to investigate that... thing later. Unfortunately I had to escape in the middle of my investigation because of an... unexpected interruption.


_Log #3

The fourth day of my investigation. I used civilian distress transmission to lure him out. Today we made a deal. A small part of my story for information on this "Zeal". It's very interesting. This our litte conversation reminded me of some of my.... unpleasant memories. I have to get back home. I'll continue this investigation later.


RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 02-18-2015

_Log #4
Finally back in Omicron Mu. I decided to take a break from my investigation, and resolve some of my problems here. Also, Bundschuh supply transports arrived at Akabat, unfortunately without a single bottle of Rheinbier. Well... maybe next time. It was nice to see some supplies again. So it looks we will have to rely on Bundschuh from now on. I joined the transport escort wing on their way back to Rheinland. Fortunately we did not encounter any problems... not this time.

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 08-10-2015

_Log #5
So... after three months of exhaustive investigation I was able to find the information I was looking for. My next objective will requere a... considerable sacrifice, but I am sure it will be worth it. I must admit... it is possible that what I am trying to do here will not work, but I can not just give up. It's too late for that. My ship is ready... I'm going to leave tomorrow.

_Log #6
I'll need more supplies. Looks like my previous assumptions were... inaccurate. I must fly deeper into Sirius. I wish I had more time to prepare for this. Fortunately I was able to avoid any unwanted attention... so far. I am afraid my luck is running out though. Well... there is not much I can do right now.

_Log #7
I found a safe place do dock, restock and repair my ship. Everything looks a bit brighter now. However my journey is not complete. The hardest part is yet to come. I am quite confident this mission will be a success... but don't hang the fish yet! I am sure something will go wrong eventually.

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 08-11-2015

_Log #8
It's over. After many hours of searching and scanning I managed to... retrieve the... artifact. There were some complications, but it was not anything serious. I must admit... there were moments when I thought that I will not be able to locate it, or that it's no longer there. Fortunately I was lucky. Still... I can not be sure that this... "thing" will do what I want it to do. Maybe this plan is way too ambitious. Maybe it will not work. There is nothing to lose though. Well... almost nothing. No matter what... I am sure the risk is worth it. I must head back. It's not safe here.

_Log #9
Something is wrong... This whole... trip was just too easy. Is it just my imagination, or does someone... clear the path before me? It can not be. Anyway... there was something going on in Frankfurt before my arrival. The... military activity was unusualy high that day. At first I thought they want to... catch me. I must admit... that thought scared me, but I was wrong... fortunately...? I think there was some meeting between the Order agents and the Rheinland military forces. I can not be sure... but... what if they are working togehter? Do they want to stop me? No... It can not be. My research could help us all... save the humanity. Why would they want to stop me? Maybe I should be more careful. I can not go back, until I know more about this possible... conspiracy. Better safe than sorry. Right?

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 08-16-2015

_Log #10
Well... I must admit, seeing that planet after clearing the nebula almost brought tears to my eyes. I was finally.... "home". Unfortunately not for long. There's still much to be done, but the hardest part is over. I managed to retrieve some data from Thebes' archives. This should help me in my upcoming research, but I am afraid I'll need some help. I wish Elizabeth was here with me, but she's not. I wish.... I wish I could bring her back, but I can not. What I can do however, is make sure no one else will suffer from the Nomad threat anymore. I promise you this Elizabeth... I will stop this fight, or die trying. For now I'll get some sleep in my apartment... God knows I need it.

...Log #10 supplement...


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RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 11-14-2015

_Log #11
Yesterdays meeting with the so called "O'Rhu"... cell did not really go as planned. Of course, I can not blame them for being... cautious, but still... . Maybe I am a bit too paranoid, but I can not afford to take any chances. However, the... traffic in the omicron Mu system was unusualy high. On my way to the planet I met a small group of fighters, bombers and a capital ship. They were... following a large ship, which was transmitting a Zoner IFF signature. I did not pay them much attention, but now I wonder if they were a... backup force of some kind. Maybe I should-... [...MISSING DATA...]

_Log #12
This is not good. An unknown type of energy... discharge overloaded my systems. I was... helplessly floating through an empty space for almost three hours. Fortunately I did not encounter any hostile nor... friendly ships, and was able to repair most of the sustained damage. That energy discharge originated within the... artifact. It is not supposed to be active... not yet at least. This complicates alot of things. I will have to... begin my research sooner than I expected. I think it is time to... pay a visit to my... old friend.

_Log #13
Well... this is just great. I was flying through Hokkaido system, when I... met two GC vessels. I made a mistake. My EOCS drive was damaged during the... accident that happened last week, therefore I was not able to... avoid direct confontation with these... "flowers". Unfortunately... they indeed are as simply minded as I was told. Nevertheless... one of them left shortly after my arrival, and I was... left alone with this... so called "Sister of Light". An interesting person. There was something... odd about her. Come to think of it... I guess she is just trying to... "look" rough, but somewhere... deep under that mask is a good person.
So... she was very... interested in the... artifact. I did not tell her anything important, but she could pose a... security risk in the future. What a... simple-minded individual. Blinded by her... fear she could not see the... greater good. Armed conflict would most likely damage the artifact, therefore I was forced to transfer it aboard her fighter, if I was to preserve it. It was a risky move, but... I had no choice. We flew together to Kyoto base, where she... gave the artifact to the local Blood Dragon... "experts" for... examination. We will meet again tomorrow, when these... experts are done with their... analysis.


_Log #14
The Blood Dragon leader has contacted The Order Overwatch and O'Rhu cell leader. I think he thought I am a... rogue agent of some sort... what an insult! Well, the important thing is that I have the artifact back... what a relief. The Order leaders confirmed my... identity, however they insist that I remain in Chugoku system until they can contact me. I really do not have time for this nonsense.

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 11-06-2016

_Log #15
I did not have much time to write my log entries, but since I have some spare time now I will try to catch up. These entries help me to keep my thoughts straight and... needless to say, it is also quite a relaxing thing to do. - I arrived at Sendai R.C. about two months ago, and since then I have been working tirelessly alongside my friend on the... artifact. The research was coming along quite nicely, even though it was not easy to avoid any compromising attention. I must admit, it was nice to be working with the 'Old-man' again. It reminded me of the old days, when the future seemed to be much brighter than it is now. Today is my last day here on Sendai. I just need to pack up a few things and I am ready to go. I will be heading to Alexandria Research Station... it is only a few jumps from here. We have done everything we cound here, and though I would like to spend more time with my old friend, it is time to move on. There is still much to be done before I have my first working prototype. I cannot afford to waste any more of my time.

_Log #16
It is not easy to ignore your past, but sometimes we do what we must to ensure a better future for those who are still worth saving. I should arrive at Alexandria in about two hours. After all this time... it is nice to be back in the home space. Come to think of it... can I still call it my home? What do you call a home? I lost everything here... it is more like a stain on my existence. A plague wound that should be burned out. These people here... fighting eatch other... blindly, bitterly... without any bright future whatsoever. They do not understand, probably never will. Some of them might...

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 11-10-2016

_Log #17
Oh, curse this thing. I must admit... I did not expect this to happen. It seems my energetic readings, gathered from the [CLASSIFIED], were flawed from the very beginning! This... is the reason why I have had so many errors in my calculations. Unacceptable! I will never be able to finish the prototype, unless I gather new readings. I do not like this... I do not like this at all. What are the odds that I will be able to find the... anomaly again? Curse this sloppy work! I have to go back there... hope that I find it again and gather new... correct readings. Stay with me Lizzy... we can do this... togehter.

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 02-21-2018

_Log #18
So... I have finally decided to move most of the research over to my new secured laboratory in [DATA ENCRYPTED] which shall, hopefully... ease my work and provide higher security. It is a shame that due to... unexpected complications I was unable to make any significant progress in my... project. This will change. Fortunately, I did manage to inform my... contact... in Rheinland, and the current plan is to head over there as soon as possible. Hopefully tomorrow.

RE: Personal log of Marcus Quinn - Jaffa - 02-27-2018

_Log #19
I have finally arrived at [DATA ENCRYPTED], located in Rheinland. To my surprise, however, the contact I had an appointment with has gone... missing. The local bartender said that (my contact) went to Munich system three days ago, and has not been heard from since. This is very... unsettling. I am going to resupply my ship and head to Munich system immediately. Hopefully I can find out what is going on.

_Log #20
According to the... scarce information I managed to gather from the crew on [DATA ENCRYPED] in Munich system, It would appear that my... contact was apprehended by local Military forces on her way back to Frankfurt. This is serious. There is a certain possibilty that my contact could possess information vital for successful development of my... project. More than that. There is no telling what information can the Military... extract from my contact. This puts me in a very... uneasy situation. Situation I will have to deal with... somehow. Soon. Right now I am on my way to Frankfurt for a quick resupply before heading back to Akabat, where I shall make plans and preparations for what is to come next.

_Log #21
As if things could not get any worse. On the way back to Omicron Mu system, my ship was caught in an... explosion caused by a volatile gas cloud in Sigma 13. Normally this would do no harm, but it fried most of my ship's engine circuits! There could have been some amount of... Dark matter residue present on the engine? I do not know... and it does not matter now. I barely made it to Omicron Sigma and docked on Cairo station. A close call indeed.
I am told that the engine is beyond repair... well at least I have some time to think while I wait for the engineers to outfit my ship with a brand new engine. Fortunately they had one...
