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To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Printable Version

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To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Pavel - 02-25-2015

=== Incoming Transmission ===

This is Rolf Fjorn, I'm commander of Fjorn's Freebooters, loose hessian unit staging from Ronneburg.

We have high losses after new meetings with so liked by us all Corsairs in Omega-5. Too high losses. My squadron was nearly wiped out. We need more men - that is not a problem as every day we have at least few new newbies arriving at Ronneburg to get thrown into the meatgrinder. Fuel, supplies, ammo, spare parts, that all is a problem - everything what makes our ships fly. I already asked Army for some, but I don't think they can spare much of theirs - we hessians are currently throwing majority of our forces to Dresden and other core Rheinland systems. I contact your organisations because I know you are true friends of the hessian cause, and won't tax us high, if at all (I hope) for your services, unlike Junkers would. I'm not asking for much - any material aid delivered to Ronneburg will help us greatly, in squadron's current state, things can't get much worse...

Confirm your participance and deliveries on this frequency, and I assure you Freeboters will pay off the gratitude debt, maybe not in money, but in strikes against your enemies, which are also our enemies.

=== Signal Lost ===

RE: To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Holman's Heroes - 02-25-2015

[Image: EH2o73C.png]

Guten Tag to you, Mr. Fjorn. I'm Hannes Galland of Holman's Heroes.

I must admit I'm not familiar with the Freebooters, but we are always happy to help any subgroup of the Red Hessian revolutionary movement.
Our logistics fleet is not exactly massive, but I'm sure we can find pilots willing to bring some supplies, myself included.

We will report in this channel once the goods start coming in.

- Galland

RE: To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Pavel - 04-11-2015

=== Incoming Transmission ===


=== Signal Lost ===

RE: To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Independent Miners Guild - 04-11-2015

[Image: 264px-ImgLogo.png]

Mr Fjorn, the Guild is always willing to support the righteous cause of the Red Hessians. Unfortunately at this moment we cannot do this publicly.

We could use freelancer vessels or instead the Holman's Heroes sub-group could bring you all these essential supplies.

Irene Thompson

RE: To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Independent Miners Guild - 04-20-2015

[Image: 264px-ImgLogo.png]

Arnaments, Munitions, Engine Components, Black Market Munitions, H-Fuel and Light Arms were delivered to Ronneburg as promised. 1 - 2 - 3

I hope you are now adequately supplied and you can continue your noble war against Rheinland's corporate regime or against the Corsair savages. Today we also launched an offensive in Omega-5 in an effort to keep the Corsair threat in check.

Irene Thompson

RE: To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 04-30-2015

[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Rolf Fjorn, commander o' d' Fjorn's Freebooters,

Oy's Blodwyn o' Driscoll frem d'Republic o' Dublin, un' we did receive yer transmission, dat's fer shure.
So oy's 'ere tae inform ye dat d'council decoided tae help ye at Ronnenburg boye shippin' ye d'supplies ye need. E'en oif it moight takes some toime tae set up a convoy tae o-foive, we won't let aour friend dere widaout proper support.
Oy hope dhat what we'll bring ye dere will be usefull tae ye.

Slán agat !

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: IMG, HH, Mollys, Coalition - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 06-08-2015

[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Ser Fjorn,

It took oos some toime un' effort, but we managed tae deliver tae Ronneburg, quoite a lot o' supplies.As ye 'll notoice we took the freedom to had some commodities for the welfare o' yer men :

3805 Engine components ; status :Delivered
3805 H-fuel ; status : Delivered
4065 Nanotubes ; status : Delivered
4065 Robotics ; status : Delivered
3805 Robotics ; status : Delivered
2065 Food rations and 2000 light arms ; status : Food delivery ; Light arms delivery
4065 Tobacco ; status : Delivered

Oy hope dhat ye'll be satified o' what we brought, un' oif ye need sumtin' else, o' more o' doses alreaday delkivered, dun hesitates tae contact oos.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-