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The Soaring Jailbird - Printable Version

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The Soaring Jailbird - farmerman - 09-30-2008

You, good Libertonian, I am sure you are always hearing on the news about the threat the Liberty Rogues pose to your life and your well being. But have you ever thought about how they live?

And you, fair Bretonian, have you thought about the life of the Mollys? And Rheinlanders, have you considered the life of those tyrannical, piratic Hessians?

You probably have not. But if you had, you would have realized they live a life of excitement; A life of adventure; A life where one mistake could be their life.

Now you, too, can lead such a life but that is not all. You can lead such a life in comfort!

Want to drink like a Corsair, battle an Outcast, and still have time to sleep like a VIP? Now you can!

The Soaring Jailbird, a new cruise ship from Libertonian Advertures Unlimited, a subsidiary of Orbital Spa and Cruise, can take you there. It is an actual decommissioned Liberty Prison Liner, retrofitted for your comfort in mind. Some of the criminal elements mentioned above may have even been transported about it. It includes decks tailored to a variety of themes, including, but not limited to, the following:

The Corsair deck lets you live the life of one of these savage brutes, pillaging shipping and fighting Outcasts.

The Outcast deck simulates the life of a cardamine smuggler*, living a life of intrigue and danger.

The Lane Hacker deck is our most high tech. Ever want to see state of the art secret military technology? Now you can!**

The Gaian deck simulates a wonderful tropic paradise, much like the one those terroristic Bretonians fight for.

The Golden Chrysanthemum deck is one of our most popular. It includes a traditional Kusari theme along with many actual Chrysanthemums themselves, or at least a close facsimile. You will be having a far too enjoyable time to even notice the difference.

But the jewel of the ship is the prison levels. Yes, they are the actual cells prisoners were long transported in. Only we have upgraded them to VIP level so you can enjoy the ride.

Come one and come all, live a life of excitement and see exotic locales aboard the Soaring Jailbird!

Trips begin soon and places are filling up fast don't forget to make your reservations today!

*No actual drugs are present, as per Liberty law.
**No actual secret military technology present.