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Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - Printable Version

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Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - LunaticOnTheGrass - 02-19-2015

Message Received
To: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay
Sender: Oberst Erich Klugmann, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
Origin: Frankfurt Relay #3, Bruchsal Base


[Image: hCc243n.jpg]

I am contacting you tonight regarding an incident that occurred with a Squadron of four Hessian snubcraft and a returning pair of Widerstandsarmee Smuggling Transports outside Bruchsal Base.

I'm attaching a record of the conversation that occurred.

From what I can discern, the Buro Agent was engaged in his... "Game" on the Dark Side of Planet Holstein, fifteen klicks from Bruchsal itself as he commonly is. I've threatened him to leave our territory twice, and I'm informed that two Aktivists neutralized his ship after a third attempt.

I'm much more concerned with the passive-aggressive nature that these Hessians demonstrated, one of them visibly bearing the identification of the Hessian Primary Armee. The accusations of "traitory" are, quite frankly, laughable. The Exiled Party has never and will never permit any finality of peace between itself and the Federal Republic that it created until it is toppled and washed away in entirety.

I have never claimed that the Hessians "should fall", but amongst the Widerstandsarmee I have been critical of its methods for some time. With all due respect, this unprovoked treatment of our Aktivists by your forces only emboldens my feelings of discontent with the Hessen Armee. I'd be led to believe by the words of this Squadron that they are instructed to follow the maxim "You're with us, or against us."

Dare I remind you, of course, that while this squadron made thorough mention of our supposed "traitorous tactics", the Hessian movement tolerates Unioner involvement in its Blood Diamond smuggling while the Unioners openly work alongside the Corsairs to sack Munich, well out of the way of typical Hessian patrols.

I've invited the Party Chair Freya Eistochter to contribute her own input to this situation and that of our respective relations. I hope you have an explanation for the both of us.

End Message

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - Zayne Carrick - 02-19-2015

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Herr Klugmann.

You were wise to contact me first, before throwing your false accusations to Oberkommando himself. His reaction on this cannot be predicted.

First of all, herr Enfield of Buro. I've met him personally and while he looks completely mad, this can be a smart disguise to catch his enemies off guard. It's also interesting that you gave him, a mad as hell enemy of Volksrevolution, 2 warnings before finally dispatch a group to eliminate him. It seems you're tolerating many things. But its true that 2 transports could do nothing to him.

Yet suggestion of Major von Bartels to launch a fighter wing from Bruschal is logical one, you're saying it's your territory, yet you allow enemies to play their weird games(and monitor your traffic) freely? Suspicious? Undoubtedly!

Also, it seems that you and your views on Red Hessian Army hurt herr Bartles that deeply, that he is assuming by default, that each member of Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee shares them, there's nothing I can do with it.

Now, to the Unioner problem. There's no such problem. Previous group, the Rheinland Arbeiter Partei dared to betray us, striking deals with Corsairs behind our back. They paid for it with their lives. Current unioner's governing body, The Unioners swore their allegiance to the cause of Volksrevolution and so far, gave us no reasons to doubt them. If you have some information we don't know about The Unioners, please share it.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - TheJarl - 02-19-2015

Message Received
To: Siegfried Draay; Erich Klugmann
Sender: Parteivorsitzende Freya Eistochter
Origin: Munich Relay #5


Guten Tag,

I have always had a good relation with the Rote Hessen and I've always been in favour of our intense cooperation. Herr Klugmann stated he occasionally questioned the methods of the Hessen, I did not. I realized the differences between our movements and that different circumstances ask for different methods. Yet now I'm starting to doubt all that. I might have to remind you that we are allies, we are not your subjects. The Bundschuh Partei and the Rote Hessen are bound together by common goals and mutual trust.

You read the conversation logs and you even admit that our transports couldn't do anything. How can you still claim that the accusations are false while admitting that we are right? Most ridiculous of all, you claim we are supsicious yet the Unioners are no problem to you? Your claims against us are based on some vague circumstantial evidence at best. It's barely anything that points at us at all. Yet an organisation that for years has done nothing but terrorize the citizens of Rheinland, ally with some barbarians, your sworn enemy I might remind you, and sometimes even kill my partymembers, that seems completely trustworthy to you? Are you mocking us, Brigadegeneral? So if they suddenly claim they are friends again then you believe them? After joining up with the Corsairs, after spilling the blood of innocents, after for so long not having done a single thing for the sake of the revolution? But we who are fighting the government's forces every day, we are suspicious?

You might have had me, the party leader, at your side, but if you insist on mocking us in such a manner then I'm inclined to move towards the stance of the Oberst of the Widerstands.

I suggest that either you take our concerns seriously or you let someone else in your organisation who has the time to properly deal with this issue take over instead.

I hope the next response will be more satisfying.

End Message

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - Zayne Carrick - 02-19-2015

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Parteivorsitzende Eistochter.

First of all, herr Klugmann's accusations are indeed false ones.

During that encounter only herr von Manstein accused VWA in "traitorous tactics", which's quite understandable, since herr Manstein have joined our cause only recently. I'm pointing to the fact that being a traitor and using traitorous tactics are 2 different things. Yet comrade Klugmann throwed his
Quote:The accusations of "traitory" are, quite frankly, laughable.
like someone, especially someone from Red Hessian Army said that Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee are traitors.

Not your movement itself is suspicious, just the actions you've taken against certain BDM agent right outside your base. Instead of telling us of disappointment, maybe you'll care to explain us, why he has been tolerated for so long?

Unioners don't have our trust. Nor have the assorted pirate groups we tolerate. Yet I'm ready to accept as an wingmen not only Unioner, but a killer of thousand innocents, as long as he'll do what I ask. In best case he'll die in battle, partially cleaning his name by sacrifice, in worst he'll be dealed with after triumph of Volksrevolution.
And The Unioners have indeed served our cause well, here're few recent examples.
[Image: u0pHxOst.png] [Image: Bm9TwZst.png]
So please, don't tell me that they've done nothing.
If you have anything against The Unioners, I suggest you'll deal with them on your own. Or show us something more than words about Unioners treachery.

Oh, and last thing. If you want to talk to Oberkommando himself, that can be done. But he doesn't have my temperance and patience, so it would likely result in even bigger disappointment for you and anger for Oberkommando.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - LunaticOnTheGrass - 02-22-2015

Message Received
To: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay
Sender: Oberst Erich Klugmann, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
Origin: Frankfurt Relay #2, Oberst's Terminal


[Image: hCc243n.jpg]

We haven't tolerated the Buro agent. It's merely that no matter how many times we've shot down his snubcraft, he continues to return. In fact, in the most recent incident, we were forced to not only handle his fighter and the subsequent Tertiary Fleet reinforcements summoned to Holstein, but also a Secondary Fleet "Bismarck" battleship equipped with a Jump Drive.

We've repeatedly scrambled fighters and bombers against incursions to Bruchsal and the Taunusfeld, and with the tone that the four-man squadron was taking towards our transports during that incident, we reacted accordingly.

The methods by which you refer to Unioners and unaffiliated pirates or butchers of innocents imply that they are a tool to be disposed of when they are no longer of use to the Hessen Armee. Are we, the Exiled Party, to be treated similarly?

Put your Oberkommando in the Transmission. I'm finding all of this quite enlightening.

End Message

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - Zayne Carrick - 02-22-2015

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, herr Klugmann.
The Oberkommando carefully read this transmission. Let me quote him.

Quote:Those people are dare to question hundreds of years of cooperation and friendship over minor incindents? Something is definitely wrong with Volksrevolution if we came to this. And if something wrong it needs to be turned right.
It's especially terrifying, that you, Klugmann, want to have positive answer on your question. Because no reasonable man briefly aware of Volksrevolution history would have thought, that Bundschuh would be disposed after our common success. You hate your own people that much?

I'm afraid that's all commentaries made by Oberkommando.

Additionally, I'd like to point, that herr Draay said disposable not about Unioners, but about imaginary killer of thousand innocents.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - TheJarl - 02-24-2015

Message Received
To: The Rote Hessen Armee leadership
Sender: Parteivorsitzende Freya Eistochter
Origin: Dresden Relay #2


[Image: uxj219x.jpg]

Diplomat Ludewig, Brigadegeneral Draay, Oberkommando,

I, as Parteivorsitzende, do not question our cooperation. There are however members of the Bundschuhpartei, specifically of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee, that are raising concerns about the Rote Hessen. None of us were born when the alliance started so I can not blame them for not blindly accepting the Rote Hessen as friends. For all of us, the alliance simply is and always was, people are wondering why. That in itself is not a problem, people should always be critical. The problem is that incidents like in the Taunusfield point those people in the wrong direction with their thinking. An unfriendly encounter like that which some might even interpret as patronizing will give our members a negative image of the Rote Hessen. That image is of course wrong, but it can not be corrected from within the party alone.

Therefore, in order to restore the image of the Hessen and to save our warm relations my suggestion would be to respect the Widerstand's forces in making autonomous decisions. You may doubt our decisions, but I've burned down many Military and barbarian vessels, I've been at this for years. You've had contact with me since the days of the old Volksfront, if you do not trust me then there's nobody you will.

So trust in me and my people for now and the party's trust in you will no doubt be restored as well. To that end, I would also like to suggest that you keep any cooperation with the Unioners away from the Bundschuh. Since the skirmishes with the Unioners of the AGS and the Volksfront years ago the Party's members probably will never be able to accept them as revolutionaries again and that goes for me personally as well.

I hope this simple approach to our cooperation will lay concerns within the party to rest and restore our friendship.

Mit freundliche Grüßen,
Freya Eistochter
Vorstizende der Bundschuhpartei

End Message

RE: Transmission to the Rote Hessen Armee; CC: VWA Vorsitzende - Zayne Carrick - 02-24-2015

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Parteivorsitzende Eistochter.

The Oberkommando left me to close this case.
And it's finally good to hear voice of reason and I hope that reason, not personal ambitions would rule within Bundschuh movement.

Today's battle of Frankfurt reminded me of many things. That we're all Rheinlanders. That we're ready to protect Vaterland and Volksrevolution with our lifes, if necessary. And that I can call herr Klugmann my comrade.
Yet it raised few questions aswell. Our scouts reported that Corsair fleet came through Omega-11 and Dresden, not from Sigmas as it could've been expected. Either corsair's intelligence works far better than we've expected, being able to map all dangers and jumpholes, or you're indeed right that Unioners haven't stopped playing for both sides.

Transmission terminated.