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Bretonian War Cabinet, Base Construction Location - Printable Version

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Bretonian War Cabinet, Base Construction Location - Black Jack - 02-18-2015

Greetings Ladies and gentlemen.

I'm writing this letter to you because i've heared roomers about asking special permission from Bretonian War Cabinet about constructing bases closer than 10k to stations.

Let me tell you about myself first. My name is Jack Stivenson. I born in Omicron Delta system, Station Freeport 11. Me and 6 other scientists were constructing base in Omicron Delta system to make there a laboratory for construction all types of modules and delivering it to people of Sirius Sector. We tryed to construct base there for many times (4 to be corect) and all times it was for nothing. Lot's of nomad activity made this impossible.

So now we need to leave our home in order to construct that lab at all casts to deliver our fine products to people of Sirius. We choosed Omega 3 system as it's in the middle of Bretonia and Rheinland, so we can ask about delivering all types of goods that we need from both houses from their shipping factions. Also we choosed plase for that construction. It's following: -18317; 0; -19079 (or close to it); Sector 3C (Low, right side) That's 3.3k from Freeport 1. Base will always belong to Zoner scientists and to noone else. And as there is NFZ (No Fire Zone) near our bases i think that this is best plase for base construction. It will be better if our own patrols wil defend our base if someone attacks it even in Omega 3 system near Freeport 1. Also we will be escorted to Omega 3 system by few BHG ships. If they will deside to stay there with us they maby help Police dealing with pirates, but it's all from their own choise.

I've already appealed to BPI about base construction that you can see below:

We hope for your fast respond as our ships are already ready to take off from Omicrons and come to Omega 3.

Jack Stivenson out.

RE: Bretonian War Cabinet, Base Construction Location - Marcus - 02-19-2015

Jack Stivenson,
Your proposal for special consideration has been forwarded to the Investigations Division for a feasibility study of allowing your request, with the outcome of said study dictating the success of your application.
You are quite right in that there has been a recent application for the construction of a base within the 10k limit of stations, specifically at Freeport 1. As such I'll forward you the same feasibility study that was performed for their benefit.

Special dispensation feasibility study; [REDACTED]
The restriction of construction for new bases close to pre-existing infrastructure. There are several concerns that are initially obvious; Most present would be the presence of Freeport 1 (FP1). The extreme political nature of Freeport 1 makes any interference within the No Fire Zone (NFZ) a hazard to the stability of the the region. Changes with the NFZ would require the additional permission of the Freeport 1 administration.
In addition to building within the 10k limit around FP1 it also is within range of the trade lane network. The Omega 3 lane network is a major trade corridor to Rheinland and the addition of a new large installation along the lanes is deemed to interfere with the smooth passage of trade to and from Bretonia. The additional construction platforms, supply and maintenance craft in proximity to the main path of travel would cause traffic delays in a system with a high pirate presence. The only suitable counter to ensure the safety of civilian traffic would be the extension of the Cambridge Line, which is deemed to be unfeasible at this time. Predicated accidents and incidents from a research station is suggested to cause additional problems for passing craft, including but not limited to; loitering transport haulers in No Standing Zones, explosive decompression of station areas and weapon system malfunctions causing a 'disturbance'.

The scientific research benefits, mining boost and strategic location of a supply and repair station is predicted to be insignificant to counter the political and economic ramifications. Thus it is the recommendation of this division that the request for special dispensation for the construction of [REDACTED] should be Denied.

Unfortunately Mr Stivenson the result for your request is the same and therefore acting under authority from the Bretonian War Cabinet we regret to inform you that your request to construct a new facility within the Omega 3 system is denied until new construction coordinates have been provided. Due to nature of FP1 it is suggested that any further locations avoid proximity to FP1.

Lady Kensington
Chief of Investigation
Bretonia Police Authority

RE: Bretonian War Cabinet, Base Construction Location - Black Jack - 02-19-2015

Greetings again.

My colleagues told me that you won't agree for base construction in this place, but there always a hope.

So. We all voted for base location in Graham Ice cloud next to Omega 3 anomaly. There is a very good plase for sciense work. So new base coordinates are following: Sector C5 Left side (around -31465 0 6011). That is: 10.5-11k from nearest trade lane, 10.9-10.4k tfrom Cambridje Jump Gate, 25k from Freeport 1, 14.5-15k from Planet Sprague and 11-11.5k from Cambridje Jump Hole. Everything is more than 10k away.

Our ships are ready to take off. Only waiting for your respond.

Jack Stivenson out.