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Admission to Congress/Sponcer - Printable Version

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Admission to Congress/Sponcer - StarRaven - 02-23-2015

********Incoming transmission*********
**********Signal strength : Excellent***********

I am honored to come to you today and ask to present myself for the inspection
of the Junker Congress. My name is Star Raven, as some of you already know. I
humbly submit my application to the Junker Congress for review. For the past
week or so I have flown with different Congressmen and women in attempts to
further my Junker knowledge. I have met many assorted pilots in that time and
have enjoyed myself. I was born on planet Pittsburgh as a wee lad and learned
the ways of mining at an early age.....scrapping was next in line.....this just didn't
appease me, so I did some time as a freelance mercenary doing bounties and
things I can never speak of again.....after learning the art of war I deemed it
better to seek a peaceful solution to all problems....but I am always ready if the
outcome is negative. I am a trader/miner, proficient in gold ore and premium
scrap. I briefly talked with Wild Bill the other day and even though I don't have
a sponcer yet, I am posting my application here for submission. My Ship ID's are
as follows : 1) Junkernaut - Salvage Frigate 2) JunkernautII - CSF miner/escort
3) StarRavenII - Borderworlds gunship/security/escort
4) StarRavenIII - Hedgeman mining vessel

I hope one of you fine gentlemen or ladies would take the time to sponcer myself
as I can bring skills to the table that in my opinion would further the Junker
cause. Thank you for your time........<safe skies>......
- Star Raven out -

*********Ending transmission*********

RE: Admission to Congress/Sponcer - Zero-Razor - 02-24-2015

****Incoming Signal****
****Output - Nominal****

Hello there Congress, I am a loyal Junker been around these debris fields for years.. So if I could be a useful asset to your organization I am ready as soon as you are.. I hope this can be helpful thanks!

****End Transmission****